NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

Demir Turgut Iremkoltuk
[email protected]
June 24, 1979
Rifat Kök
[email protected]
February 2, 1995
Yasar Kula
[email protected]
October 29, 1962
Mustafa Çakmak
[email protected]
November 1, 1968
Ismail Yýldýrým
[email protected]
July 7, 1972
Celalettin Arslan
[email protected]
October 8, 1966
Tacettin Demir
[email protected]
November 26, 1959
Sedat Bayrak
[email protected]
August 24, 1978
Adabirlik Birlik
[email protected]
January 1, 1980
Engin Yýlmazer
[email protected]
February 6, 1978
Þenol Ak
[email protected]
December 10
Nevzat Alpar
[email protected]
December 30, 1971
Ramazan Gedik
[email protected]
October 21, 1978
Tc Muhammet Ünlüer
[email protected]
August 2, 1989
Kastamonu Azdavay
[email protected]
Mustafa Öztaþ
March 15, 1970
Tes Aðlý Kastamonu
[email protected]
February 5, 1962
Kadir Güner
[email protected]
January 1, 1985
Güngör Bakýrcý
[email protected]
September 20, 1969
Hakký Çaylan
[email protected]
May 15, 1978
Nevzat Özkan
[email protected]
Erkan Ak
[email protected]
February 4, 1967
Cideli Kemaneci Mehmet Koç
[email protected]
Mehmet Alpan
[email protected]
June 8, 1969
Hüseyin Yýlmaz
[email protected]
August 25
Bize Her Yer Kastamonu
[email protected]
Sinan Çakýr
[email protected]
December 9, 1988
Güven Mermer
February 20, 1970
Mehmet Tozan
[email protected]
April 14, 1967
Cemil Kula
[email protected]
April 1, 1971
Hüseyin Demirtaþ
[email protected]
October 16, 1962
Erdal Taþken
[email protected]
August 11, 1978
Bahattin Dagli
August 1, 1959
Mevlüt Çakmak
[email protected]
June 1, 1975
Adnan Gülver
[email protected]
March 2, 1962
Cemil Yýldýrým
[email protected]
April 12, 1985
Ali Güner
[email protected]
June 6, 1981
Stroplast Ari Kovanlari
Bilal Görgülü
[email protected]
September 20, 1966
Cide Durgutlar Kargo Nalburiye
[email protected]
January 10, 1980
Yusuf Kýzýlçardak
[email protected]
March 5, 1969
Mehmet Acar
[email protected]
November 28, 1980
Enver Kar
[email protected]
March 1, 1967
Mevlüt Ekren
[email protected]
January 24, 1979
Boyacý Cide
November 29, 1954
Özay Tekin
[email protected]
March 1, 1971
Mehmet Yilmaz
[email protected]
June 1, 1964
Kemaneci Mýstýk
[email protected]
June 1, 1971
Ercan Cakmak
[email protected]
February 12, 1978
Ibrahim Cevik
[email protected]
February 5, 1974
Ali Demir
[email protected]
May 1, 1980
Mehmet Çetinkaya
[email protected]
June 5, 1957
Bienenkönigin Çelebi
[email protected]
July 7, 1968
Mustafa Azðýn
[email protected]
January 1, 1966
Cide Terminal Taksi Duraðý
[email protected]
October 20, 1983
Salim Demirci
[email protected]
January 2, 1965
Sezer Çimen
[email protected]
June 15, 1981
Ismail Özdemir
[email protected]
December 21, 1977
Þenpazarli Köçek Ilkay
[email protected]
July 1, 1998
Birol Erdoðan
May 16, 1974
Salih Erdoðan
[email protected]
January 25, 1971
Çakýr Mustafa Kývanç
[email protected]
June 1, 1969
Akilli Aricilik Birol Akilli
[email protected]
November 13, 1979
Hasan Eliçabuk
[email protected]
September 10, 1965
Istamonu Gaste
[email protected]
Hüseyin Koç
[email protected]
December 8, 1960
Yücel Köktürk
[email protected]
September 22
Ali Aksoy
[email protected]
June 18, 1978
Ali Öztürk
[email protected]
January 11, 1981
Batuhan Seyda Yýlmaz
[email protected]
October 23, 1995
Þaban Can Kasder Bayrampaþa
[email protected]
Ali Aktaþ
[email protected]
May 1, 1981
Yücel Demirtaþ
[email protected]
April 1, 1977
Gözde Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
September 25, 1987
Murat Dastemir
[email protected]
January 1, 1992
Sýtký Özlem Bircan
[email protected]
Recep Çetinkaya
[email protected]
May 20, 1974
Ilgaz Ana Arý Üretimi
[email protected]
November 10, 1958
Bahattin Demirtaþ
[email protected]
January 12, 1960
Ömer Yiðit
[email protected]
May 3, 1985
Nur Pompa
[email protected]
March 1, 1967
Bakcaklar Pansiyon Cide
[email protected]
Ramazan Baþ
August 10, 1978
Ali H Mhammed
[email protected]
January 11, 1990
Necmi Yýlmaz
[email protected]
February 10, 1960
Ahmet Kalpak
[email protected]
January 12, 1965
Serdar Derin
[email protected]
March 2, 1985
Erkan Caglayan
[email protected]
May 10, 1981
Halil Fatma Nur Yýldýrým
December 9, 1992
Cemalettin Ilgün
October 10, 1962
Ismail Bayrak
[email protected]
March 22, 1963
Mustafa Kurban
[email protected]
April 1, 1959
Ertan Þahin
[email protected]
March 12, 1966
Mustafa Kemal Tezol
March 10, 1965
Ali Aydýn
[email protected]
September 7, 1957
Mustafa Calik
[email protected]
November 1, 1960
Mehmet Durgut
[email protected]
April 1, 1974
Ergin Çelik
[email protected]
February 15, 1972
Selamettin Çetinkaya
[email protected]
February 2, 1960
Recep Yýldýz
June 1, 1959
Çýtýr Sami
[email protected]
May 1, 1968
A Gökhan Dellal
[email protected]
Ismail Erþahin
[email protected]
May 22, 1961
Ismail Erþahin
[email protected]
May 22
Ramazan Boyacý
[email protected]
November 18, 1969
Ýzzet Önen
June 26, 1979
Mehmet Yýlmaz
[email protected]
January 1, 1965
Murat Uymaz
[email protected]
June 15, 1979
Tayfun Kara
July 1, 1983
Ertan Konuk
[email protected]
September 4, 1987
Muharrem Baðlan
[email protected]
March 21, 1965
Hikmet Þentürk
[email protected]
June 1, 1965
Vedat Andað
[email protected]
February 15, 1974
Emrullah Duru
[email protected]
October 11, 1980
Adatepe Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
February 1, 1972
Tuncay Yavuz
June 8, 1973
Mehmet Çelik
[email protected]
February 2, 1958
Ramazan Atalay
[email protected]
May 5, 1959
Hasan Gunes
[email protected]
January 13, 1981
Hasan Bora
[email protected]
October 27, 1965
Mustafa Günaydýn
[email protected]
September 12, 1967
Sefa Tezcan Tezcan
[email protected]
October 4, 1969
Kastamonulu Erdo
[email protected]
November 3, 1970
Mehmet Arif Özdemir
[email protected]
April 6, 1959
Halil Iþýk
[email protected]
October 1, 1972
Serkan Yavuz
[email protected]
Halil Ibrahim Kalaycýoðlu
[email protected]
April 1, 1969
Sabri Tekiner
[email protected]
March 15, 1955
Ahmet Vurkun
[email protected]
July 1, 1974
Mehmet Saygýn
[email protected]
January 21, 1968
Halil Ertop
[email protected]
May 17, 1978
Mustafa Acar
November 20, 1970
Onur Zarifem Gürçay
May 6, 1995
Meryem Doðan
[email protected]
January 1, 1980
Mustafa Yavuz
May 1, 1955
Hasanhuseyin Yavuz
[email protected]
February 28, 1966
Hüseyin Ergün
[email protected]
April 22, 1960
Erol Kocatepe
[email protected]
July 8, 1968
Rasim Yilmaz
[email protected]
October 20, 1976
Mehmet Kýlýç
[email protected]
February 5, 1977
Mehmet Gürçay
[email protected]
April 1, 1976
Mustafa Güneþ
January 27, 1978
Þaban Öztürk
[email protected]
January 1, 1978
Maradonafahri Çelik
[email protected]
October 9, 1969
Aykut Uygun
[email protected]
July 11, 1997
Tevfik Orman
[email protected]
February 13, 1981
Numan Kapucu
[email protected]
February 10, 1970
Abdulkerim Yigittekin
[email protected]
January 1, 1973
Vedat Erdemli
January 9, 1967
Melahat Gülbin
[email protected]
January 10, 1966
Ramazan Arslan
[email protected]
September 29, 1973
Yýldýray Saðdýç
January 10, 1991
Abana Bozkurt Kastamonu
[email protected]
May 4, 1980
Fatma Çevik
[email protected]
April 1, 1967
Hikmet Erdem
January 5, 1974
Sedat Süzen
January 1, 2000
TC Mürvet Can Topcu
[email protected]
Þenol Ak
[email protected]
December 8, 1964
Raþit Arslan
[email protected]
February 7, 1956
Sus Kun Arýcýlýk Mustafa
Mustafa Çýnar
[email protected]
April 8, 1978
Ismail Ercan
[email protected]
March 6, 1960
Bilal Özdemir
[email protected]
November 10, 1982
Ömer Yaman
[email protected]
May 19, 1984
Engin Kara
[email protected]
March 4, 1970
Recep Hurma
[email protected]
February 3, 1956
Sedat Erdoðan
[email protected]
August 5, 1964
Hakký Yýldýz
[email protected]
December 6, 1987
Yunus Altuntaþ
[email protected]
August 8, 1988
Muhammet Fettahoglu
[email protected]
October 1, 1956
Ersin Çevik
[email protected]
Emir Efe Demirtaþ
[email protected]
July 9, 1995
Erol Yavuz
[email protected]
August 13, 1969
Mustafa Arslan
[email protected]
April 1, 1972
Feridun Bayrakk
[email protected]
June 1, 1964
Inebolu Ilçesi
[email protected]
May 12, 1987
Ibrahim Dinçer
[email protected]
July 10, 1961
Bilal Erdoðan
[email protected]
Avrasya Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
March 2
Basri Yýldýrým
[email protected]
April 4, 1960
Mustafa Sevim
[email protected]
March 1, 1968
TC Daday Belediyesi
[email protected]
M Oguzhan Yavuz
[email protected]
September 7, 1977
Hüseyin Yýlmaz
[email protected]
September 1, 1967
Erdoðan Yýlmaz
[email protected]
February 1, 1966
Batuhan Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
July 15, 1968
Cide Gentr
[email protected]
January 17, 1960
Arif Tutkun
[email protected]
October 22, 1962
rows visible

Hüsamettin Öztürk
[email protected]
May 4, 1970
Ýrfan Sözen
[email protected]
August 1, 1966
Emrah Bora
[email protected]
February 24, 1993
Ali Rýza Ay
[email protected]
April 1, 1964
Mehmet Yenil
[email protected]
February 21, 1967
Memiþ Türcan
[email protected]
June 1, 1966
Mustafa Gul
[email protected]
May 1, 1987
Ali Ok
[email protected]
August 25, 1978
Metin Bayrak
[email protected]
August 25, 1975
Mustafa Dev
October 1, 1971
Tufan Seydioðlu
[email protected]
August 8, 1967
Salih Erdoðan
[email protected]
February 14, 1986
Ana Arý
[email protected]
Nedim Genc
[email protected]
Ekrem Soysal
[email protected]
February 2, 1957
Osman Samur
October 1, 1978
Hüseyin Tekiner
[email protected]
Muharrem Usta Yýlmaz
[email protected]
December 5, 1980
Birol Tutkun
[email protected]
January 1, 1978
Mustafa Turcan
[email protected]
May 7, 2003
Bayram Yaylan
[email protected]
May 20, 1964
Þerafettin Yavuz
[email protected]
August 4, 1965
Ismail Akyüz
[email protected]
November 3, 1981
Burak Kar
November 7, 2000
Arif Yurdakul
[email protected]
January 1, 1971
Kudret Arslan
[email protected]
April 19, 1991
Emin Ar
[email protected]
April 24, 1983
Selahattin Arslan
[email protected]
December 1, 1976
Abdullah Ercan
[email protected]
March 10, 1953
Muhammet Çevik
[email protected]
February 6, 1963
Ahmet Gözen
[email protected]
January 31, 1958
Ibrahim Aksoy
[email protected]
November 26, 1974
Zirve Kastamonu
[email protected]
Altan Iþýk
July 25, 1985
Miskos Helva
[email protected]
Ahmet Çelik
[email protected]
December 30, 1956
Aydin Köçek
[email protected]
Erol Yýldýrým
[email protected]
January 1, 1970
Nurettin Sezgin
[email protected]
March 13, 1960
Ziya Demir
[email protected]
January 6, 1968
Halit Açar
[email protected]
July 13, 1964
Ýsmail Tutkun
June 2, 1980
Mehmet Kýlýç
June 3, 1977
Anadolu Arýsý
[email protected]
August 18, 1972
Ali Bayrak
[email protected]
October 8
Mehmet Erman
[email protected]
February 15, 1960
Cengiz Derya Sercek
[email protected]
March 11, 1986
Mahir Demir
March 25, 1973
Ramazan Arslan
[email protected]
February 21, 1991
Nevzat Ipar
[email protected]
July 10, 1957
Korkut Ata
[email protected]
August 1, 1988
Ýsmail Gül
December 22, 1980
Hakan Merci
[email protected]
February 26, 1979
Ýrfan Taylan
[email protected]
July 10, 1972
Huseyin Ok
July 7, 1965
Hayrettin Aytan
[email protected]
July 26, 1977
Metin Iþýk
[email protected]
April 2, 1960
Kerem Çelen
[email protected]
May 16, 2002
Muharrem Dinç
[email protected]
December 17, 1957
Kemal Aytan
[email protected]
October 4, 1963
Gültekin Bozkurt
April 10, 1977
Mirili Arýcýlýk Fatih
[email protected]
Murat Yalçin
August 16, 1981
Ramazan Ok
[email protected]
October 1, 1973
Dursun Sözen
April 4, 1978
Cevdet Yolcu
[email protected]
June 2, 1973
Semih Zengin
[email protected]
March 25, 1998
Mazlum Kilinc
August 13, 1954
Hüseyin Aðdaþ
[email protected]
August 3, 1965
Bayram Demirtaþ
[email protected]
August 23, 1977
Ahmet Ýnci
[email protected]
Yilmaz Demirtaþ
[email protected]
March 2, 1984
Osman Yýldýrým
[email protected]
December 22, 1976
Mehmet Yilmaz
[email protected]
May 23, 1960
Cevat Yýlmazcan
August 1, 1968
Mustafa Bakmaz
[email protected]
February 10, 1990
Þaban OK
[email protected]
January 1, 1970
Mustafa Bakan
February 10, 1973
Rahmi Demir
February 7, 1970
Mustafaa Kesmen
February 12, 1960
Tc Ahmet Koc
December 25, 1974
Kenan Turgut
August 8, 1961
Hasan Yýldýrým
January 1, 1963
Sukru Öksüz
[email protected]
December 24, 1984
Alaattin Aktas
January 1, 1957
Orhan Çalýþýr
May 2, 1973
Orhan Aktaþ
[email protected]
April 1, 1972
Ismail Seymen
January 1, 1972
Volkan Korkmaz
[email protected]
March 26, 1995
Adem Yýlmaz
[email protected]
July 23, 1970
Resul Demir
January 1, 1974
Ahmet Altýntaþ
[email protected]
September 30, 1978
Kamuran Ýz
[email protected]
November 1, 1960
Sedat Kar
[email protected]
June 9, 1975
Cavit Ay
January 1, 1964
Ferdi Ok
[email protected]
April 4, 1978
Çorumlu Refik Usta
January 16, 1965
Furkan Yavuz
[email protected]
September 15, 1996
Ali Akgol
[email protected]
January 1, 1980
Ahmet Tekiner
September 15, 1966
rows visible

Erdoðan Arman
[email protected]
July 17, 1970
Mehmet Ayna
[email protected]
January 1, 1979
Saban Gureses
February 1, 1971
Ziya Taçgýn
[email protected]
December 21, 1976
Ýsmail Er
[email protected]
March 18, 1976
Sabri Yapar
[email protected]
August 15, 1950
Çatana Hakký Ok
[email protected]
June 1, 1961
Ahmet Öztürk
[email protected]
August 1, 1960
Mustafa Çelik
[email protected]
October 1, 1987
Muhittin Batur
[email protected]
July 1, 1976
Fatoþ Baþ Öztürk
[email protected]
April 8, 1984
Hakký Koþ
[email protected]
March 1, 1971
Hüseyin Gür
July 4, 1970
Murat Köse
[email protected]
March 2, 1988
Ömer Yýlmazcan
[email protected]
May 3, 1988
Hayri Kayacan
[email protected]
February 1, 1956
Mustafa Tekiner
[email protected]
Rýza Yýldýrým
November 6, 1972
Ekrem Þakar
January 13, 1963
Hüseyin Çelen
June 1, 1966
Bereket Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
January 11, 1971
Hüseyin Dönmez
[email protected]
January 10, 1953
Muhammed Öztürk
[email protected]
September 17, 1986
Hüseyin Çýnar
[email protected]
May 18, 1963
Vahit Keskin
January 1, 1963
Tapucular Kastamonu
[email protected]
May 1, 1973
Siyami Makaracý
October 10, 1978
Ali Konuk
[email protected]
April 10, 1967
Selver Kök
[email protected]
April 1, 1953
Yusuf Aktas
July 1, 1962
Nuri Alpan
[email protected]
July 13, 1960
Nevzat Öðüt
December 1, 1971
Yýlmaz Boðazkaya
[email protected]
May 26, 1969
Serkan Demir
[email protected]
May 6, 1983
Mehmet Enver Ünal
[email protected]
April 1, 1969
Ahmet Güneþ
June 14, 1976
Cafer Aysan
[email protected]
May 5
Gencer Kasa
[email protected]
January 1, 1990
Cide Kastamonu
[email protected]
May 4, 1970
Gebze Tavukçu
[email protected]
May 20, 1990
Ýbrahim Gülhan Nalci
March 16, 1977
Kadir Eren
June 5, 1966
Mustafa Topcu
[email protected]
February 1, 1963
Ýrfan Salcý
[email protected]
July 5, 1982
Mehmet Ertan
January 2, 1968
Hasan Yilmaz
[email protected]
June 24, 1957
Talip Kalaycýoðlu
February 1, 1959
Musa Yýlmazcan
[email protected]
June 21
Hasan Akcay
[email protected]
February 19, 1991
Ömer Faruk Kesgin
[email protected]
May 10, 1990
Ramazan Saygýn
January 12, 1976
Kemalettin Yaprak
[email protected]
March 25, 1978
Yýlmaz Kýlýç
[email protected]
February 10, 1967
Hüseyin Çelen
[email protected]
January 1, 1970
Bal Madeni Arý Çiftliði
[email protected]
Kastamonu Cide
[email protected]
March 10, 1997
Osman Akyol
April 30, 1991
Nazmi Erdogan
February 2, 1950
Mehmet Yavuz
February 1, 1957
Pýnarbaþý Kaymakamlýðý
[email protected]
September 1, 1965
Þenol Cimen
August 8, 1964
Hakki Karaduman
May 6, 1966
Kamil Aysal
[email protected]
August 8, 1963
Ýhsan Balcý
[email protected]
March 10, 1962
Fuat Akcay
[email protected]
October 15, 1982
Zafer Aday
[email protected]
November 19, 1982
Mevlut Ertop
[email protected]
September 13, 1967
Selim Cesur
[email protected]
February 26, 1983
Burhan Makaracý
[email protected]
September 3, 1974
Kastamonu Bozkurt Bozkurt
[email protected]
August 16, 1974
Özcan Doðan
[email protected]
April 22, 1963
Oðuz Genç
[email protected]
March 7, 1986
Osman Göktaþ
[email protected]
January 1, 1958
Nurettin Pekbasoglu
[email protected]
February 13, 1973
Hasan Demir
June 1, 1966
Engin Özan
October 20, 1991
Mehmet Demirer
March 10, 1977
Mustafa Çivici
July 1, 1964
Ali Demirtaþ
[email protected]
September 15, 1963
Emre Tan
September 12, 1997
Süleyman Sargýn
July 26, 1966
Ahmet Baltacý
[email protected]
April 10, 1965
Ersin Akýn
October 1, 1964
Metin Iþýk
[email protected]
December 1, 1961
Soner Þan
October 25, 1993
Ertem Irkýn
[email protected]
March 1, 1964
Kemal Kurtulus
[email protected]
October 14, 1965
Kemaneci Yýlmaz Demir
January 14, 1987
Mustafa Arslan
January 8, 1989
Kenan Erþahin
March 3, 1967
Ahmet Gur
[email protected]
February 1, 1955
Nihat Aktas
[email protected]
May 22, 1960
Burak Demir
December 31, 1905
Ali Yillddirim
September 20, 1971
Kdz Ereðli Kafes
[email protected]
May 20, 1977
Rüstem Tekin
[email protected]
November 19, 1981
Þaban Yatkýn
[email protected]
May 13, 1970
Yahya Tekiner
[email protected]
March 18, 1960
Sadik Bora
[email protected]
March 1, 1960
Mustafa Dere
December 1, 1999

Mustafa Yiðit
[email protected]
November 1, 1965
Mustafa Er
[email protected]
May 11, 1963
Musa Turcan
Bahattin Yatkýn
November 20, 1971
Mustafa Can
[email protected]
October 1, 1982
Mehmet Gün
[email protected]
January 1, 1972
Hasan Kuruoglu
August 1, 1955
Mustafa Kandiþ
September 1, 1941
Guray Yilmazer
April 24, 1970
Mücahit Ýbrahim Kiliç
[email protected]
September 14, 1976
Mehmet Demir
January 1, 1963
Hüseyin Akyol
[email protected]
September 8, 1959
Murat Seviç
February 15, 1970
Halil Çelik
January 1, 1960
Salih Akyol
November 12, 1984
Cavit Yýlmazer
[email protected]
September 19, 1956
Erdoðan Kesmen
[email protected]
June 6, 1970
Hüseyin Esgin
March 24, 1972
Mevlüt Kurt
May 1, 1959
Haydar Kaplan
August 25, 1972
Mehmet Demirtaþ
June 10, 1953
Ugur Ay
February 15, 1994
Mustafa Yýlmaz
[email protected]
October 31, 1965
Salim Akgün Hürcan
[email protected]
September 24, 1974
Adem Kayacan
April 1, 1972
Necati Kaba
[email protected]
August 18, 1981
Soner Bakacak
[email protected]
April 12, 1988
Recep Dere
January 1, 1973
Uzman Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
October 17, 1984
Haydar Kalay
[email protected]
May 16, 1973
Postacý Mustafa
[email protected]
February 9, 1949
Cemile Erkoç
[email protected]
August 1, 1980
Ramazan Bakacak
[email protected]
May 2, 1987
Yaþar Er
[email protected]
January 8, 1975
Parça Aygen Oto
June 1, 1977
Sadýk Karan
[email protected]
June 22, 1961
Mustafa Ertop
March 1, 1958
Orhan Yurdakul
[email protected]
August 26, 1973
Hasan Akçay
January 1, 1957
Mehmet Emirgan
[email protected]
March 16, 1965
Recep Samur
[email protected]
March 15, 1973
Fikret Gedik
July 13, 1976
Burçin Atabozkurt
[email protected]
Mehmet Dinç
February 25, 1964
Mustafa Aday
January 2, 1978
Çaðlayan Narta
[email protected]
July 25, 1986
Murat Ak
[email protected]
August 26, 1978
Ünal Iþýk
[email protected]
January 1, 1991
Ahmet Kartal
[email protected]
April 20, 1967
Hakký Uyðun
August 15, 1973
Cide Cide
[email protected]
Mehmet Der
[email protected]
March 15, 1962
Metin Taþkiran
October 22, 1967
Volkan Gülay Akbaydar
[email protected]
September 6, 1986
Murat Öz
August 4, 1973
Mustafa Tekiner
[email protected]
June 28, 1974
Muammer Gorgulu
April 1, 1960
Erkan Yýlmaz
February 2, 1994
Celal Coþkun
[email protected]
March 1, 1951
Asým Yildirim
September 21, 1977
Mehmet Bayrak
[email protected]
June 15, 1963
Selim Kaplan
July 20
Sadettin Cide
September 16, 1982
Hasan Ural
December 19, 1961
Ahmet Tutkun
[email protected]
April 5, 1973
Mehmet Öztürk
December 1, 1969
Halil Gür
August 4, 1970
Saban Erdogan
September 7, 1967
Tuncay Yýldýz
September 8, 1976
Carmina Tasarým
[email protected]
January 1, 2000
Bilal Irgin
[email protected]
March 21, 1971
Þaban Demirtaþ
[email protected]
Çetin Alkan
[email protected]
January 26, 1965
Ferudun Bað
November 28, 1981
Ataþehir Kastamonulular
[email protected]
January 25, 1975
Fatih Yurtturk
[email protected]
Ali Yýlmazer Miraç Sandalye
[email protected]
May 15, 1984
Fatih Çoban
[email protected]
December 31, 1977
Þeref Eren
May 1, 1978
Hüseyin Sel
June 12, 1981
Celal Ay
[email protected]
March 1, 1963
Soner Görgülü
August 10, 1978
Engin Ergin
June 6, 1964
Bilal Kök
May 26, 1978
Recep Ar
[email protected]
April 15, 1984
Mehmet Al
[email protected]
January 1, 1960
Adem Akyol
[email protected]
October 10, 1989
Mehmet Bakan
January 1, 1965
Hasan Daðlý
[email protected]
May 11, 1969
Faruk Guner
[email protected]
August 10, 1969
Turhan Çelik
[email protected]
May 10, 1978
Mustafa Er
[email protected]
July 16, 1964
Recep Pulat
[email protected]
Refik Coþkun
[email protected]
January 10, 1949
Sebahattin Korkmaz
June 6, 1957
Adem Baþ Asdu
[email protected]
January 26
Þafak Dönmez
June 9, 2003
Mehmet Cesurer
January 1, 1966
Hasan Gündesli
[email protected]
November 5, 1986
Bekir Yavuz
[email protected]
March 3, 1959

Cemal Gün
[email protected]
December 16, 1960
Hakan Yýlmazer
November 19, 1983
Recep Demir
September 10, 1981
Ramazan Yavuz
April 29, 1988
Osman Dönmez
April 6, 1975
Seyfi Demircan
[email protected]
May 23, 1960
Cemal Ok
[email protected]
January 1, 1958
Hasan Kula
March 5, 1955
Halil Gürsu
April 15, 1963
Orhan Aykur
[email protected]
February 13, 1975
Cafer Yýlmazer
[email protected]
October 15, 1955
Eyup Kalpak
July 10, 1959
Metin Aðan
March 19, 1971
Salim Kaplan
June 1, 1965
Mustafa Iþýk
[email protected]
April 1, 1961
Bayram Makaracý
June 2, 1955
Mehmet Ali Demir
July 25, 1985
Muhammet Aktaþ
November 2, 1971
Erdeniz Oz
August 1, 1978
Halilibrahim Turcan
August 14, 1998
Mustafa Ertop
January 1, 1960
Mevlüt Yavuz
June 6, 1961
Halil Ýbrahim
[email protected]
Dursun Bayrak
September 5, 1954
Cide Kastamonu
[email protected]
August 20, 1972
Atilla Çakmak
[email protected]
September 5, 1961
Omer Sevim
July 6, 1985
Ali Çelen
[email protected]
March 3, 1962
Yadigar Yaþ
April 1, 1965
Ilyas Ok
March 23, 1950
Remzi Arslan
May 10, 1953
Þaban Erkoç
November 10, 1979
Arda Aydýn
[email protected]
November 11, 1981
Ahmet Bahadýr
August 21, 1971
Ahmet Ay
January 5, 1990
Ýrfan Ipar
[email protected]
August 10, 1963
Mehmet Ulucay
[email protected]
March 18, 1980
Islam Tunç
October 8, 1985
Soðucak Gençleri
[email protected]
January 1, 1980
Azmi Bakan
October 29, 1973
Mesut Hurma
June 20, 1990
Kastamonu Taþköprü
[email protected]
September 30, 1985
Cengiz Samur
January 23, 1970
Elif Tasarým
[email protected]
April 8, 1984
Hasan Çelen
[email protected]
November 7, 1970
Iþýk Ucuzluk Pazarý Cide
[email protected]
April 13, 1989
Zeki Calik
[email protected]
August 8, 1964
Mustafa OK
[email protected]
Mehmet Emin Yildirim
[email protected]
January 5, 1964
Türcan Mekanik
[email protected]
April 23, 1972
Soner Erdemli
[email protected]
January 1, 1987
Hüseyin Uz
February 1, 1966
Ali Demircan
August 21, 1979
Recep Türkcan
[email protected]
February 2, 1974
Corina Necsu
[email protected]
April 10, 1969
Mevlüt Uysal
January 25, 1962
Cide Tarým
[email protected]
January 1, 1981
Muharrem Turan
March 4, 1950
Mustafa Güneþ
[email protected]
January 5, 1956
Tanju Tayfur
[email protected]
January 1, 1968
Ismail Yildirim
February 12, 1997
Sadik Yildirim
June 1, 1963
Dadayliemekeller Daday
[email protected]
July 4, 1981
Selahattin Yýldýrým
May 10, 1962
Veli Özkan
[email protected]
August 6, 1996
Mavi Kovan
[email protected]
Ýbrahim Aksoy
[email protected]
November 26, 1974
Bilal Ay
[email protected]
April 8, 1956
Hasan Akyol
November 15, 1961
Arý Çiftçisi Asri
[email protected]
August 24
Nedim Demir
November 22, 1959
Hakký Kesal
February 15, 1971
Yakup Dönmez
[email protected]
March 15, 1951
Hasan Gülyol
June 15, 1964
Mustafa Er
[email protected]
January 10, 1959
Fatih Uzuner
[email protected]
April 30, 1977
Kara Kovan Bal
December 18, 1984
Saban Er
April 15, 1964
T.C. Tosya Kaymakamlýðý
[email protected]
January 1, 1930
Arzu Yýlmaz
September 25
Aslan Ay
[email protected]
February 2, 1969
Cemal Uygun
[email protected]
November 5, 2001
Nail Uður
January 2, 1999
Ana Ari Rize Aricilik
[email protected]
Ahmet Öztaþ
December 27, 1975
Bahar Arýcýlýk Bursa
June 29, 1985
Arici Tuncay
[email protected]
October 21, 1973
Nurettin Sukes
[email protected]
May 5, 1960
Mevlut Ay
[email protected]
January 15, 1999
Ismail Türcan
December 1, 1971
Ekrem Samur
April 9, 1965
Cengiz Yildirim
February 26, 1983
Yilmaz Acar
March 26, 1968
Macahel Aricilik As
[email protected]
January 14, 1997
Ak Saçlý
[email protected]
February 18, 1977
Mahmut Barýn
[email protected]
August 8, 1981
Sabri Can
February 2, 1963
Atacan Aricilik
[email protected]
Ýbrahim Çimen
August 5, 1994
Ibrahim Iþýk
April 20, 1960
Ali Osman Böcü
[email protected]
June 18, 1997
Þafak Dönmez
September 5, 2003
Nuri Acar
January 5, 1956
Aydýn Köçek
[email protected]
March 1, 1976
Recep Dönmez
March 9, 1962
Ahmet Savdiç
[email protected]
January 1, 1951
Cide Ýnebolu Vestel
[email protected]
December 25, 1982
Sinan Aysan
[email protected]
February 3, 1961
Küre Kaymakamlýðý
[email protected]
Mehmet Annac
April 1, 1961
Güldostu Aricilik
[email protected]
January 3, 1967
Adem Þanlýtürk
February 25, 1974
Nurettin Koç
February 12, 1995
Erdoðan Kök
[email protected]
March 1, 1972
Ahmet Arat
[email protected]
May 8, 1957
Saim Meriç AV Balik
[email protected]
September 14, 1990
Remzi Aykýn
November 11, 1959
Mustafa Alt
[email protected]
March 8, 1973
Ahmet Yýlmaz
May 22, 1960
Recep Acar
March 11, 1966
Mustafa Ata
April 6, 1953
Salih Demirci
March 23, 1971
Hibe Duyurularý
[email protected]
Muzaffer Güner
August 20, 1965
Kozakli Aricilik
[email protected]
December 29, 1978
Mücahit Yurttürk Av Býçaðý
[email protected]
October 18, 1979
Ramazan Öztürk
[email protected]
January 1, 1957
Oliva Mantar
[email protected]
July 17
Mahir Karakas
[email protected]
January 1, 1966
Mehmet Paþa Özkurt
[email protected]
February 12, 1981
Mustafa Özdemir
June 1, 1968
Rýza Altunýþýk
[email protected]
July 1, 1961
Akcaabat Arýcýlýk
Ali Yavuz
July 10, 1950
Osman Cokun
January 6, 1957
Arýcý Baba
July 18, 1989
Ufuk Bat
January 1, 1987
Erkan Makaracý
[email protected]
October 8, 1963
Altan Kesim
July 5, 1962
Selçuk Batur
[email protected]
September 19, 1987
Muhammer Baþ
[email protected]
December 2, 1956
Ahmet Duru
January 31, 1999
Fatih Demir
April 20, 1982
Þaban Bayrak
[email protected]
May 7, 1984
Yýlmaz Can
[email protected]
March 15, 1961
Arýlara Fýsýldayan Adam
[email protected]
January 28, 1986
Heravit Savas Çetin
[email protected]
December 6, 1983
Þaban Taþ
October 20, 1987
Mehmet Tekin
February 15, 1965
Salim Gülcan
January 1, 1972
Mustafa Ören
December 23, 1971
Yasar Kaplan
April 25, 1984
Fatma Aktas
[email protected]
March 13, 1965
Aykut Sahin
August 26, 1975
Yasar Erçelik
[email protected]
May 21, 1960
Hüseyin Çinar
January 1, 1963
Mustafa Aksoy
April 24, 1986
Bayram Demiröz
January 11, 1974
Mustafa Arslan
July 9, 1977
Mustafa Tutkun
[email protected]
May 5, 1974
Selahattin Eken
January 15, 1981
Avamdan Kadir
[email protected]
November 1, 1983
Erdoðan Altuntaþ
[email protected]
June 1, 1955
Dursun Batur
June 15, 1967
Trakya Arýcýsý
[email protected]
April 20, 1970
Ersin Demir
November 6, 1988
Ali Demirtaþ
January 8, 1971
Ýbrahim Çelik
[email protected]
January 2, 1957
Adem Kök
August 7, 1987
Sedat Gur
[email protected]
April 9, 1959
Hakki Dinçer
[email protected]
June 24, 1999
Saban Ertop
April 1, 1961
Mehmet Ali Çetinkaya
February 1, 1960
Ahmet Turcan
July 25, 1961
Recep Güneþ
August 14, 1971
Hayrettin Samur
May 1, 1966
Fedaye Þanlý
[email protected]
July 6, 1974
Recep Ertop
February 1, 1965
EkremoðluBal Erdem Bozkurt
[email protected]
January 1, 1981
Osman Koþ
[email protected]
June 1
Ayaz Aricilik Ana Ari
[email protected]
Yasar Gülþen
April 1, 1955
Remzi Ay
[email protected]
January 15, 1965
Mustafa Konuk
February 20, 1947
Selahattin Ýrgin
[email protected]
September 16, 1960
Sedat Ay
April 10, 1976
Mustafa Ýrgin
April 25, 1950
Muzaffer Demir
March 22, 1962
Ramazan Aytar
March 1, 1992
Barýþ Ak
February 26, 1985
Hint Horozu VarolYýlmaz
[email protected]
August 16, 1978
Kadir Yilmaz
[email protected]
June 15, 1981
Ali Can Erol
April 27, 1989
Erdoðan Duru
June 28, 1980
Niyazi Demirtaþ
[email protected]
October 13, 1980
Mustafa Can
January 1, 1950
Mehmet Yumak
[email protected]
March 5, 1953
Yusuf Aktaþ
[email protected]
June 1, 1962
Celal Celik
March 26, 1961
Þaban Özdemir
December 24, 1976

Mahmut Celebi
September 8, 1992
ÞenpazarDeli Kestane DoðalBalý
May 15, 1986
Murat Gül
February 1, 1982
Ahmet Kýzýl
[email protected]
April 17, 1959
Dursun Uysal
March 28, 1974
Süleyman Kayýran
August 19, 1958
Mehmet Uysal
August 5, 1968
Cevat Samur
[email protected]
May 18, 1960
Bekir Kýlýç
July 18, 1972
Döfi Arý Keki
[email protected]
Bülent Kýlýç
October 1, 1981
Mustafa Yýldýz
[email protected]
May 5, 1965
Ana Ari Üretim
October 6
Huseyýn Yýldýz
February 3, 1956
Kemal Özdemir
February 25, 1976
Umit Demir
[email protected]
July 10, 1983
Barýþ Pekþen
[email protected]
June 6, 1965
Hasan Alýcý
[email protected]
February 9, 1949
Mehmet Türker
March 10, 1969
Þaban Vurgun
[email protected]
June 1, 1969
Kemal Tuðtepe
April 5, 1966
Barýþ Tokmak
October 10, 1974
Erdoðan Direk
[email protected]
September 12, 1963
Süstavuklarý Kastamonu Cide
May 20, 1981
Mustafa Harun Daðarslan
[email protected]
Yilmaz Kus
May 2, 1960
Ýsmail Eryaman
May 5, 1972
Mustafa Yildirim
[email protected]
October 1, 1984
Ali Korkmaz
[email protected]
Hak Makina
[email protected]
January 1, 1989
Þakir Kyn
[email protected]
September 1, 1969
Ýbrahim Bakar
July 1, 1977
Bahattin Ercan
[email protected]
May 12, 1961
Ali Taþ
January 1, 1970
Kovanýn Adresi
[email protected]
March 28, 1987
Nazmi Balcý
[email protected]
Ismail Birinci
[email protected]
November 25
Yýlmaz Erdoðan
December 12, 1971
AK Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
July 7, 1988
Mustafa Yýlmaz
December 1, 1992
Celal Þahin
[email protected]
November 4, 1962
Huseyin Yavuz
[email protected]
March 8, 1969
Nuri Singin
November 1, 1959
Ahmet Demir
July 4, 1971
Þeref Kuzgun
June 17, 1967
Murat Kýlýnç
October 22, 1978
Ýdris Erdoðan
[email protected]
February 1, 1974
Roza Organik
[email protected]
October 10, 1986
Uður Kurtuluþ
February 5, 1969
Muzaffer Kurban
June 1, 1966
Ercan Esgin
[email protected]
December 21, 1984
Mehmet Bat
December 26, 1959
Recep Eren
December 1, 1977
Zafer Gazioðlu
[email protected]
December 21, 1968
Ahmet Can
February 2, 1996
Ahmet Dev
[email protected]
November 20, 1942
Güneþ Enerji Panelleri
[email protected]
July 10, 1991
Ordu Arý Kovan Ýmalatý
July 30, 1995
Mehmet Demirtaþ
[email protected]
August 1, 1975
Muhammed Aydýn
August 5, 1953
Recep Akçay
July 15, 1975
Abdullah Abay
January 7, 1993
Ali Türk
January 1, 1962
Mustafa Yýlmaz
[email protected]
March 25, 1947
Ibrahim Yýlmazer
[email protected]
January 15, 1993
Fikret Yýlmaz
[email protected]
August 22, 1957
Sogucak Der
[email protected]
Ramazan Bayrak
January 14, 1993
Ayhan Elif Gök
[email protected]
October 17, 1992
Mevlüt Yýldýrým
November 17, 1962
Erbas Mustafa
[email protected]
February 1, 1974
Mustafa Günaydýn
September 12, 1967
Metin Kula
January 26, 1981
Aydýn Doðan
[email protected]
October 1, 1971
Ahmet Çakmak
October 15, 1960
Orhan Tan
May 6, 1960
Rastgele Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
February 29, 1992
Alaattin Saygýn
August 30, 1955
Necmi Er
May 1, 1952
Köylüm Bal
April 2, 1971
Recep Salci
[email protected]
February 6, 1974
Yaþar Ay
May 10, 1960
Aktan Yemsel
[email protected]
March 17, 1972
Ismail Demirhan
[email protected]
November 28, 1964
Çoþkun Tayfur
[email protected]
August 3, 1979
Mehmet Çelik
January 15, 1989
Ahmet Tekin
[email protected]
November 11, 1966
Alican Kula
[email protected]
April 8, 1976
Erdoðan Alpat
[email protected]
November 11, 1959
Dursun Uysal
[email protected]
March 28, 1974
Akýn Soy
[email protected]
February 21, 1993
Zeki Altýn
[email protected]
October 24, 1973
Kastamonu Iho
[email protected]
January 1, 1993
Þevki Gün
[email protected]
February 15, 1993
Nurý Kaplan
[email protected]
January 22, 1960
Burhan Delen
[email protected]
October 12, 1975
Mehmet Yaman
[email protected]
July 27, 1979
Aydin Arici
August 24, 1976
Cafer Yavuz
[email protected]
March 11, 1961
Faruk Aktas
[email protected]
February 23, 2000
Cide Uðurlu Kargo RamazanOk
October 1, 1973
Bilal Toksöz
[email protected]
May 25, 1975
Serdar Demirtas
[email protected]
August 8, 1985
Durmaz Mantar
March 16, 1983
Mustafa Duru
[email protected]
March 3
Yaþar Kurban
March 10, 1960
Çalimoðlu Logistik
August 5, 1986
Nevzat Sargýn
[email protected]
November 1, 1958
Ýbrahim Kesmen
March 1, 1993
Ali Yýlmaz
[email protected]
August 14, 1993
Dursun Er
[email protected]
September 15, 1971
Ali Bal
March 10, 1965
Hasanyl Ylmaz
April 2, 1974
Yilmaz Yavuz
February 1, 1974
Art Sanayý Tic Aþ
January 5, 1999
Zeki Aykýn
[email protected]
April 10, 1968
Selahattin Ekmen
March 4, 1964
Þükrü Poyraz
[email protected]
October 21, 1989
Selçuk Akkaya
[email protected]
January 24, 1991
Balmer Aþ
[email protected]
Cavit Çelik
[email protected]
February 22, 1954
Bayram Can Türcan
September 16, 1997
Selçuk Barlas
[email protected]
July 28, 1999
Sadýk Gedik
[email protected]
February 1, 1965
Peker Mantar
[email protected]
December 12, 1980
Mahir Demir
[email protected]
May 15, 1963
Ist Keklik Yetiþtiriciliði
[email protected]
May 1, 1981
Kadriye Ar
[email protected]
March 29, 1977
Abdullah Demirtas
[email protected]
January 22, 1955
Murat Öz
August 4, 1973
Mustafa Kaplan
[email protected]
July 29, 1979
Enver Turker
July 21, 1973
Engin Akin
[email protected]
March 31, 1993
Mmevlut Alpay
June 3, 1977
Harun Ak
[email protected]
March 26, 1996
Hint Yumurtasý
[email protected]
October 18, 1977
Mehemet Abay
[email protected]
May 20, 1994
Ýsmet Ýrgin
February 15, 1949
Bilgiç Aricilik
January 1, 1987
Mehmet Togaç
February 8, 1962
Aslan Ay
February 2, 1969
Þile Istiridye Mantarý
[email protected]
July 16, 1989
Yýlmaz Þimþek
April 19, 2000
Ýsmail Gülcan
February 2, 1974
Ali Korkmaz
April 29, 1993
Adnan Kes
March 15, 1972
Kamil Yatkin
April 13, 1975
Ekrem Konuk
September 1, 1962
Selehattin Yýlmaz
December 18, 1966
Cemal Kalkan
January 1, 1967
Hakan Süs Tavuklarý
[email protected]
March 28, 1981
Ýbrahim Acar
August 10, 1971
Ekrem Suzen
[email protected]
August 2, 1966
Ramazan Ertuðrul
May 29, 1993
Mehmet Yatkin
September 24, 1964
Serda Kafkas Ana Ureticisi
[email protected]
May 27, 1982
Refik Ertop
[email protected]
May 30, 1955
Varroa Savar
[email protected]
Taþköprü Kaymakamlýk
[email protected]
January 1, 1987
Ali Bayram Kurt
[email protected]
May 25, 1984
Mustafa Acur
February 2, 1964
Sarikaya Kaz Çifliði
March 8, 1987
Ercan Koç
March 10, 1979
Mustafa Kandiþ
[email protected]
September 1, 1941
Ýrfan Sözen
August 1, 1966
Ramazan Sagdic
[email protected]
April 29, 1959
Ahmet Kok
June 7, 1966
Cemal Gun
June 19, 1993
Remzi Arslan
May 10, 1953
Ramazan Saðdýç
April 29, 1959
Ahmet Arslantürk
March 2, 1966
Adnan Gülþen
[email protected]
July 18, 1973
Hasan Gur
April 27, 1956
Mustafa Kývrak
[email protected]
June 16, 2000
Mehmet Er
[email protected]
January 1, 2000
Cavity Yilmazer
[email protected]
September 19, 1956
Halil Çelen
June 1, 1957
Çýtýr Tawuks
July 16, 1986
Recep Salci
[email protected]
February 6, 1974
Muammer Oz
[email protected]
January 1, 1972
Dursun Erþahin
July 7, 1958
Mehmet Altýn
[email protected]
May 3, 1954
Remzi Seymen
September 23, 1960
Mustafa Karmak
January 1, 1972
Mehmet Ali
September 26, 1992
Mevlüt Çaðdaþ
[email protected]
February 4, 1960
Ömer Sað
[email protected]
June 8, 1958
Ahmet Berkan Yýlmaz
[email protected]
Musa Kuzucu
September 22, 1968
Erol Erþahin
[email protected]
April 1, 1962
Mevlüt Ergin
August 6, 1949
Hüseyin Özer
August 6, 1966
Mustafa Kaplan
January 1, 1963
Mevlüt Yýlmaz
July 1, 1961
Mustafa Çelen
December 24, 1965
Can Çelik
[email protected]
Ýbrahim Bakýrcý
August 20, 1993
Çað Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
January 1, 1980
Mehmet Angin
January 1, 1950
Tahsin Kocabaþ
June 26, 1966

Cihansah Rrkek
March 2, 1951
Afsana Mahomed
December 1, 1954
Ayaz Mantar
[email protected]
March 22, 1976
Hamdi Þenol
August 20, 1952
Ali Ay
[email protected]
April 1, 1963
Ýbrahim Bey
[email protected]
Kýlýç Mantar
[email protected]
Karakovan Ak Konak Ahþap
[email protected]
September 10, 1989
Hakký Esgýn
June 10, 1964
Niyazi Arslantürk
April 1, 1963
Mantarlik Pamuk Telefçiðitkaraçiðit
[email protected]
June 12, 1971
Ahmet Kantar
May 1, 1966
Firatyapi Cide
[email protected]
January 1, 1990
Levent Cetin
[email protected]
December 5, 1983
Aksakal Seyehat Inebolu
January 1, 1958
Arýcýlýk Kurslarý
[email protected]
April 24, 1966
Ana Ari Þimþek Aricilik
January 1, 1977
Mustafa Akýn
[email protected]
July 6, 1974
Halil Çelik
[email protected]
September 5, 1969
Mehmet Güngör
[email protected]
April 28, 1979
Recep Turcan
[email protected]
January 1, 1950
Remzi Þen
[email protected]
May 20, 1960
Adem Demir
October 14, 1976
Ismail Özdemir
[email protected]
June 21, 1962
Enes Ar
June 6, 1998
Koca Arýcý
[email protected]
January 1, 1976
Halil Ünlü
March 10, 1965
Mehmet Bat
May 5, 1971
Hikmet Gürsu
October 10, 1962
Abdullah Cesur
March 15, 1962
HalilÝbrahim Türcan
January 1, 1973
Aydýn Erkoç
February 28, 1978
Þenpazar Candýr
[email protected]
Ziya Bircan
January 10, 1953
Korkutlalý Mustafa
[email protected]
August 7, 1972
Yavuz Selim Görgülü
May 18, 1990
Ali Ertop
[email protected]
March 1, 1965
Mustfa Turcan
November 1, 1962
Mustafa Çobanoðlu
February 23, 1986
Mustafa Tuz
June 10, 1959
Hüseyin Palabýyýk
May 1, 1952
Erol Gürcay
January 1, 1987
Ruhi Kokoðlu
July 6, 1972
Sedat Demir
July 15, 1964
Nedim Cagdas
August 17, 1975
Kemal Akyol
[email protected]
April 28, 1961
Kemal Yalçýn
December 1, 1957
Muharrem Isýk
March 5, 1962
Recep Yarligan
February 1, 1959
Kadir Kurban
April 24, 1991
Ege Tarým
[email protected]
June 27, 1984
Mustafa Demir
November 18, 1993
Organik Kestane Çiçek Bali
[email protected]
November 28, 1993
Ertan Özdemir
November 26, 1975
Turgay Özçelik
[email protected]
January 31, 1905
Semih Balcioðlu
[email protected]
January 20, 1979
Bilal Altun
[email protected]
November 11, 1972
Hüseyin Aysan
May 10, 1974
Ari Sütü
December 22, 1993
Muhammet Þensoy
December 24, 1993
Ýbrahim Ay
[email protected]
July 28, 1954
Battalahmet Umar
May 17, 1956
Atik Cakmak
[email protected]
February 29, 2000
Ahmet Ertop
January 1, 1965
Ýlyas Dikbaþ
May 6, 1957
Ali Bora
January 10, 1969
Ali Bayrak
May 20, 1952
Recep Yalman
January 10, 1964
Recep Cesur
April 1, 1964
Mustafa Özmen
January 1, 1968
Hasan Polat
July 19, 1957
Sabri Akcagunay
February 5, 1994
Ali Demir
February 1, 1956
Çarþamba Arýcýlýk
[email protected]
May 15, 1973
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