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Well, look at what happend to Nobel Prize winner in molecular biology, James Watson. He was reduced to pariah status and crucified so badly that he was forced to sell his nobel prize medal just to make ends meet, all for simply *alluding* to a [genetic connection](

Literally the smartest man in the world, Chris Langan, was removed from facebook for making
[this comment](

> "Obviously, this raises the question: Why is western civilization not admitting gorillas? They, too, are from Africa and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have [sic] peaceful and environmentally friendly creatures, commit far less violent crime than Somalis, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught language."

Can we really expect much in terms of hard evidence from Academia Inc in the current intellectually oppressive climate? But you can also look into Charles Murray. [The Library of Hate]( might also blow your mind, but I'm not sure there's much talk of genetics.

I agree it seems weird to think of it literally as a "violence gene" that's just floating around in someone, but I don't that's how it works. It becomes a lot more sensible even just thinking from a superficial perspective. Blacks on average are better at ahtletic activities and rhymthmic activities. Doctors respond to their different physiology by treating them differently. For example, testing by them disportionately for sicke cell anemia and other diseases. The point is, the racial groups are different. There are long lists detailing biological differences you can find. The point is, the races are different.

It could be just one difference or any combination of those differences that ultimately manifests in anti-social forms. Men have more testosterone than women. Men are more violent. It's been suggested that blacks have more testosterone leading to more violence. I don't know. Maybe the physiology contributes to arrested development which wold explain a ton of patterns like the [lack of implulse control you see in road rage crimes like these](

Like I said, to me, just the global, historical empirical evidence alone is more than enough to put the burdan of proving it's NOT genetic on the scolarly community. But we all have different standards.
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