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SalesPerson=(); #name given as given in brief
QuartrlySales=(); #name given as brief

function val_sorting { #function created named as val_sorting
for (( i = 0; i < ${#QuartrlySales[@]} ; i++ )) #for condition is used hereto check value from user
do #continue
for (( j = 1; j < ${#qsalexit[@]} ; j++ )) #for conditon is used again to check value
do #continue

if [[ ${QuartrlySales[j-1]} -lt ${QuartrlySales[$j]} ]]; #if statements is used here
then #condition proceed
t=${QuartrlySales[$j]} #value decleared
QuartrlySales[$j]=${QuartrlySales[$j-1]} ##process proceed
QuartrlySales[$j-1]=$t #quarterly saled value procees

tm="${SalesPerson[$j]}"; #process continues
SalesPerson[$j]="${SalesPerson[$j-1]}"; #avalue of sales person decleartion
SalesPerson[$j-1]="$tm"; #process go on to next step
fi #if condition is end here
done #condineue
done #continue

#Desplayed into the screen
echo -e "nnum will be listed in ascending order:" #number will be ssorted into the screen
for (( i=0; i < ${#SalesPerson[@]}; i++ )) #for condition is used
do # continue
echo "${SalesPerson[$i]} :${QuartrlySales[$i]}" #name of sales person and his quarterly sales will be displayed into the screen
done # break

listing_option() { #option toliar the menus item
echo " V I E W - O P T I O N" #message that will display in screen
echo "1. Please!. Input name of SalesPerson" #input that should be given by user
echo "2. Name of SalesPerson is listed" #which view the name of sales person
echo "3. Quit the Program" #get out of the program
read -p "Selete the number between 1 to 3 as you want to have"; #choice that should be made from user

case $choice in #choicece given in tthe program
1) inserting_value ;; #name of function created
2) val_sorting ;; #function name
3) exit ;; #to exit from programm
*) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" && sleep 2 #sleep and error
esac #end

function inserting_value { #function inserting_value is created
while [[ true ]]; do #cntinue
while [[ true ]]; #continue
read -p "Please!. Input name of Sales Person: " name #message which tells to input namme of sales peron
if [[ $name =~ ^[a-z|A-Z]+$ ]]; then #if condition is used

SalesPerson[${#SalesPerson[@]}]=$name; # inserting value of veriable insde created array

read -p "Quarterly sales of the same SalesPerson : " num # giving the quarterly sales of the same salesperson which is entered before
if [[ $num =~ ^[0-9]*.?[0-9]+$ ]] # Condition for either float number or positive integer number
QuartrlySales[${#QuartrlySales[@]}]=$num; #if condition works as per the user input value will be stored ina array
if [[ $num -gt 1000000 ]] #checking of condition used
(( bnus=$num + 1500 )) #condition used for bonus
elif [[ ($num -lt 999999) && ($num -gt 100000) ]] #if-else condition checking for bonus
then #continue
(( bnus=$num + 750 )) #condition proceed
else #continue
(( bnus=$num)) #condiroion proceed further more
fi #end of if statements
break; #end
else #default
echo "Decleare correct Amount"; ##message whcih will be displayed in the screen

fi #if condition end here
else #default
echo "Please give correct name"; #shown in the screen
fi #close of if statement
done; #break
echo "Name of the salesperson is : $name and his salary along with bonus as per his QuartrlySales is: $bnus " ;
echo "Press Y/y to continue or any key to end";
read choice; #reads the input taken from user
choice="^[Yy]$"; #choice from user is given here
if [[ $choice =~ $choice ]]; # if condition is used to check the user input value
then #continue

continue; #ends of statements or condition

else # program procees

echo "Thanks"; #messagethat will be displayed on the screen
break; #end

fi #end of if statements
done #break

while [[ true ]]; do #userinput value is checked and confirmmed
listing_option; #start
echo "Wanna continue this program?"; #message which will displayed at end of program
read choice; #inpput from user is read by program
choice="^[Yy]$"; #read choice
if [[ $choice =~ $choice ]]; # if condition is checked
then #continue

continue; #end

else #default or otherwise

echo "Thanks for your co-ordination."; #message which will be displaying into the scereeen
break; #end

fi #end os if statements
done #end
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Regards; Team

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