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function cron(){ #function named as cron
crontab -l > temp #sees temp fiel
echo "$mMinute $mHour $mDate $mnth $daysW (cd /home/nishan/Assignment/arhive/; ./" >> temp #location of files
crontab temp #cronfiile

function daysW(){ #new function whose name is dayW is created
read -p "Enter the day of week to perform archiving." daysW; #here input should be given by user which include days of week to perform archiving
if [[ $daysW =~ ^[0-6]|[*]$ ]]; ##if condition is ussed tocheck input given by user
then ##continue
view_menu; #show option while performing task
else #if doesnot match then move to nectx step
echo "Please input the day of week>>" ##message which will be displayed on the screen
fi #end of if statements

function mnth(){ #function is created whose name is mnth
read -p "Enter the mnth to perform archiving." mnth; #here input should be givwn by user
if [[ $mnth =~ ^[0-12]|[*]$ ]]; #if condition where user can input from 0-12
then #continue
view_menu; #show option or menu
else #otherwise
echo "Please input the month>>" #here input from user
mnth; ##calling function from main function

fi ##end of if statemensts

function mDate(){ #function whose name is mDate
read -p "Enter the day of month to perform archiving:" mDate; #user inputvalue over here
if [[ $mDate =~ ^[0-31]|[*]$ ]]; ##if condition is used here
then #continue
view_menu; #menu is shown
else #default or continue progra,m
echo "Please input Date>>" #user should input text here
mDate; #function called from main function
fi #if condition is closed

function mHour(){ ##function name is given as mHour
read -p "Enter the Hour to perform archiving:" mHour; #message sis displayed and usser shouldd input text here
if [[ $mHour =~ ^[0-23]|[*]$ ]]; ##if coonditonis used
then #continue
view_menu; #function called grom main function
else #default value from conditoin
echo "Input the value again!>>" ##message which will be displayed n screen
mHour; #function called from main fucntioion
fi #if condition is closed here

function mMinute(){ ##funstion name is given as mMinute
read -p "Enter the mMinute to perform archiving:" mMinute; ##minute to perform archiving
if [[ $mMinute =~ ^[0-59]|[*]$ ]]; ##if condition is used here
then ##continue
view_menu; ##menu shown
else #continue
echo "Input the value again!>>" #user input value here when message is displayed

while [[ true ]]; do ##if user input true
view_menu; #start

view_menu() { #options which is displyed on screen
echo " D I S P L A Y - M E N U" #topic of menu
echo "1. Minute for archiving the data" #options shown on the screen
echo "2. Hour for archiving the data" #options shown on the screen
echo "3. day for archiving the data" #options shown on the screen
echo "4. MONTH for archiving the data" #options shown on the screen
echo "5. days for archiving the data" #options shown on the screen
echo "6. crontab save" #options shown on the screen
echo "7. exit" #options shown on the screen to exit
read -p "Please choose from 1 to 6 " choose;

case $choose in
1) mMinute ;; ##function called from main function
2) mHour ;; #function called from main function
3) mDate ;; #function called from main function
4) mnth ;; #function called from main function
5) daysW ;; #function called from main function
6) cron ;; #to save cron file
7) exit ;; #function called from main function
*) echo -e "${RED}Error...${STD}" && sleep 3 ##sleep for
esac #contiinue

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Regards; Team

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