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April 29th 2019
Sam´s diary:
How am I suppose to start a diary?
It´s hard to star for being the first time.
First of all, let's start with the date. Today is April 29th, 2019
To my Future Me (FM).
FM, today I´m not so sure if this is the correct path for both. Just one year ago I figured it out, I said that I wanted to become a translator because I was "good" at learning new languages. I was so convinced with myself that my first job was in a "bilingual" call center (but 99% of my calls were in English).
I got so stressed because I could barely understand the addresses of the clients, the emails and that kind of information. *Funny fact, I started workin´ when I was on my last period of high school, the funny fact is that my parents didn´t know that I had to stay another period in the school*
I couldn´t ask for money because that is why I was working for. After a month I didn't have enough money so I had 2 options, I could say my parents the truth or I could work again. Of coursse, I had to choose the second one because if my parents knew the truth they would be very disappointed. So I there I was, in my second call center, Actually, I have to be honest. I did feel like I was doing something good, I mean, on both places they had to evaluate me with an English interview, and in both cases, I did it well, I was 18 but it was a huge achievement for me. *I forgot to say it but in my first job I stayed for a month, lol* On this new place I worked there for almost 6 months, I think.
I learned a lot from being there. It was such an experience.
I know that a diary has to be writing since the first day that the writer is writing but I think that is important to mention it.
Why am I writing this?
Well, the feeling of need began a couple of weeks ago.
I was on this curse called Kapta, it was a preparation curse for the university exam. On the Spanish section, we had this lecture about a teenager that had to write a diary because it was his homework. During the lecture, I had the same feeling that I had when I decided to study Translation and I really wanted to write my daily events but I just want to play videogames on my free time so it was impossible for me to make it happen.
But here I am, sitting at a Toks restaurant, eating chocolate cake listening to Franz Ferdinand, wondering what will happen with my future. Am I going to study translation or economy?
Am I making good decisions?
Am I gonna be rich? or am I gonna have a good job? Am I gonna be happy with the decisions that I had made and with the decisions that I will have made?
I have a lot of questions and I´m not sure what I have to do.
Why do I have to ask me these things?, A lot of people of my age don´t ask these questions to themselves and they are happy, ignoring their future, but still, they are happy.
The purpose of writing a diary is to read it a couple of years later and remember the things that are happening these days, it´s suposse to be personal but I want to share it with my girlfriend, for some reason. I dont know what else I can write today, so It´s all for now, I hope to continue writting the diary, until tomorrow.

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