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To whom it may concern,

My name is Lauren Meehan. I am a Sport Rehabilitation graduate from the University of Salford, Manchester. I graduated from the University of Salford in July 2018. I attained a Second Class Honours Division One from the University of Salford.

I am interested in pursuing the MSc in Sport Physiotherapy from UCD as I am very interested in pursuing a career in the sports industry within Ireland. Another reason I would like to pursue is course is that I would like to be able to achieve designation with the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists and with CORU.
I am currently a member of BASRaT. BASRaT stands for the British Association of Sport Rehabilitators and Trainers. They are the governing body for Sport Rehabilitation in the UK.

This MSc in Sport Physiotherapy would complement my current degree at masters level and help me to attain designation. I have covered a number of modules similar to the ones that are covered on this course at degree level. The modules I covered previously include Musculoskeletal Conditions, Biomechanics, Human Physiology, Human Anatomy, Sports Psychology and Functional Rehabilitation.

The University of Salford has an in-house Sports Injury Clinic. As part of the second year of the degree, we worked in the clinic on a weekly basis for the year. We treated patients from within the University and from the local community. We helped them back to pre-injury fitness or pre-injury life through massage, electrotherapy and rehabilitation in the gym. In the third year, we carried out a number of blocks of placement. The first placement I carried out was within the University of Salford Sports Injury Clinic. I assisted the second year students in the treatment of patients. The second block of placement I did was with the medical and physiotherapy team at Doncaster Knights Rugby Club. I assisted in the treatment and rehabilitation of injured players and the maintenance and recovery of all players. I am currently working with a rugby team on a weekly basis. I am working with the Maynooth University Barnhall Butcher's, Barnhall's 4th Senior Male Team. I assist them by doing pre-match strapping and taping or treatment on any injuries and by performing pitch side first aid for all their matches.
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Regards; Team

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