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Same: Explosion, IOI Losing, Main Characters

Different: Plane In Book RV In Movie, Imagination(Maybe?), No Apartment(Elaborate)

Today I am going to compare a book and the movie both with the title ready player one, the year the movie came out was in 2018, and the author of the book is Ernest Cline. In the movie and book there is a virtual reality called the OASIS, the OASIS is where some people find their inner happiness. The owner of the OASIS which is Halliday died and made a contest, the contest consists of 3 keys and gates with there own challenges to complete, if you win this contest you can take over the OASIS forever. Now on to the characters, the characters were the same in each book and movie with Parzival/Wade, Aech, Artemis and shoto as the good guys, and the IOI as the bad guys. The setting is more or less the same in both book and movie as the OASIS and the real world. The problem the OASIS and everyone is facing is that the IOI is trying to complete the challenge before the good guys, and if the IOI wins they will make the OASIS worse for everybody, and just so you know the first challenge has never been completed in over 5 years so most people have given up. Some of the Differences in the book and movie is that in the book Aech and Parzival take a plane and in the movie everyone takes an RV, another difference is that in the book Parzival buys an apartment with money that he got from winning the first challenge after the 5 years but in the movie this never happens. Some similarities are the explosion that killed his aunt and the Main Characters. And now the solution to the problem is that the good guys are able to win all the challenges and get all the keys before the IOI can. The theme in both book and movie is that you shouldn't spend all your time technology. Finally I would in my opinion I would recommend the movie because it has all the sounds that are hard to imagine and it has what everything looks like, I would rather know what everything looks like than try to imagine it all. That's the end, hope you liked it!
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