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Reflexive Verbs
Actions go back to yourself it’s reflexive. For example. In spanish if you say I shower myself. It’s I take a shower.
Me Ducho - I take a shower
Te duchas - You take a shower

Verbs are reflexive when they go back to the person saying it. For example, if you say I look at her, it’s not reflexive, but if you say I look at myself, it’s reflexive. She looks at him isn’t and She looks at herself.

Reflexive Pronouns
Me - Nos
Te - Os
Se - Se

Indirect Object Pronouns
Me - Nos
Te - Os
Le - Les

Direct Object Pronouns
Me - Nos
Te- Os
Lo, La - Los, las

How to Conjugate
Take out the ending, ir/er/ar, and se
Me - add an ‘o’
Te - add an ‘as’
Se - add an ‘a’
Nos - add an ‘amos’
Se - add an ‘an’

Common Verbs
aburrirse (de) to get bored (with)
despertarse to wake up
enojarse (con) to get mad (at)
quitarse to take off
acordarse de to remember
destaparse to uncover
reponerse to get better
acostarse to go to bed
desvestirse to get undressed
secarse to dry off
afeitarse to shave
disgustarse (de) to become upset (about)
maquillarse to put on makeup
sentarse to sit down
alegrarse (de) to be glad (about)
distraerse to distract oneself
mirarse to look at oneself
bañarse to bathe
divertirse to enjoy oneself
olvidarse (de) to forget (about)
subirse to get up
cepillarse to brush
dormirse to go to sleep
peinarse to comb one's hair
taparse to cover up oneself
convertirse en to become
ducharse to shower
torcerse to twist
enfermarse to become ill
probarse to try on
vestirse to get dressed
despedirse to say goodbye
enloquecerse to go crazy
ponerse to put on
volverse to become
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Regards; Team

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