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Neo nike nazis attack on united states vets,

Colon Kaprinik kneeled to the United Stastes of America flag on sep 11,2016.Was saying how currupt OUR nation is.Then Nike the brand i've worn for 12 years Started supporting Colon by putting him kneeling to the flag on there discussed shirts.And thats how Nazis taking over United States of America.In this case colon is a hitler LOL.

You may be asking why does it matter.There are Soldiers are dieng So we can have Liberty.An hitler (aka) Colon has to put his sweeet a## on the field.He is lucky he did not get shot.And citizens are still wearing Nike wich we need to stop.Nike and Colon may go in the pits of your fat moms.So everyone out there BURN YOUR NIKE PRODECTS if you love this country that OUR soldiers DIED for LIBERTY than hou may want to do that.Please share this with someone you know.
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