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Task 1 Give advices (if you have to talk direct to the person, speak to the person)
First of all
Another thing you should do
It might be worth considering

Task 2 Speak about a personal experience – Describe an event from your past (answer all the questions)
Answer every questions
Keep a sequence of events

In the morning…
After that…
By the end of the day…

Task 3 Describing a scene (understand that the listener cannot see the image)
Find a general statement about the location and what is happening (overview)
Talk about the location of the elements in the image (objects or people)
Actions, hold, give, talk, jump
Identify the relative location of people (cloths, colors, age)
Start describing left to right or vice versa

Prepositions, To, at, next to, between, below, beside, in front of
Next to him,
Just to his right
To the right of these two
At the counter

Task 4 Making predictions (same picture task 3) (understand that the listener cannot see the image)
What happen next ?
It is not necessary General overview or describe scene
What prediction for person, people or thing

Task 5 Comparing and Persuading (speak direct to the other person, oponent)
Choose what option you prefer, once you choose the other option will change***
Notes, group the benefits
** State your preference in the beginning (I think… is a much better choices)

First of all,
Also consider,
Clearly introduce each topic
Better / Worse
Much cheaper, Much better (comparison words)

Task 6 Dealing with a difficult situation
Choose between two scenario and speak to one person (choose the easier)
Make a list of ideas to solve the difficult situation
Keep polite to solve it
State your side and clearly introduce your ideas

I hope that you can understand that…
I think we can all agree that…
Lets try to look at it this way…

Task 7 Expressing Opinions
Choose to agree or disagree, and explain your reasons (why`s)
Notes… Main ideas + Supporting details

Transition notes
Fist of all…
In addition…

Task 8 Describing an unusual situation (picture) + special request (similar to task3) (manage the time)
It will be strange or surprising
Use precise details (actions, colors, people, gender, age, objects) What, where, how many, how
Start with a general statement
Do not forget to answer the special question (+transition to it)

Use prepositions
Next to
To the right of

Keep ideas in order (do not go back)
Use day to day vocabulary
Range of vocabulary, (could, would, should, must, might, it is a good idea to…)
First of all, also, and
Do no use vague and general idea (good, nice), use details words (colors, kind, format, adjectives) ** suitable and precise meaning

Volume, speak normal
Speed, not fast and not slow, speak clearly
Use Syllables Stress
Avoid pauses in the middle of the sentence
Intonation Rising (yes or no question) or Falling
Self correction, correct your mistakes, quickly and easy to follow (I mean, or ,) you do not need to be perfect but should avoid confusing mistakes
Grammar, use the correct the verb tense and pronouns
He or she doesn’t***
Use transitions between sentences, not many phrases…
Follow the instruction and keep it noted
Focus on what has been asked (everything should relate to the topic)

Reading (1hr)

Summary notes
Divided in 4 texts

General meaning, use skimming
Specific information, it will phrase a specific part
Inference, kind of summary question (random information)

Part 1 Reading Correspondence (email)
Use skimming
With a sender/author and a recipient
Skimming the first sentence or two of each paragraph
The second half of the question is related to a response for the first email.

Part 2 Reading to apply a diagram

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Regards; Team

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