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We've got a few common themes here. The first one is that smoking is "eating you alive"- we could do something interesting with that.
Almost all of them talk about what it does- how it's unhealthy. And we got a few, like that one with cancer, showing us the consequences. These are all important.
One that stood out to me is that you "take a beating" when you smoke- showing someone getting punched by something invisible.

But, remember, we're making PROPAGANDA. and we have to remember the difference between that and a CAMPAIGN.

Our common enemy is smoking itself. And the addiction that comes with it.
Repetition isn;t hard in this one. And, can be used as a scare boi or as a double meaning.
Slogan, of course, goes at the end of the video. something that relates back to what we just saw.
Testimonial is the organization that "made" this ad. Health Awareness, or something to that effect.
Transfer is kind of like a comparison. Or making something harmless seem more harmful. okay.
Card Stacking is, imo, the epitome of propaganda. Make people afraid, limit people's information. Limit people's thought. Make them seem in the wrong.
Generalities is interesting, especially for a "negative" campaign. I suppose the glitter would be put on the "other side", what could happen if you don't or quit.
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Regards; Team

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