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Grade 7 Social Studies Notes:

The Great Law of Peace:
The constitution of the Haudenosaunee confederacy. Dekanawidah (the peacemaker) brought the Great Law of Peace to the Haudenosaunee; it created a confederacy of six nations. They were all different (language, where they lived, had their own councils), but accepted all the rules of government (that the Great Law of Peace created) in which each nation/person had an equal voice and status.

The Great Deportation:
When Britain took over Acadia, it told the Acadians to leave within a ear, but the Acadians didn't want to give up all their land that they worked so hard on, so most refused. The British then required the Acadians to take an oath if a war broke out between Britain and France; an oath of neutrality, so the Acadians agreed but later on, the war seemed likely to happen, so Britain required Acadia to take another oath; and oath of allegiance so that the Acadians would have to fight on their side. However, the Acadians refused and Britain decided to deport them .So Acadians escaped to New France while others found protection with the Mi'kmaq.

The Royal Proclamation:
The British decided to pass an act called the Royal Proclamation that established the province of Quebec with a British style government, disallowed Catholics form holding positions in government, abolished French civil law, encouraged settlers from the Thirteen Colonies to move into Quebec (to assimilate the French), and sought peace with the First Nations by separating first Nations' land and the Thirteen Colonies' land equally.

The Treaty of Paris:
The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years' War and France had to give up almost all of their claims to North america (under the treaty). The French also negotiated guarantees that Britain would not retaliate against French allies, and that it would allow the Catholic people of new France to practice their religion.

Provisional Government:
A temporary government formed when no other authority can establish legitimate control.

Considering your own country superior to others.
Ex. Europeans expressed their own ethnocentrism to First Nations and Inuit people).

The Seven Years' War:
in 1754, a fighting broke out between Britain and France to control the western boundary of the Thirteen Colonies. The war soon went global and many European countries had already chosen sides. Britain then seized Quebec, but it didn't end the war; the Treaty of Paris did.

(National loyalty); devoted love, support, and defence of one's country.

The Constitutional Act of 1791:
This act reorganized Quebec by dividing Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada, established British civil and criminal law in Upper Canada and British criminal law but French civil law in Lower Canada, set aside lands for Protestant churches and guaranteed the Canadiens rights to the Catholic church, and created representative government in both Upper and Lower Canada.

The Quebec Act:
This act helped ensure that French language and culture was preserve in Quebec by allowing Quebecois practice their religion (Catholicism), allowed Canadiens hold government positions (once they've taken an oath), rienstated French civil law, and lastly, it extended the geographic boundaries of Quebec (but didn't consult the First Nations who would obviously be affected by these changes).

Plains of Abraham:
Was a pivotal moment in the Seven Years' War when a British invasion force (led by James Wolfe), defeated the French troops leading to the surrender of Quebec to the British. (The battle also only lasted an hour).

The movement of people from one region of territory to another.

The War of 1812:
Was a fight between British North American and the U.S.A. triggered by the Napoleonic wars (and was technically part of it). Since Britain and France were also rebelling against eachother (along with the U.S.A. as well), Britain decided to shut down trade between France and the us which blocked American ships from landing in French ports. And to retaliate, the U.S.A. declared war on the nearest piece of British territory: British North America (Canada). The colonists fought back though.

The HBC (Hudson Bay Company) v.s. NWC (North West Company):
There was a fierce rivalry between these two companies that led to shootings, hostage taking, and kidnapping. Britain got tired of this and convinced the two companies to merge together under the name of the HBC. (The HBC was also losing control of their monopoly on the fur trade and lost a court case against independent Metis traders that were supplying the Americans with furs. Britain feared that Americans would use their economic connections to take over Rupert's Land.
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