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Reconstruction started out well, but then there was a backlash against the African Americans
After the Civil War ended many former slaves died from starvation or the cold
Reconstruction was the attempt to solve all the problems in the aftermath of the Civil War
North and South had differing on ideas on Reconstruction
Appomattox was where Lee surrendered
Lincoln wanted black people to have the right to vote
John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln for that speech
Post Civil War people were looking for relatives after they were separated
Andrew Johnson was sworn in after the assassination of Lincoln
Johnson was considered to be the worst president at that time for being racist among other things
Gen. Oliver Howard tried to have reconstruction start, and allow black people to own land
Everyone who owned less than $20,000 of property were blanket pardoned
Rich would only be pardoned if they appealed to Johnson
Johnson did it for revenge
Johnson told Howard to give the land back to the former slave owners
The former slaves had to work for the former slave owners in essentially a slavery contract
South thought North was suppressing their rights
The Confederacy grew after the surrender of Lee
A few Southern governments created the "black codes" that greatly prohibited black people's rights
The black codes were essentially slavery all over again
The KKK was formed in 1866, it was pretty much the "slave patrols" from pre-civil war
The Clerk didn't call the names of any Southern Congressmen so they couldn't participate in Congress
Congress established black rights even against the veto of the president
There was a massacre against black people in Memphis, Tenessee from John Penderghast and other
Black churches and schools were all burnt down
46 black people out of 48 died in Memphis
14th amendment gave more rights to black people and other peoples
The majority of southern states didn't want to ratify the 14th amendment
Tenessee was the only southern state in house of representatives
Southerners were mad that black people may have had the right to vote while some former slave owners couldn't
Andrew Johnson spent a lot of his presidency avoiding impeachment
Majority of states voted for U. S. Grant since half a million black people voted in the 1868 election
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