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He gives you three sections, and you can't do any other sections in the designated time for a certain one, so you need to complete a given section in the time he gives you for it. Section one is a page which asks a couple questions -- first it asks you to list everything from nucleotide to biosphere in order of size, so things like organ, ecosystem, community, cell, nucleus, etc. The other questions are like "what is the purpose of the punnett square?", "what is the importance of dna replication?" and "why is biological resilience important for an ecosystem?"
You only get 25 minutes for the first section
The second section you get 20 minutes for. It gives you three prompts: one asks you to talk about heredity and reproduction, one asks about cells and cell functions/cycles, and the last prompt asks about functions and characteristics of ecosystems, like ecological succession and what happens to ecosystems over time
you get to choose which prompt you want to write about
which ever one you choose, you have to speak to it using 2 examples TO MEET, and your two examples can be written and/or drawn. You can use 3 or more examples (examples are descriptions of things like dna replication, the cell cycle, ecological succession, incomplete dominance, etc.) to EXCEED THE STANDARD.
After your 20 mins are done, he gives you section 3. in section three you are RANDOMLY ASSIGNED to a partner in your class, and then asked to INVENT some sort of scientific investigation/project with them. you have to ask a question, make up a hypothesis, decide on materials needed for the research, and then describe how you will collect and analyze the data you get. you also need to estimate how much it will cost, but it's not that tight. you can really make most of it up and bs a lot of that section
for example, marcos and i said "in sunshine cove, there were 1000 tuna fish lost over the past 6 years (totally made up) and we want to add 500 tuna. will that increase or decrease the resilience of the cove?"
Then we made a guess that it would help the resilience and why, and decided how we would find out how the population fluctuated in time, etc.
so the most important thing to remember is to not be lengthy, because you WILL run out of time
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Regards; Team

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