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izumi sena is a member of knights & an idol/ballet dancer/model/star student. one reason as to why he's excellent in many fields is not because of natural talent - which he lacks and ppl don't fail to mention this e.g leo, eichi, him - but because of hard work and constant perseverance he becomes much better. he states that he's a ballet bc not only is it hard work but you put your all into it for being beautiful & its not a sport for slackers/those who cannot maintain that sort of perfection. he's not a genius but his grades are excellent because he works hard at studying 24/7 and at some point mentions it to tennis club that he's losing his good eyesight bc he studies way too much for exams. and for being a model, he was never a "prodigy" like makoto (ppl - such as natsume - stated that makoto was a prodigy at modelling due to how good he was & how his potential is limitless), but he learnt a lot from him and knew, even when he was a kid in a ruthless industry that'd eat you apart w/ the slightest mistake, that being there for him & being a model alongside him would make him much better. izumi grew to care a lot about him, though, and this only sparked his interest into being a model for makoto even more - remember his "all or nothing" mentality and how he puts it into play here. most of his actions r actions of desperation and this was also him wanting to stand alongside a prodigy like makoto, esp. w/ how much he cared for him. for being an idol, izumi used to not even be able to sing but after lots of hard work & examining his voice for how it was before, comparing it to his results, his singing improved loads. at some point leo mentions that he has a beautiful voice despite not being able to sing & because of this validation & his own desperation to be at the best at whatever he can be - which is where his "go big or go home" mindset kicks in because izumi is a very prideful character and he can't bear the thought of losing/quitting. which is why he's also such a good fit for knights, an incredibly competitive unit, known for their duels/violence and their image was a bad one due to all of the idol duels they participated in. it was mainly izumi & leo, though, and the two of them had a really complex relationship w both of them depending on one another; izumi for depending on leo of being the most perfect he could be & leo to project his masterpieces upon. however, later on, leo depended more on izumi bc he realized that izumi was his only friend and his inspirations soon became more grisly & depressing and izumi forced himself to maintain the image of leo's muse and to perform the way leo wished him too despite not wanting to. basically the two of them went to a really unhealthy spiral and only w/ eichi's intervention of destroying leo's reputation thru dreamfes & all of the ppl they fought before (who voted against them now - which was leo's major betrayal), izumi broke out of that and leo as well. most ppl assume that izumi's falling out w/ him was because of leo's genius breakdown but a part of his breakdown was losing his muse (izumi) and basically everybody he thought he was friends w/ before. this is something leo has in common w/ eichi: they both had a false idea on what friends were before. ANYWAYS! more on izumi! his "all or nothing" mentality goes into play w/ his relationships. as a matter of fact, in the butterfly gacha, tsukasa mentioned that izumi had the wrong idea in relationships bc it was him going to the extremes (eg. makoto) or maintaining apathy (eg. tsukasa) in relationships. this is because he's spent his entire life thinking if he didn't put his all into things it's not worth it & after so many years of believing in this mentality, it's taken an emotional toll on him. which is also a major part of izumi's character. he tends to go overboard w/ his emotions and is prone to breaking down easily because of how long he's been forcing himself throughout his years into a certain lifestyle that's exhausted him physically/mentally. many of the ppl around him - such as ricchan, makoto, etc. - understand him to an extent & sometimes analyze him.... like right in front of him. or behind his back. but most of the times when analyzing him they're either 1. talking to others as to why he acts like this or 2. talking to him abt his own actions and his lack of self-awareness that drives him into doing what he misleads himself into believing is right. because he lacks a balance in his emotions/relationships/etc. he doesn't know what he wants and instead relies on past experiences, then applies them to present scenarios. for example, w/ makoto, when he's made it obvious that he craved some sort of relationship w/ him, he twists their relationship into a delusional sort that doesn't benefit the either of them. which is ironic, considering that izumi thought that he was doing something right and helping the two of them. by wanting to force makoto into being a model and projecting their past relationship onto him izumi misleads himself into doing what he think is right. he's filled with an intense desire to protect the people he loves and because he so strongly believes in the past and relies on that, izumi is incredibly harsh & spares no formalities because even though he's a romanticist, he thinks that being harsh on others will make sure they won't go thru the same pain/suffering he has. i mtrying to othink o f others but its soo hard to concenty babyaret im like crytpingni love im sofukcing muchhh b abe... my babey..... mwah.
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