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It was just another ordinary boiling hot day in 1994 when an old shepherd noticed strange rectangular stones on a bympy hill called Göbeklitepe.He thought this discovery might be important and informed the museum in Şanlıurfa. After the curator of the museum got in touch with the german Archaeological Institute, the archaeologist Prof. Klaus Schmidt came to Göbeklitepe. Excavations have been carried out since then. Prof. Schmidt, who led the excavations for 18 years, always believed that this prehistoric site was a gold mine of information. The discovery of Göbeklitepe has Wiped out everything that was previously known true because it was built in pre-settlement time and people didn`t even start farming.
Göbeklitepe is believed to be the oldest temple of the world. Carbon-dating shows that it was built around 10,000 BC by the hunter-gatherers. Remember that stonehenge was built in 3,000 BC and the pyramids of Giza in 2,500 BC. The site consists of hundreds of T-shaped pillars changing from 3 to 6 meters and 40 to 60 tonnes. The archaeologists are scratching their heads to find out the meanings of the symbols and animal figures on each pillar. Only a small number of the T-pillars have been dug out so far, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Prof. Schmidt pızzled out the fact that these T-shaped pillars had been mainly used for religious purposes. His view has been backed up by all the scientists and the site is described as extraordinary and unique. Homever, the planners and the building techniques of this ancient temple are still a big secret and no one has been able to crack the code yet. Göbeklitepe raises more questions for prehistory than it answers . One thing is certain that this mysterious site will keep blowing our minds and the history will be rewritten.
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