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5206 E 128 4284FE 81
E 2000108 00000060
021 D 15A 8 41C 64E 6 D
00006073 02111880
E 92D 40F 0 E 51F 0010
E 5900000 E1 D 018 B 4
E 1 D028 B 6 E 0217002
E 1 A071 A 7 E 51F 1034
E 51F 2034 E 51F 3034
E 5910000 E0243290
E 0253294 E0246005
E 1 A069 A 6 E 1560007
11 A00004 1AFFFFF 8
E 5810000 E8 BD 80F 0
1206 E 116 0000F 792
E 206 E 118 00000010
F 7 B1 E 800 1 C05 FE13
FE 10F 7B 1 43050400
0206 E 128 E 0001C 28
D 0000000 00000000
52246C 94 28038800
12247BEC 00002064
D 2000000 00000000

walk through
Press R + B to enable L+ B to disable
94000130 FCFD0200
1205 DAA2 00000200
D 2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFD0100
1205 DAA2 00001C 20
D 2000000 00000000
HG Mew Event Code Hold L + R will
appear in box Slot 1 same for all
code 's
94000130 FCFF0000
B 2111880 00000000
E 000 F 710 00000088
C 1008 ADD E 6410000
6 B 82DD47 887 FC23 B
A 4 C8499 B 85A 91CE 6
DDAF 4 BC9 9 D 11E 449
CD 957886 BD425 FEA
ED 7D 29A 7 C 7 E2 D 756
BEF 8 AF88 EE1 F 3C 1 E
0 A 8A 766 A A 5F 48E 9 F
DCC50 FE3 DA4851 E 9
DA 929 D39 AF73 B149
0438 EAB 9 4 B765 DE 7
BE 804 F9 B 05317CCF
623 D 0785 B 318 F3 E 4
1 F 1FB 93E CED93E 62
4 E 0E 9 A31 5210562 C
E 1 DA2165 A 8BE 6601
687975 AE 0EF 6630C
D 2000000 00000000
HG Shiny Event Mew
94000130 FCFF0000
B 2111880 00000000
E 000 F 710 00000088
960 E 4225 E 6410000
6 AA3 DCF2 76CCE 8 B 0
A 5 F04837 7 A5601 D 5
2850 B 436 9 D1107 B 0
DD 957486 B 5425FEF
EC 5C 2812 3951FDDD
BFC 0 AE24 11E 0212D
FF 758995 A5 F 46D 66
CCC 503 E 3 D 24851EC
DA 929 D39 AF73 B149
0438 EAB 9 4 B765 DE 7
BE 804 F9 B 05317CCF
623 D 0785 B 318 F3 E 4
1 F 1FB 93E CED93E 62
4 E 0E 9 A31 5210562 C
E 1 DA2165 A 8BE 6601
687975 AE 0EF 6630C
D 2000000 0000000
( L+ R ) Activate the code before you go
into the pokeshop collect your gift from
Manaphy Egg
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
2000 A 054 00000007
D 2000000 00000000
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
E 0009 E4 C 00000104
00000001 00000001
3 F 4F 14F 1 00710000
D 3 A10824 710711 C 6
670 FF 90B 29CB3 B 09
7 AB20993 295 E15 B6
11765369 EA14AF 25
DDC151 F 8 8219459 C
4 F 673188 7 FC6 C939
04758251 A2 E 0E 4 C 9
DA 6859F 5 8 C80 A200
3 DE70 B70 93810AB4
4662 A 8B 3 54DF 8E 01
21 FB0 DA6 EA09 ED92
874 C 8972 2 A5 E 7818
E 4 E63 C15 27E 66F 25
D 797 D 385 21161ABE
1 F 6EE 88F D 0B 3 DC4 C
56097073 2CCEE 277
F 8 EC48BB 6775D 10 E
239167 DC 30D 9 C8 CE
BE 2C 60CF 0 C6 E 46C 3
587617 BC C7 D 144 E 4
38 FDB749 E 7D 924 CF
AE 6E 1 B3 E 9 CAFF70 C
32 A6 F 794 CFF 4 D26 D
3 E 473 D30 400450 C 4
03 E95 B04 7 F0 EE49 A
E 95C 8 B1 B BD4 B 3 CA0
7 DB6 D 3 D6 653 A 1 E86
8762 A 9F 8 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D 2000000 00000000
Red Scale
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 000001 DE
D 2000000 00000000

team rocket
This is the code for action replay
62111880 00000000 B 2111880
00000000 10025D 90 00000102
D 2000000 00000000 Thats it !

Hold L +R while entering any pokemart,
talk to the man in green
Slowpoke Tail
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 000001 D9
D 2000000 00000000
Enigma Stone
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 00000218
D 2000000 00000000
lets you get Latios go to the museum
in pewter city and talk to steven stone
Blue Orb
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 00000217
D 2000000 00000000
go to embedded tower to get kyogre
Red Orb
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 00000216
D 2000000 00000000
go to embedded tower to get groudon

94000130 FEFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
00000D 14 01ED 0001
00000D 18 00640002
D 2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
DA 000000 00000D 16
C 0000000 00000027
D 7000000 00025A 68
D 2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
DB 000000 00000D 1 A
C 0000000 0000000B
D 8000000 00025A 5C
D 2000000 00000000
yoy will get 493 masterballs and 100
ultra balls
ultra balls are for level and masterball
is for pokemon number . Trash balls till
you get the right number you want
rebattle trainers hold R and talk to a
02040EA 8 F7 FF68 E0
94000130 FEFF0000
02040EA 8 E0002000
D 0000000 00000000

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
E 0009 E4 C 00000104
00020001 00000001
00000001 53F 10000
DC 68369C B 5610420
C 5 C1 AB1 F 05123687
3 B 88197C DB96892A
FEB 748 E 0 6 A909 AEB
DDD83396 DC2 C 7736
30 BBB 73A 3626B 9 D 8
83 D61 AA5 C 6CE 099 F
9402641 E 1430E 3 DE
26 BB0 DEA 65E 5 CC4 E
25261D 00 E 7BC 7784
5 FFFE 89D 37BB 6CB 1
5 FE66955 1DA 56A 1 F
985 DDD33 AB896096
0 EB70954 F22 F0 D 62
DB 75E 0B 5 C 22F 799 F
67 A2 B 8A 0 F 2F 3 CE22
AC 2141C 6 1 FAED2 EB
B 6 B879 FA 37B 64AF 7
DE 460 C22 92F 95736
22317837 D4 E 459 C 1
82413E 98 FF91B 194
3 CD5 D 027 02E 7 D 2AB
9924107 D D 7934469
742 B 3167 A 857 A728
138 B 2 BCE 26D 8 ABF 6
975673 D 6 C 1B 333 EB
D 8372 D49 062303 D 5
EEB 0 FDA5 0 AB9 A8 B 3
474 E 9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
D 2000000 00000000 ( L+ R )
Activate the code before you go into
the shop collect your gift from

green orb
GREEN ORB FCFF 0000 62111880
00000000 B2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003 10009E 50
00000214 D2000000 00000000 GO TO
( L- R ).

ARCEUS Hold L + R while walking into a
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
e 0009f 50 00000104
00000001 00000001
00000001 e8 fd0000
a 0 f4 b9 e 3 5a 4 c5 dad
f 35a 84cd e 9571 fb5
f 3e 263 f7 09088252
64 c70c 40 b3 d 6578a
fcff 687 b 3472 d98 d
689 ecfe0 82 a0 cb86
ddb 70 bfa 1c 979418
37 e16ae 4 6c 48db 2b
d 53e 7993 967 d2307
9 e 77d 3e 5 5 da777 bf
fdc 28907 25 ccd2 ac
22 d4 eb82 26cc2251
6 c 6394fb 1 eafbee3
3 b 22d 8bc 956 b 44d 2
670 ffae 1 020 c 87dd
780 dd 226 b 815 ab02
ac2141 c 6 1ee9 d 28a
b 7 a578 bd 374 c 4a 26
debc 0cd 8 92f95736
22317837 d4 e 459 c1
82413e 98 ff91 b194
3 cd5 d 027 02e 7d 2 ab
1445107 d d4934469
742 b 3167 a 857 a728
138 b 2 bce 26d 8abf 6
975673 d 6 c1 b 333 eb
d 8372 d49 062303 d5
eeb 0 fda5 0 ab9 a 8 b3
474 e 9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d 2000000 00000000
CELEBI ( Go to Ilex Forest and the place
with a red roof. )
( It will replaces 1 ST PKMN in party . )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
e 00000a 8 000000 ec
00000001 6e 700000
ef 58 fc 8e 3854 b7 fc
4110 ddc 8 afcdf339
43 ca93ee a 01f 75d 9
38 d8 c 89b 9 e9865 ed
3 f485822 87c0 b 031
a 3 f85c 5 a 3375c 847
e 9 c16a 2 b bf4888bc
4 ad7 dc06 ce226297
19 ba9 f19 24ce20a 2
52 af9f 46 da 7934ea
72 b6 f7 c 2 3ad 62306
e 263 ed95 31ffd4 f3
dd 37eaf1 0 b 45a 246
2 d 7f 3518 3b 59619d
97878cc 9 4b 1 ac531
0 b 5d 177 a 87d 158 e 3
ac2141 c 6 1e 23d 28a
b 7 e07877 36924bf7
df620 d 06 92f95736
223 b 7937 2 b1 ba63 e
7 dbec167 006 e4 e 6b
c 32a 2 fd8 fd182 d54
1445 ef 82 d 793 bb96
8 bd4 ce98 a85758 d7
ec74 d431 26d 85409
68 a98 c29 c1 b 333 eb
d 8372 d49 062303 d5
eeb 0 fda5 0 ab9 a 8 b3
474 e 9945 00000000
d 2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B 2111880 00000000
20009E 4 C 00000003
10009E 50 00000218
D 2000000 00000000
Hold L +R while entering any pokemart

Max Cash ( Press L +R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
00000088 000 f423 f
d 2000000 00000000
Reset Game Time ( Press L+ R +SELECT )
94000130 fcfb 0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
10000096 00000000
10000098 00000000
d 2000000 00000000
Max Mom Savings (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
0000 c0 e 8 000 f423 f
d 2000000 00000000
Restore Health (Press START)
94000130 fff70000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
10049e 60 000003 e8
10049e 64 000003 e8
d 2000000 00000000
1 Hit Kills Pokemon ( Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
10049f 20 00000001
10049f 24 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
Easy Captures
92247612 00002801
12247612 00004280
d 2000000 00000000
Can Capture Trainer Pokemon
9224670 a 00002101
1224670 a 00002100
d 2000000 00000000
No Random Encounters ( Outside)
a 4000130 fffc0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
20025a 54 00000000
d 2000000 00000000
Hold B +A While Walking for Encounter
( Outside)
94000130 fffc0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
20025a 54 000000 ff
d 2000000 00000000
900 x All Normal Items in Pocket (Press
L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 00000384
c 0000000 000000 a1
d 7000000 00000656
dc000000 00000002
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
10000708 00000087
1000070 c 00000088
d 5000000 00000044
c 0000000 0000002c
d 7000000 00000654
d 4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 000000 d5
c 0000000 00000072
d 7000000 00000710
dc000000 00000002
d 4000000 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
900 x All Medical Items in Pocket (Press
L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 03840011
c 0000000 00000025
d 6000000 00000b 74
d 4000000 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
900 x All Berries in Pocket ( Press L+ R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 03840095
c 0000000 0000003f
d 6000000 00000c 14
d 4000000 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
900 x All Pokeballs in Pocket (Press L
+ R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 00000384
c 0000000 00000017
d 7000000 00000d 16
dc000000 00000002
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 00000001
c 0000000 0000000f
d 7000000 00000d 14
d 4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 000001 ec
c 0000000 00000007
d 7000000 00000d 54
d 4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d 2000000 00000000
900 x All Battle Items in Pocket (Press L
+ R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 03840037
c 0000000 0000000e
d 6000000 00000d 74
d 4000000 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
All Accessories (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
20003f 92 00000009
00003f 94 ffffffff
20003f 98 0000007 f
d 5000000 00000099
c 0000000 0000001d
d 8000000 00003f74
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Red Apricorns (Press L +R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e568 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Yellow Apricorns (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e569 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Blue Apricorns (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e56 a 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Green Apricorns (Press L +R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e56 b 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Pink Apricorns (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e56 c 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x White Apricorns (Press L +R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e56 d 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
99 x Black Apricorns ( Press L +R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 e56 e 00000063
d 2000000 00000000
All PokeGear Upgrades (Press L + R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 7 00000006
d 2000000 00000000
Complete Phonebook (Press L + R )
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
d 5000000 00000000
c 0000000 0000004a
d 8000000 0000c 0 fc
d 4000000 00000001
d 2000000 00000000
d 0000000 00000000
Color Theme 2
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 6 00000004
d 2000000 00000000
Color Theme 3
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 6 00000008
d 2000000 00000000
Color Theme 4
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 6 0000000c
d 2000000 00000000
Color Theme 5
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 6 00000010
d 2000000 00000000
Color Theme 6
62111880 00000000
b 2111880 00000000
2000 baf 6 00000014
d 2000000 00000000
Double Experience (HOLD : R After
Battle )
a 4000130 feff0000
1206 fada 00000068
1206 fb2 e 0000 e 03c
0206 fb30 07808960
1206 fb44 00000 f85
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 feff0000
1206 fada 0000006 c
1206 fb2 e 00002002
0206 fb30 e 03a 4345
1206 fb44 00008965
d 2000000 00000000
10 x Experience (HOLD : R After Battle)
a 4000130 feff0000
1206 fada 00000068
1206 fb2 e 0000 e 03c
0206 fb30 07808960
1206 fb44 00000 f85
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 feff0000
1206 fada 0000006 c
1206 fb2 e 0000200 a
0206 fb30 e 03a 4345
1206 fb44 00008965
d 2000000 00000000
100 x Experience (HOLD : R After Battle )
a 4000130 feff0000
1206 fada 00000068
1206 fb2 e 0000 e 03c
0206 fb30 07808960
1206 fb44 00000 f85
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 feff0000
1206 fada 0000006 c
1206 fb2 e 00002064
0206 fb30 e 03a 4345
1206 fb44 00008965
d 2000000 00000000
200 x Experience (HOLD : R After Battle )
a 4000130 feff0000
1206 fada 00000068
1206 fb2 e 0000 e 03c
0206 fb30 07808960
1206 fb44 00000 f85
d 2000000 00000000
94000130 feff0000
1206 fada 0000006 c
1206 fb2 e 000020 c 8
0206 fb30 e 03a 4345
1206 fb44 00008965
d 2000000 00000000
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Regards; Team

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