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in the aftermath of another failed mission to apprehend dark kat, chance is left injured and fighting for his life. he manages to pull through, but weeks later, as he is recuperating at home, there is an attack at the scrapyard and jake dies. the swatkats are presumed dead, as they were seen flying onto the scene, and so the only survivor is chance furlong.

years later, chance has pulled his life around. he works in enforcer headquarters as a tech developer to repay his debt to feral, who has been strangely nice to him since the attack. he has married felina feral and they are considering adopting a kid. and then, during a hostage crisis/robbery which he is caught at, a strange masked kat bursts in, saves everyone, and then leaves.

here is what chance doesn't know:

while chance was in the hospital in the wake of the failed attack on dark kat, razor went to commander feral, who was shaken at the fact that chance was actually hurt and was therefore more likely to listen. razor revealed his identity, and the two agreed to put their animosity aside and work together to take down dark kat.

razor left a tip to someone who knew someone who knew dark kat and basically staged the attack on the hangar as well as his own death. with feral as his only contact to the world he once knew, jake assumed a new identity and left to entrench himself in megakat city's criminal underworld. it took years to raise himself up to a high position, and he had to do terrible things. feral acted as his rock during this time and helped keep him sane by reminding him what they're fighting for, as well as giving jake frequent updates on chance.

years later, jake finally gets what he was hoping for: an in on dark kat. he's raised himself up to dark kat's second in command and has so far managed to keep dark kat's trust while at the same time sabotaging all of his attempts to destroy megakat city or whatever the fuck it he wants. so then years later, once he has the freedom to roam without surveillance, he leads a triple life.

he is a humble journalist by day named something generic idk. he wears a voice modulator in the form of a collar (a spouse who died who he hasn't been able to forget) and looks and acts completely different: his attire is mainly slacks and button ups with the sleeves rolled up, and occasionally a sweater if it's cold. he is suave and quiet, and very observant. the old ladies in his apartment building love him.

he is also shadow, dark kat's second in command. he handles the day to day stuff, namely hiring, assassinating, threatening the people he needs to, but also directing the creeplings and putting dark kat's plans together. he is known for being quiet and deadly, and for always knowing what's going on. it's rare that he's out of the loop (and when he is, it usually ends badly for him).

In the form which was most true to his old self, he is also Striker, a masked vigilante who most people believe is trying to emulate the late SWAT kats because of his use of gadgets. striker is much less flashy than the swat kats were. he mostly stays in the shadows, doing what needs to be done and then immediately leaving before he can be detected, though if you can catch him, he's known for being witty and sarcastic. feral endorses him (which is what eventually convinces chance that it couldn't ever be jake, because he thinks feral hates them still) and actually it's feral who usually patches him up and gives him the info of where people need help.

this role has been incredibly taxing on jake and has pushed his acting abilities far beyond their limits, though the hardest part has definitely been missing out on so many years of his friend's life.
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