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Hello everyone,

Recently, Korean government passed a new insurance law. It requires every foreigners who live in South Korea more than 6 months will have to join a specific type of insurance for foreigner (외국인건강보험). This type of insurance has MUCH HIGHER annual fee than the type of Insurance we are using, approximately 650000 won/year. The annual fee of our current insurance (which is issued by private company) is about 150000 won/year.

Compare between two type of insurance, it is said that the 외국인건강보험 has more benefits than the private one, such as broader coverage, better reduction price,... but its price is enormous high and I believe that it is a large financial burden with our salary.

However, there is a petition about this law in the website of Korean Government. The name of this petition is "외국인 건강보험 당연가입 철회 청원", which means " Petition for withdrawal of foreign health insurance participation". If there are more than 200000 (two hundred thousand) votes, the government will review the law and theyall of tyou might change it. Therefore, I believe that I should share this information for all of you.

Here is the link to the petition:
Currently there are ~ 37000 people voted. It need 200000 participant before 8/6/2019 (The eighth of June). In order to vote, simply scroll down and click to the 동의 button (blue one). It will redirect to the login website, which you can login through your facebook account. After you login, it is done.

Thanks for reading. Wish you a good day.
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Regards; Team

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