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Decomposers – the best recyclers around
No chlorophyll – non photosynthetic
Most multicellular (hyphae) – some unicellular (yeast)
Cell walls made of chitin (kite-in) instead of cellulose like that of a plant
Are more related to animals than plant kingdom
Lack true roots, leaves and stems
Absorptive heterotrophs -Digest food externally and then absorb it
Lack of chlorophyll affects the lifestyle of fungi…
Not dependant on light
Can occupy dark habitats
Can grow in any direction
Can invade the interior of
a substrate with
absorptive filaments
Key Phyla:
Chytridiomycota (Chytrids)- Allomyces
Zygomycota (conjugated fungi)- Rhizopus stolonifer
Ascomycota (sac fungi)- Magnaporthe grisea
Basidiomycota (club fungi)-Agaricales
Microsporidia- Entero cystozoon
Feeding-absorb nutrients from plants and animals around them

circulation-possess a long, branching structure called the hypha, which assists in the exchange of nutrients and water between different parts of the fungus, but no traditional circulatory system.

respiration-In order to respire, bacteria and fungi need food. These combined with oxygen (aerobic respiration) or without (anaerobic) form carbon dioxide and water (aerobic) or carbon dioxide and alcohol (anaerobic)

excretion-Fungi do not excrete any solid/liquified waste per se

response-respond to stimuli from the environment. However, as the fungal species mature, they tend to display negative gravitropism/geotropism

movement-most fungi colonize their environment by using spores (long-range dispersal), which can be spread by wind, water or other organisms, or by growing and elongating their hyphae (short-range).

reproduction-Fungi reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding, or producing spores
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Regards; Team

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