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Top 5 Apex Legends Bloodhound Buff Concepts
While we wait for some new content updates for Apex, I have seen a lot of people in my comments and on reddit, talking about how Bloodhound's tactical is really bad and should get a buff. While I don't think Bloodhound deserves a buff more than mirage or gibraltar I do think it would make him a lot more viable if there were some slight adjustments to his tactical ability but not his passive or ultimate because I think both are very balanced. Before I get into the top 5 I want to say, the ranking of these buffs are all my opinion, however you should definitly let me know down in the comments your ideas for a Buff to Bloodhound's tactical. So lets get right into these top 5 buff concepts.
Starting off with #5- Since using Bloodhounds tactical only shows where the enemies were and doesn't follow them through walls, it would definitly be nice if the effect followed people through walls but only for a few seconds so it isn't super over powered. However, Im putting this concept at #5 because I think it is very unlikely that this will be added because it would be a little over powered.
#4- Due to the fact that when Bloodhound uses the tactical the scan shows on the enemies screen so it is very obvious where bloodhound was when the tactical is used, thus giving away bloodhound's position. So in my opinion i don't think enemies should be able to see the scan because it is honestly not worth it because it gives away your position so instead, it should show on screen/say for the enemies something like "Bloodhound has spotted you" instead of showing where the scan came from.
#3- When Bloodhound scans for enemies with the tactical ability but then enemies show up in front of you, it is very hard to see clearly because the outlined enemy model can block your view of the real person moving around so I think that when an enemy is in front of you right after the tactical then at that point the outline should follow the enemy but only for a few seconds. I think this change is much more likely to be added then a lot of other buff concepts.
#2- This buff is a very small one but Im putting it at #2 because I think it has a high chance of being added and it wouldn't change Bloodhound as a character too much. This buff is a reduction of Bloodhound's tactical cooldown time. Currently the cooldown time, without a gold helmet, is 35 seconds and when you compare that to tactical cooldowns like Wraith and Pathfinder then it is very clear that Bloodhound's tactical should be 15-20 seconds instead of 35 seconds.
#1- This concept, I saw on reddit, ill make sure to link it down below. Basically, when the tactical is used, Targets stay marked for a few seconds (like a mini version of his ult), but not through walls. Teammates can also see the effect which gradually fades off. This would allow for More synergy and playmaking with Bangalore's smoke/Caustic's gas. Emphasizes Bloodhound's role as tracker/forward scout. Encourages actually using and landing the scan. I put this at #1 because I think it wouldn't be super over powered and it would encourage more teamwork with his ability.
Again, these are all my opinion but if you have any other ideas, definitly make sure to let me know down in the comments what types of buffs you would like to see added to Bloodhound's kit. Thats it for this video, if you enjoyed make sure to hit the like button, it really helps me out and if you guys are new to the channel then make sure to subscribe and turn on that notification bell for daily apex content. Its been your boy sethly and im out.
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