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p : &8&lBlack&3&lPlay
command /tarihyap [<text>]:
set {tarih} to arg-1
command /saatyap [<number>]:
set {saat} to arg-1
command /dakikayap [<number>]:
set {dakika} to arg-1
every 1 minutes:
add 1 to {dakika}
if {dakika} is equal to 60:
remove 60 from {dakika}
add 1 to {saat}

on join:
wait 1 ticks
wipe player SIDEBAR
while player is online:
wait 3 seconds
wipe player's sidebar
set name of sidebar of player to "&3&lBack&8&lPlay"
set score "&7&l> &fYou" in sidebar of player to 12
set score "%player's chat name%" in sidebar of player to 11
set score "&0" in sidebar of player to 10
set score "&7&l> &fTime" in sidebar of player to 9
set score "&e%{saat}%:%{dakika}%" in sidebar of player to 8
set score "&e%{tarih}%" in sidebar of player to 7
set score "&1" in sidebar of player to 6
set score "&7&l> &fServer" in sidebar of player to 5
set score "&6EU&8:&e %world%" in sidebar of player to 4
set score "&2" in sidebar of player to 3
set score "&7&l> &fPlayers" in sidebar of player to 2
set score "&6Online&8: &e%number of all players%" in sidebar of player to 1
set score "&" in sidebar of player to 0
command /chatcolor [<text>]:
aliases: cc
if {rank::%player%} is "VIP" OR "mod" or "srmod" or "admin" or "owner":
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@p} &7You can use &cRed &6Orange &eYellow &aGreen &dPurple &3Blue &rReset"
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "red":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "red"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &cRed!"
if arg-1 is "Orange":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "Orange"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &6Orange!"
if arg-1 is "yellow":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "Yellow"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &eYellow!"
if arg-1 is "Green":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "Green"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &aGreen!"
if arg-1 is "Purple":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "Purple"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &dPurple!"
if arg-1 is "blue":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "blue"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &3Blue!"
if arg-1 is "reset":
set {chatcolor::%player%} to "reset"
send "{@p} &7Your chat color has been changed to &rReset!"
on first join:
set {rank::%player%} to "member"
set player tab name to "&2%player%"
set player's chat name to "&2%player%"
on join:
wait 1 ticks
teleport player to {hub}

on chat:
cancel event
if player is op:
set message to "%colored message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "red":
set message to "&c%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "orange":
set message to "&6%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "yellow":
set message to "&e%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "green":
set message to "&a%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "purple":
set message to "&d%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "blue":
set message to "&3%message%"
if {chatcolor::%player%} is "reset":
set message to "&r%message%"
send "%playeR's chat name%: %message%" to all players in world of player
on join:
set join message to ""
wait 1 seconds
if player is online:
send "&8&l&m----------------------"
send "&7Welcome to {@p}"
send "&7Web: &6Coming Soon"
send "&7Store: &6Coming Soon"
send "&7Twitter: &6Coming Soon"
send "&7Discord: &6"
send "&8&l&m----------------------"
clear player's inventory
set slot 0 of player to compass named "&c&lGame Selector &7-&7 Right-click to select a game!"
set slot 1 of player to clock named "&d&lShow/Hide Players &7- &7Right-click to show/hide!"
set slot 7 of player to gold ingot named "&6&lCosmetics &7-&7 Right-click to open cosmetics menu!"
set slot 8 of player to nether star named "&5&lHub Selector &7- &7Right-click to select a hub!"
command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
if {rank::%player%} is "Admin" or "Owner" or "SrMod" or "Mod":
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
send "{@p} %arg-1's chat name% &7has been punished by &c%player% &7for &c%arg-2%" to all players
set {ban::%arg-1%} to true
kick arg-1 due to "{@p}%nl%&c&l&nYou are banned!%nl%&6Expires&8: &eNever%nl%%nl%&7If you need any help, you should join to our discord!%nl%&3&l"
send "{@p} &7Usage: /ban <player> <reason>"
send "{@p} &7Usage: /ban <player> <reason>"
send "{@p} &cYou do not have permission."
command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
if player is op:
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "member":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "Member"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &2member&8!"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is "vip":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "VIP"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &5vip&8!"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is "mod":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "Mod"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &cmoderator&8!"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is "sr.mod":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "SrMod"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &c&nsr.moderator&8!"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is "admin":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "Admin"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &4admin&8!"
execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &4"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is "owner":
set {rank::%arg-1%} to "Owner"
send "{@p} &c%arg-1%&7's rank has been changed to &4&nowner&8!"
execute console command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &4&n"
kick arg-1 due to "{@p} &7Rank change."
if arg-2 is not "owner" or "admin" or "srmod" or "mod" or "vip" or "member":
send "{@p} &7You must select &4&nowner &7or &4admin &7or &c&nsr.mod &7or &cmod &7or &5vip &7or &2member&8!"
if arg-2 is not set:
send "{@p} &7Usage: /rank <player> <rank>"
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@p} &7Usage: /rank <player> <rank>"
if player is not op:
send "{@p} &cYou do not have permission."
on join:
wait 7 ticks
if {rank::%player%} is "member":
set player's chat name to "&2%player%"
if {rank::%player%} is "vip":
set player's chat name to "&5%player%"
if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
set player's chat name to "&c&l%player%"
if {rank::%player%} is "srmod":
set player's chat name to "&4%player%"
if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
set player's chat name to "&4&l%player%"
if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
set player's chat name to "&4&l&n%player%"

on command:
if command is "lobby" or "hub":
cancel event
send "{@p} &7Connecting to &chub&7..." to player
wait 7 ticks
teleport player to {hub}
on rightclick with clock:
if name of player's tool is "&d&lShow/Hide Players &7- &7Right-click to show/hide!":
if {gizle::%player%} is not set:
set {gizle::%player%} to true
hide all players from player
hide player from all players
send "{@p} &7Players are now &chidden."
if {gizle::%player%} is true:
delete {gizle::%player%}
reveal all players from player
reveal player from all players
send "{@p} &7Players are now &avisible."
on rightclick with compass:
if name of player's tool is "&c&lGame Selector &7-&7 Right-click to select a game!":
open chest with 3 row named "&3Game Selector" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 3 of player with fishing rod named "&6Survival Games" to close then run [execute player command "sg join"]
format slot 5 of player with iron sword named "&6FFA" to close then run [execute player command "ffa gir"]
format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&6Duel" to close then run [execute player command "duel gir"]
format slot 15 of player with gray dye named "&7???" to close
format slot 21 of player with gray dye named "&7???" to close
format slot 23 of player with gray dye named "&7???" to close
on command "sethub":
set {hub} to location of player
on rightclick with gold ingot:
if name of player's tool is "&6&lCosmetics &7-&7 Right-click to open cosmetics menu!":
open chest with 3 row named "&3Cosmetics" to player
wait 1 ticks
format slot 10 of player with fishing rod named "&3Stats reset" to close then run [execute player command "stats reset"]
format slot 12 of player with bow named "&cSoon" to close
format slot 14 of player with redstone named "&cSoon" to close
format slot 16 of player with diamond chestplate named "&cSoon" to close
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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