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We find Red in bed, cold from being out in the rain and Mom is right there to suggest he sees Professor Oak. Red thinks he's weird, Mom ain't having none of that and eventually Red decides he'll go. Before you leave, Mom says she's bought new clothes for you and you obtain the Fashion Box. You change clothes by opening Fashion Box and selecting what you wish to wear. Even though other clothes are listed, only the "Original" and the "FireRed & LeafGreen" clothes are available, but it's still what Red is currently wearing.

Outside you'll notice now that there are other people around whom you can talk to. One woman, Tiara, has a friend who is currently in a coma (you remind her of him). One guy, Arthur, has moved to Kanto from another region called Orre which may have been taken over by cults. You can also enter the PokeCenter, where you will find a functioning telephone for future use. That house which was for sale is now blocked off by an old lady Acapa who explains that the daughter of the couple who lived there disappeared sometime in the past and so the couple moved away....

At the Oak's Residence you will find Daisy, Oak's granddaughter, who may be having a character role crisis. At the Ketchum's Residence you meet a woman named Akari who is keeping Delia/Mrs Ketchum company considering what she's been through, losing both her husband (Pete) and her son (...Ash? What happened??).

You can leave Pallet Town for Pallet Forest if you want to train. Can't take the north path yet, Red will remind you about seeing Oak. Outside the lab is old man Ramuh and his Abra, who will teleport you to places you've been to before, meaning that there's no HM for Fly in this game. Will Flying-type Pokemon learn the move naturally? We'll have to find out. Inside the lab there is nobody around except for 4 Pokemon: Spearow, Bulbasaur, Cubone and a certain Jigglypuff :) with some nice references for long time Pokemon fans. You will have an option to hold Bulbasaur, if you do, Professor Oak comes rushing in, startling Red and the Pokemon, and thinking Red is a thief. The Pokemon bolt out and you have to get them back. Just after Red dashes out, another Pokemon that had been hiding in the lab reveals itself for a second or two. It is a Squirtle. Unfortunately you won't find it if you're curious enough to go back into the lab :/ so on to finding the 4 Pokemon.

(1) Jigglypuff a.k.a Jiggy Mic - found just a little west from the lab, you can't miss it. Interacting with it will trigger a battle. It is at Level 8. Defeating it will count as capturing it.

(2) Spearow - found a little south from where Red met Poliwag. Also at Level 8.

Leave Pallet Town. Professor Oak can be found blocking the path going north, he's still pissed off about the missing Pokemon.

(3) Cubone (Level 8) - found where Red battled Mew.

Bulbasaur will be seen fleeing into the grass close to where that non-battling Team Rocket Grunt was. If you continue along the way after getting Cubone, you will find a Miracle Seed. Back to Pallet Garden, there's Bulbasaur! Professor Oak tries to step in but Bulbasaur takes off again, going north this time. Professor Oak says he'll come along. Finally, we take that first step along the route of all routes - Route 1.

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