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Some tips and tricks to get friends:
1. Do not think that nobody wants to be your friend. Regardless of how messed up your life is, there is somebody who have at least as messed up life. There are quite a lot off ppl, so you'll find likewise minded company. Unless you are prick and likewise minded ppl mean other pricks and don't want to be with each other.
2. Do no not be prick. You can be stupid, but don't be prick. Stupid ppl can get along with each other, but pricks don't get along with other pricks. Lying and backstabbing is bad for relationships in long term(duh), so be honest and trustworthy instead.
3. Have good manners. Some ppl don't are at all, but to be safe, have good manners. Like say thank you, sorry an other such phrases when apropriate.
4. Do not only talk about things that interest you. Friendship is 2-way relationship so you need to take this into account, that you have todiscuss some topics, that inerest other person too. Thisis why of course mutual interests are quite handy as then both of you can talk about things that interest you without upsetting each other.
5. Use your hobbies and subjects of interest. You like politics and magic. It is esier to find friends interested about those than about alone quietly in dark room waiting for slowly approaching inevitable death. Also you are good at magic anh at handling Discord servers. Skillz like that are not necessary, but they do make attracting friends easier.
6. Do not judge ppl too hastily. Just because they look weird doesn't mean you can't make friends with them. most ppl have more than one subject of interest and really hard to find someone who has all same subject of interest and do you. So even if they quite literally radiate something you are not into, they may still have some other muual interest with you, when you get to know them better.
7. Do not be afraid to approach new ppl. It's really hard to get new friends without this. If you are intovert, you can wait for other ppl to approach you, but that way introverts never can become each other's friends. That other person might be just as socially awkward as you or even more so, so don't be hesitant to take first step.
8. It's not amount of friends, but quality of them.(you should still try to get amount above 0) It is better to form more meaningful bonds with few ppl than get hundreds of half-acquaintances. Of course these are not mutually exclusive, but try to prefer qualiity over quantity, when assessing your socializing efforts.
9. Do not try too much. If building friendship is just not working at all. Move to next person. Of course it could still work better in future, so don't burn bridges literally no figuratively, even when moving to nekt vic.. pre.. suitable friend.
10. Wonderworld of inerwebs. Internet is great place to make friends. You have to never leave your room and you can make plenty of friends. It is really nice platform, since other lonely antisocial ppl with no friends are most of the time in internet, so it makes it easier for all of you(us?) to bond with each other without having to get so close to ppl, they can physically harm you.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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