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Monu had no clue that a day that began on a very innocuous pleasant note would lead him to utter despair and hopelessness by the time it ended!
Accordingly, after the morning training, On Saturday my brother Monu was at an event at a meeting and discussion centre in Andheri . Now Andheri is an area that is difficult to get to and very difficult to get out of ! Once someone is there it is a good advice to finish the meetings lined up one by one. This is the most efficient utilization of time. So Monu subsequently thought of checking with a Training Company in the vicinity on some free session that they had invited him for but it was never availed. Monu spoke nicely to the reception manning lady Sweety. The receptionist Sweety invited him to meet the female trainer. He promptly went to the company premises at about 230pm. He quickly built a rapport (due to his congenial nature) and Sweety also took his number to put in messaging list for future sessions. Subsequently, Sweety introduced Monu to the trainer Deepa. The trainer Deepa requested him to come next time as there was a different schedule that they were following. They smiled and bid goodbye.

Monu is a thorough gentleman and a tuition teacher (with decent education) himself so he knows the pressures of the teaching/training profession. The visit was wasted but at least he tried. Having a work experience of over a decade helps to build empathy. Monu looks older with most of his hair totally white (including the beard stubble) and has a more mature look and demanor.

It was all smiles and pleasantries till now. Sweety the receptionist herself was from an education training background. They pleasantly connected and share a few details about professional stuff.
The free session was not happening so Monu had to now wait before he went for his next meeting.

Monu had some time to kill before his next meeting so he requested the receptionist if he can wait for some time and she agreed. There is no coffee shop in vicinity.
Now, Monu was not keeping too well and had to rush to use the men's restroom (washroom). He politely took permission from the male staff. One was being cleaned so he rushed to the other men's room. He could barely catch his breath coming out when the nature's call came again! He rushed back into the restroom. By now he was drained due to the ill health but before he could exit the restroom some burly looking security guard came in and started abusing him rudely enquiring who he is. Monu tried to speak but the man in safari suit was mad with rage. Maybe he was speaking at the behest of someone else!
Monu with his office bag went out and explained to the reception the behaviour of this burly guard in safari clothes.
Before Monu could finish his sentence, another sinister looking man in moustache and unshaven scraggy look came charging at Monu . He spoke twice as rudely and with ten times the aggression of the safari suit security guard! The scraggy moustache man maybe someone with authority in the office because others were now in full attention!

He kept asking "Who are you? Why are you here? " etc etc. He barely let Monu speak! While this moustache scraggy man with authority spoke, another woman interrupted-she was slightly heavily built- kept muttering meanly "He was here before too to take our trial free service and he spent some time here"
Monu: Oh! That means you know me! So this is some basic misunderstanding! Why is he shouting rudely?
The mean-look lady: But why are you here today?
Monu: This is more insulting now! Havent you checked I was invited then. You all have met me! and today again Sweety has given me a time!
The mean-look lady: You cannot spend time here.
Now the scraggy man kept interrupting and took turns with verbal volleys and insinuations! And baseless allegations!

This cross conversation continued!
Monu was badly shaken, but still kept his calm and asked "What is all this about?" but to no avail !
By now the aggression was totally in the air! The man almost wanted to lunge at Monu and choke him and the heavy woman with the mean streak continued her tirade! With her aggression that could scare even Mike Tyson, she looked as if she would beat someone to death! It was scary! The only alternative for the opposite person was meekly surrender or run away!

The man and the woman - They barely had anything else to say and both of them broadly kept repeating the same story. They mainly suspected Monu of something but were not able to vocalize things out!

Monu attempted to be calm and offered a friendly smile and said " Hi. Gentleman. What is your name? " Monu paused and smiled. "Let me introduce myself my name is ..... "
The scraggy man interjected"I am everything . I dont want to introduce myself! Who are you?!" with a mean frown

Monu was stunned. The woman interrupted with something mean and the implications were very bad.

But still Monu calmly contintued " ... and I am here having taken a permission and you can ummm... check with your receptionist." Monu looked in the direction of Sweety the receptionist.
The receptionist confirmed with a meek "Yes... Sure but my senior here thinks you are here for a long time.... "

Monu: Its a simple misunderstanding

Usually, this approach works in most cases of conflicts. Monu who has trained students in varios aspects of interpersonal skills thought he could end this on a positive note and leave with everyone smiling.

All the onlookers were now warming up too and thought this stalemate will finally end

But no frowns changed shape on the face of the scraggy man and the mean look woman.

The aggressive duo of the man and the woman continued their verbal diarrhoea.

This continued.

Monu got fed up and said "If you do this he will never come again and can leave the place !"

Changed direction and said "Sweety why would you call me here and make me go through this?!"

Monu was on the verge of breaking down! This was mayhem! Madness! Never has he faced this before!

Now they blocked his way. Monu wanted to leave but now they would not let him go! Monu asked them why!

They demanded to see his i card. The woman yelled " Give us your govt id proof"

They had themselves not introduced not till now and not even later! But they wanted Monu 's govt id card!

This was getting out of hand and Monu thought its uncertain what could happen next! He is alone in a premises full of people. He is getting insulted. There are at last half a dozen mean looking men and about double such women. They could beat him to pulp and do anyhting basically and Monu had no one who could stand by his word!
Moreover its women around and that could complicate matters more!

Monu relented and just tried to flash the card. But the scraggy moustache man now snatched it out of his hand! Monu was aghast! But could have protested but the man or the burly aide could beat Monu to pulp. They were very much capable of that! THe man went on to take a photo of this govt id proof!

Finally, now for the first time the scraggy moustache man's face broke into a slow slight and very mean sly smile! He said to Monu " We dont know who you are. You could steal here. Or you are doing something wrong! Why are you here?! Or you are here just killing time! What are your real intentions!? Tell us! "

He ordered Monu out. He kept pointing at the lift directing Monu to now leave the place. Extremely rudely would be an understatement!

Monu had been totally rattled! He tried to collect his thoughts! He spoke to building security about this incident. They too were shocked! But they couldnt identify the scraggy moustache man.

By now some of the staff of this institute who witnessed the incident but said nothing came down and upon seeing Monu there gave dirty mean looks. Monu felt like something really bad image of his has been created in the minds of these people. They spoke bad things and all the words were within his hearing range.

They even told the building security that this man must be removed!

Monu now left the place on foot. No transport in sight and his mind totally muddled up on what to do next.

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