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It started f 6eme
Flwl bdina kndwiw 3aadi
Aslan we were too innocent at that age ana wyaha
We both never thought abt love wla ay tkhrbi9a haka
So it wad rly beautiful
And it took its time to develop bchwia
And most amazingly it was mutual
And then cuz of a prob tfar9na fsif dyal 6eme
Tfar9na flkher dyal dk l3am to be accurate
It was extremely painful for both of us
But i was mainly the one lighlet
Wakha tahia ghltat cz she didnt fix it
And she could
Wlkin mhm she was too hurt wb3dat wsf
Flbac i did all i could to apologize to her
She never got out of my mind b3da fdak sif
I honestly regretted my mistake and i never thought we would leave each other
I loved her like crazy and was planning to live my life with her
Dkchi lch i apologized to hard to her fbac
And after a lot of difficulty she finally gave me a chance
Wbdina kanrj3u bchwia
Until sif dlbac
There was too many little problems f our personalities
That they didnt match
It's cool how our relationship was developing wlh
Like with her i found out a lot of things bad in my personality
Wtahia she found out more abt herself
And like fsif dlbac we just couldnt handle the differences 7ta bdina kanb3du
Wsf tfareqna agn
7ta jat 1ere Année dprepa tani madwinach ga3
Hia dart ensa
Aslan m3a prepa khasha lkhedma bzf au moins kant katnsini fiha
Wlkin fch ja sif wkmlna 9raya i started missing her agn
And we started talking agn as friends
Wlkin she was too cold fhdretha
Like mabaghach tdwi m3aya f ay haja personal at all
Wdkchi kan kayderni bzf
Howa saraha it's not her mistake
Hia gatlia sf she doesnt want to get in a relationship anymore wlkin i just couldnt get over it
I still had hope
Wzkha kola mra kntfarqu fch kyduz weqt knwli like that girl helped me to discover myself i gotta pay her back
Wknbghi ndwi m3aha agn
Dkchi lch im way too nice m3aha wakha she acts distant with me wkat9m3ni
But agn it's her right
She just sees relationships and friendships differently
Like makat9m3nich ghi rasi ghi hia mab9atch bagha ta7d yt9rb mnha anymore
Wkan derni dkchi bzf fsif dprepa wsf b3dt mnha
Too painful
And then daz 3am
Wt9riban ylh had 3am 2019 ive gotten more firm tana and stronger
Wdwit m3aha
But this time not wanting anything from her
Just wanted to stay friends with her
I accepted the idea that i lost her
Dkchi lch at least i wanna keep a close person to me as a friend
Wba9in kandwiw taldb 😁
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