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See I kind of have my own religious beliefs that center around the spirituality of math (like the Pythagoreans) and that 0 and infinity are one in the same
It's weird and I'll spare you the details lol
Friday 8:51am

How would math contribute to the creation of the universe? I'm curious now.
11 hours ago
What do you mean how? The entire universe is governed by Math. We are a byproduct of a math equation; we must exist because math exists.
6 hours ago


Well how can you believe in an equation that you don't know?
... really?
First of all, you believe in God without knowing him. Second of all, it's like the Higgs Boson. We knew it existed but we didn't know it's mass or other properties, but we knew its existence

I DEFINITELY KNOW GOD. And I'd rather believe in God than a math problem.

Math would explain how we are made, but math cannot physically create life. It's just a concept. If it cannot create, it cannot be a God.
You believe what you believe, I believe what I believe

about an hour ago
By the way Math is not a concept
Math is not a byproduct of the universe
If the universe didn't exist, math still would
That implies math is outside the universe

Still on this I see?

Wouldn't that apply to more than just math?
Such as?

Idk. Music. Physics. Things of the sort.
Which are all fundamentally math
Math is the most pure construct

But it does not create. It proves, and explains.
How does it not create? If you created a perfect simulation of the universe, are the people not real?

The people would be real, because people are real in real life.
Then let's say there was an equation that described the universe. As a byproduct that universe would then exist
And so would the people
The simple act of describing it creates it

That would be like the equivalent to me writing an equation and it coming to life.
No it isn't
What you describe in an equation does exist though
Not in our world though
It creates a new universe

An equation creates a universe?

You already said it does
A computer simulation is just a equation
One long equation

Then what is our purpose in life?

All religions v can answer that
No? Religions deal with how the universe came about

There is no purpose other than the one you propose yourself
That a good enough answer

You don't seem to grasp what religion really is.

What happens when we die?
Religion: a particular system of faith and worship.
What happens when you die is that you live on
You will always exist because there is an equation that describes you

Where in that statement does it say that all religion is is the way the.universe came about?
Fine I was wrong but what I believe still fits under that definition
Just because my religion isn't similar to yours doesn't mean it isn't a religion

A religion is able to answer those questions. What happens when we die. How the earth formed. How we exist. Our life purpose. There isn't any "that's just the way it is" there are always answers.

And you never really established that this was your religion

You said it was the closest thing to it.
When we die we live on. The Earth formed via gravity. We exist because a math equation describes us. Our life purpose is whatever we want it to be


Because 3 of those statements don't make sense

But whatever. said, who am I to judge?

Do what you want.

But this might explain your unhappiness.

Just saying
Wow... you're kind of acting like a bitch. Sorry I don't believe what you believe. Sorry you don't understand what I believe
Stop acting like what I believe is less than what you believe

I don't appreciate the name calling. I never said any of that, so I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth either.

I was referring to your constant arguing with people, and your need to be right.
I didn't call you anything. I said you were acting like one, not that you are one.
I'm the one who needs to be right? Really? You're the one trying to prove my faith is wrong
I have never insulted your faith
But you have insulted mine

You tried telling me that I believe in a God I don't know.
Because I didn't know you talk to God. Most Christians don't

I appreciate the assumption. I'm going to bed.
Wow... okay. Night
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