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bwah i know this is what it would be like in nursing school but i was expecting that, i guess the difference was that i wasn't expecting this idk
im glad youre focusing on you and your family and school though, babs i really am
because youre gonna get into this nursing program and become the beSt nurse ever
and i know its harder to keep in touch over the internet and it always has been but i aint giving up on you and youll always be my babs and my bff and my everything and more
and bwahhhitsokaythatyoudidntcallreally i figured you were just sleepy, i wasnt too upset bwahh
it makes me so happy that you feel real, that youre letting yourself have emotions even if theyre sometimes negative, that youre learning yourself and being yourself and bwahhh itmakesmereallyhappy
you make me a better person too, you really do even if you dont know it
ive grown too, maybe not as visibly but i have and its thanks to you and having you support me and give me confidence and bravery i didnt know i could have
even small things like the friggin rollercoaster
thank y o u lily, for everything and more really

youre so beyond amazing lily and whatever you want and think is right ill follow you
ill never ever stop loving you as much as i do
and you dont have to force yourself to talk to me when youre busy, just when youve got like a free second or something, ill always be here no matter what
youre not tying me down though, not at all, youre really helping me grow so its the opposite
whatever you think is best babs but youre not holding me down or back or keeping me from growing or doing things or anything like that
but i wont make you stay in this if you dont think its the best
for either of us okay, not just for me
youll always be my bff too so dont think you can get away easily >B(

i love you so much lily i really really do and im sorry if this is rambly and stuff
its early for me and i gotta get dressed for walmart ortjhkmrdth
i love you so much lily i really really do and you mean the world to me and no matter what i am gonna be there soon so
bwah i love you

so so so so much

xoxo reese
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Regards; Team

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