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this always shows some of what it says in the beginning when ya send the link and thats embarrassing so heres me hoping that this fills that space please alright idk okay hrmmmmmmM
i miss you lilyy like i really really miss you
and this whole letter is me being selfish okay
i really dont want you to feel bad and i dont want to blame you and i dont want you to apologize or anything
just fyi
okay bwah i really miss you lily
i miss being near you but i also miss talking to you
like we used to ya know
and i know youre busy and i know youre being more social and i waNT you to be more social so please dont stop if youre enjoying it! i just wanted to say whats on my mind i guess i dont know
i love you so much and i really want you to happy and i dont want to lose you but in a way it sort of feels like i am
and i know im not, i know youre not gonna leave and ghost me or anything
and i want youuuu to be busy and social and stufff sopleasedontfeelbad
i just miss talking like we used to i guess
and i know thats selfish
and i know its selfish that i got sad when you didnt call me tonight because you might have been busy or jamming to the radio or i could have called you or something
but i dont know i was waiting and you didnt and idk thats my fault though thats not on you cause you didnt know okay bwah i just wanted to add that in,,
but idk when you forget to say good morning or when you have a day off but you dont really talk to me i just idk i feellllllll forgotten ieojgkmserg but i know youre getting busy with social stuff and now with moving and thats okay
and im always going to be here and ill wait literally all day to talk to you once
i dont want that to stop, i dont wanna lose you, i dont wanna be selfish and like tell you to stop going out and stuff
i want you to be happyyy
and i am happy for you babs i really am even if this makes me sound like im not
its just been gnawing at me and i needed to write it down
please dont feel bad and please dont apologize and please dont blame yourself
because you have a life of your own and i know im not there to be in it and thats okay
imma be there soon but right now youre you and i want you to be you
i love you sosoososooo freaking much lily
more than anyone and anything
and that will never change okay i promise you that
i love you so much its crAZY
and im so happy that youre getting social and that youre gettin out thereee and that youre being you even if its hard sometimes
youre evolvinggg in a good way and im happy to be here for you
i love you so much and i just wanted to get this off my chest okay bwah i love you so much and i miss you and i hope youre sleeping really well and ill talk to you in the morning
i love you i love youuuuuuuuuuu i really love you babs
butimeanifyoueverwanttopleasedontletmestopyou buTTHATISNTWHATTHISISILOVEYOUSOMUCHLILYANDBWAH
i love you and i am in love with you and that will never change
goodnight sunshine <3333

-xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo reese
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Regards; Team

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