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Hi, hope that you are having a good weekend so far.

I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind, if you happen to talk to Brittney, would you ask her what her feelings are concerning me, or if she plans on calling me? The reason I'm asking is because at this point, the only thing that I'm doing is frustrating myself. I made a couple of attempts to call her, and the phone rings, but she never returns the calls. I'm not going to do that anymore.

She sent me a text like the first week of January, saying she was going to bed and would call be back, and I haven't heard from her since. That was about 2 weeks after classes ended. I remember one of your texts said that it wasn't me, but I just don't know if you mean that she isn't upset with me, I just don't know. I feel like on some level it's obvious she has an issue with me, because she won't acknowledge me.

From about mid September through the end of the year, you wouldn't believe me if I told you how many days I spent in the computer lab here at my apartment trying to help out with whatever she needed assistance with. I thought that at the very least, that would mean that once it was over I would be able to hold a conversation with her. A lot of the texts from her were things like we're best friends, I'd do it for you, etc. My biggest frustration is that she never told me that I had done anything wrong. I know that she told you that I kept calling her, but the truth is that I only called her a few times. I believe she was frustrated about something before I texted her, and it just sort of spilled over. I'm trying to make sense of how it can be ok for me to put in any number of hours to help her, but when it's over, if I call her, it is an issue. I honestly don't think that is the problem. But to me, it just says that we need to talk. I don't know if she is gonna call me tomorrow, 2 weeks from now, 3 months from now, no idea, and that is the part that seems unfair. Especially when she didn't even give me any indication that she was gonna cut me off or why. I don't think she would just view me as a resource, that is not something I believe, so I think it's more to it.

The reason I wanted to speak to you was to just make sure that I wasn't being unfair. I feel like if you knew the interaction we had for the last couple months of the year, and how many times I tried to step up when she called on me, you would understand why I'm so frustrated now. Is she upset with me? Would I be out of line for asking for a phone conversation after almost 3 months? I'm about to drive down to NC for a day or 2 just to get away. Just wanted to get your perspective if you have the time. Thanks
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Regards; Team

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