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1.1) Title (Mr. or Mrs.): Mr.
1.2) First name: Alexi
1.3) Last Name: Dabliachev
1.4) Gender: Male
1.5) Date of Birth: July 7, 1989
1.6) Race: Caucasian/Asian
1.7) Nationality: Russian
1.8) What is your background?: Artyom has a PHD in physics along with a masters in bio engineering and a minor in forensic science.

[Section Two: OOC Section]
2.1) Why do you wish to join the Research Division?: I've quite often played as a Class D on the server, and realize that there is a severe lack of scientists I believe, as usually not much would happen for the class D's. Because of this, and because I enjoy the idea of experimenting and doing tests with SCP's, I want to become a scientist.
2.2) Please list relevant skills and qualities that could assist you in becoming a Researcher: I have a level-head along with an inquisitive nature and am usually a creative type which could help me come up with ideas for tests.
2.3) In-game name: Artyom Smirnov
2.4) Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:52080153
2.5) Your Steam Name: Alexandrius Landon
2.6) Do you have any experience in Serious Roleplay?: Yes i've rped on a few servers for military, SCP and warhammer 40K with serious roleplay integrated, to name a few.
2.7) Will you flag down if a member of the Staff Team asks you to?:
2.8) Do you know how and what a /me is? If so, explain and use an example: A /me would be an incharacter action that you are attempting to do.
Ex: /me points at the D class and says "that one will do"
2.9) Do you know what a /roll is, and how it is used with a /me? If so, explain and use an example: A /roll is used when a /me action is against someone else and you want to accomplish it. The two individuals who are involved in the "/me" will both use the /roll command in order to find out who got the higher number. Whoever did accomplishes their action while the other does not. Bonuses can occur for this.
Ex: (person 1)- /me tackles the guard
(person 1)/roll = 70
(person 2)- /me whacks the class D with my rifle
(person 2)/roll = 75
(person 2 successfully whacks the D class with his rifle)
2.10) Have you read the Research Guide?: Yes
2.11) Describe the six different facility codes, including when they are enacted and what you are expected to do during them:
Green= No SCP's breached, Everything running well. Everyone should be doing their designated duties and testing allowed.
Yellow= Low level SCP breach. May test, but must follow orders of all level 3 and above members of MTF and Security divisions.
Orange= Raid on area XYZ by an enemy group is occurring. Researchers report to vault in R wing, if vault inaccessible find another safe area to hide. Halt testing.
Red= Multiple SCP's or a keter class SCP have breached containment. MTF are to enter to handle the situation. Foundation personnel to communicate and cooperate in order to contain the breached SCP's. Research personnel are to wait an escort to E wing by security personnel. Testing completely halted.
Black= Facility has been entirely compromised and very high threat level. Facility evacuation, staff must stay calm. Security personnel escort research out, All personnel excluding SID and D class, evacuate to MTF field operating base. D class not to be evacuated without request from level 4 official. Alpha warheads detonated after certain period of time, all personnel use communication devices to relay information to eachother. Personnel not involved with containing the SCP's are to make their way to gate A, and the surface.
Lockdown= Portion of the facility has been compromised, usually due to D class breach. unknown anomaly present in specific zone, and unknown anomaly testing. During lockdown, listen to level 3's and/or higher, on where to go during full facility lockdown. Depending on situation, should head to LCZ, HCZ or EZ.
2.12) What are the three main SCP classes? Describe them and give examples.
Safe= Safe represents SCP's that are understood by the foundation and can be reliably contained. They may still pose a threat, but they are sufficiently understood and able to be contained. EX: SCP 914
Euclid= Euclid represent's SCP's that are not well understood or are unpredictable, but they are not dangerous enough to be classified as keter. EX: SCP 096
Keter= Object's that pose a serious threat to the foundation and everyone. Unable to be contained sufficiently or mostly at all with currently technology and supplies, and need complex troublesome things to handle. Usually considered most dangerous. EX: SCP 682
2.13) What types of Amnestics are you permitted to use? When should you use them? I am permitted to use Class A's and Class B's but generally as a researcher I use class A Amnestics I believe. I should use them on any surviving class D's after a test.
2.14) A group of CI walk into the Research Wing and point guns at you, telling you to get on the ground. What do you do?
In accordance with fear RP rules I would get on the ground as they tell me, and likely follow whatever orders they say.
2.16) You see an anomalous plush turtle flinging around and it kills a security personnel, what do you do? Keep your distance and observe, inform SID of the location you are in. Make sure to stay far away in an attempt to be safe and wait for them to arrive. Once contained, alert research staff and area management and await further instructions. No testing until a higher ranked individual(research supervisor, head researcher, and/or area management) arrive.
2.17) It is currently a code green and you have no ideas for any tests, what should you do instead? You should/could do routine things such as testing for problems in cells, feeding the SCP's or other such ideas.
2.18) Do you understand that if you are not found testing within a week you will then be demoted? Yes.
Do you understand that if you do not follow the CoC you will be demoted? Yes.
Do you understand that sometimes you will need to be amnesticized? Yes.
Do you understand that disobedience towards your higher-ups could be grounds for demotion? Yes.
2.19) Are you aware that opening SCP CC’s without a proper reason will get you permanently banned from the server? Yes.
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