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Returning from Do Space, the nurse wanted to speak to Johsua Hokamp (JH). On the way back to Harrison, JH wanted to stop at any gas station saying he wanted to see his friend. Staff planed ignored him by changing conversation subject and got him in the house. As soon as they entered the driveway, JH asked staff CK to leave his bag in the car and go inside to call the nurse and return to the hut to see his friends. Staff planed ignore and took the bag saying she had the house's keys in it.

JH talked to the nurse and was not escalated, but as soon as he hung out the phone, he then said, "since he does't want to help me, I'll run away then" and then opened the front door and started walking on the walkway toward Harrison St around 6: 40 pm. Staff followed him and contacted the house manager by 6: 43 pm.

He looked back and saw staff and started running toward 48th st. Right after 48th St and Harrison, he took off his jacket, through it away then started throwing anything he got and the ground (beer bottle, stone dried tree branches...) on staff. Staff went off the walkway each time he through stuffs, to avoid them. He grubbed a big and long dry branch that he tried to bit staff up. he got closer to staff but she didn't run away from him so he turned back and went to break a car door glasses near 45th ST.

The car owner and his wife came out very furious and was looking screaming asking his wife to bring his gun. Then then grubbed a big car part that he wanted to bit JH up with both of his hand. Staff intervened between them with hand up to explained things to him and that it will be taken care of JH dropped on the ground with his hand on his back but the man still wanted to hit him. He was so upset that he didn't wanted to listening to staff. after about 2 minutes a second staff KL came from the house with his protocol bag and helped to calmed down the care owner.

His wife called the police and a few minutes the house supervisor arrived and took care of the situation until 2 polices arrived at 7: 15 pm and 2 others by 7: 18 pm. The cops drove him back to the house by 7: 50 pm. At 8: 50 pm, the crisis response arrived in front of the house. He stayed in the police car and the house manager stayed out with them until around 9: 20 pm then came to the house.

He sat on the couch, crying. He tried to attack his roommate when she was going to her room. Staffs, and the manager intervened and used ESPI from 9: 31pm to 9: 33 pm as he tried to assault. 9:36 pm, JH tried choking himself and then began stomping on the ground over and over. He went into his room after a few minutes and he had a lot of clothes on the ground. The manager wanted him to lock them away but he didn't wanted to. He tried again to assault manager when he was removing the clothes away. He was put under ESPI again from 9: 47 pm to 9: 48 pm. His clothes were removed and locked in another room.

Around 10 pm, he started deescalated. and wanted to take shower, what he didn't do. He took his night medication later with the nurse approval. And asked for ibuprofen for his headache. He finally went to bed around 11 pm until the shift ended.
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