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So, in summary, for just this little section.
Let me say that there's three principles
of marketing that I've discussed.
and this is the essence of what marketing
The first principle is, if you want to
something to a customer, to a buyer, and
them to buy from you rather than the
you've got to give them real, geniune
customer value.
That's the principle of customer value.
The second principle is the principle of
You have to provide customer value to that
customer, what the
customer wants, but you have to do it
better than the competition.
So you have to differentiate your
And the third principle is the principle
of segmentation, targeting and positioning
says, when you're
in a customer focused market, you cannot
value to everybody and make money, it's
too difficult to do.
So what you do is segment the market into
different segments.
You target or choose a segment you want to
focus on, and
you position your brand to meet the needs
of that target segment.
And what are the tools that you use to
deliver these three marketing principles?
They're the four P's of marketing.
The four P's of marketing are product,
place, promotion, and
Let's go back to that exchange, and that
exchange says, you have a buyer and a
What the seller puts into the exchange, is
the product.
What the buyer puts into the exchange is
the price.
The way the seller communicates the
benefits about
that product to the buyer is called the
Could be advertising, sales, whatever.
And the way the seller
delivers the product to the customer, is
the place decision.
It can be in a physical store.
It can be online.
It can be through, downloading.
Whatever the method of distribution is,
that's the place decision.
So those are the four P's of marketing,
product, place, promotion and price.
Typically when you talk about marketing,
you talk about the business world.
But you can use these principles of
marketing in non-profit marketing
as well.
Think about blood donation.
The American Red Cross used marketing
principles to get increased in blood
Now, let's think about, what is the
product for
The American Red Cross when they want more
It's not blood, is it?
Because, that's not what they're putting
into the exchange.
Blood is actually the price.
It's what the customer puts into the
So what is the product?
What the American Red Cross did was try to
figure out
ways to get people to be more willing to
donate more blood.
So in one way they did, you know,
feel good about yourself, you're going to
help save lives.
That worked for some people.
For some people, that wasn't enough.
They needed a little sticker that said,
I s, gave blood today and I saved lives.
For other people, the orange juice and the
cookies were enough.
And it turned out
that some of the best blood donation
successes they had were in high schools.
You can give but, blood donations I think
if you're
over 16, and it turned out what, one of
the products
that the American Red Cross could give to
high school
kids to give blood, was to allow them to
miss class.
So that was the product there.
The promotion again is the way they
communicate the benefits of giving blood
the American Red Cross, and the place
decision was how they got the product
delivered to the, and the exchange made
and in this case the
American Red Cross had the blood mobile
and, and went to the customer.
So that was a very innovative,
distribution decision.
So, you can play around with these four
P's in very interesting ways.
And, some of the new businesses that we
see now
are doing some very clever things with
these four P's.
But, the basic concept should be clear
place, promotion, and price.
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