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The project was proposed by Woodlands University College (WUC), wanted their system to be upgraded into computerized system from clerical system for the computing degree course. We figured out how to comprehend the project and finish it in an effective and easy as the University wants. To understand the project in detail we tried communicating with some of the members of the organization to know what and how actually they want the project to be. After interview and understanding, our team started planning for further implementation. We also analysed the main aims and objectives and started working on design part. We also compared different blackboard software to avoid the negative part and to implement the positive part in our system. We started working on backend of our software for database and server citing.

1.1. Background
Woodland University College (WUC) is a small higher education institute offering wide range of courses. Dr. Simon White is the leader of the computing department. Basically, the university is running its course management system clerically and want to change their system in computerized based system as it is creating more difficulties in handling all the management. In clerical system there was difficulties in storing records of students in previous system. The main aim of this project was to develop a system that is more reliable to use for students, teachers and staffs to keep records. In this system there is separate access for every faculties . Tutor have access to check assignments reports, update results, feedbacks about students works, upload lectures materials and lab tutorials for every class. In this system administrator have access to add tutors, modules, faculties and staff. Whereas students have access to download lab and lectures materials, download assignments brief and files uploaded by tutors. Student have access to submit their assignments going through each module. Students can get feedbacks and results personally uploaded by tutor. There is notifications for every changes made by tutor in this system. The administrator have access to see results assign tutor to every modules administrator can enroll students in every modules they have to study for every faculty. The courses module is displayed in students interface. Student can go through every modules they have enrolled in to see every activities in that module like results about that module feedbacks on assignments useful resources regarding that module.

1.1.1. Problems
The existing system is going through a lot of problems this why the university hired us in order to change system and make it easier to handle the documents. As it is paper based system it is more difficult in passing the information among the students.
This project was implemented by using PHP language and MySQL database which is secured and effective for web application. We have used the guidelines as instructed by administrator. The developed application is more effective and userfriendly to operate for any users. There is different portals for administrator tutor and students, where administrator can add module leaders, staff etc . Tutors have previledge to add lectures, assignments, grades, attendence, feedbacks for their work. Students have previledge to download lecture slides, assignments, assignment submission, student get notifiaction for every update regarding their modules assignments deadline , grades. Programmers have designed the software so effectively that every tutor, student and adminitrator get logged in by their unique id and password and every users of this system gets a unique id/username and password for login.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

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Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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