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I accepted Christ (got baptized) my freshman year of undergrad. I was going to get baptized senior year of high school but things didn't really work out. There actually weren't that many huge moments of spiritual realization but rather it was a long process of getting to understand who God is and what having a relationship with Him is like. My home church was not a very conducive environment spiritually, but through things like retreats and coming to HMCC I really came to know Christ more. My first altar call was during sophomore year of high school I think. That was the point where I learned that God does not want our deeds but rather a relationship with Him.

Past: One of the biggest challenges I've ever faced is figuring out the person I wanna be - basically my identity. What I'm doing with my undergrad years and career wise, the type of person I wanna become, and the things I wanna do.

Present: I think my biggest issue in growing right now is not knowing who to turn to when I have struggles / being transparent with people. I know we joke around a lot about self-sufficiency but I think it's really easy for me to hide things or leave stuff unresolved, so I guess accountability is something that I hope to grow in. School is really hard, classes are a lot harder than I thought they'd be, and I'm not doing so well.

Future: 5 years from now, I want to be rooted in my faith that I don't need to rely on community to keep me accountable for growing in my faith. I also would like to be rooted in the word more. Physically, I still hope to be in good health, that would be really nice. Emotionally, I want to be a more patient person. Relationally, I want to learn how to take my relationships with people beyond surface level and get to know them better. Prayer that I would be able to live a new life in Christ would be nice.
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