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aqua, aquae- water
natua- sailor
unda- wave
equus, equui- horse
lectus- couch
agmen, pompa, pompam- procession
litus- seashore
mare- sea
principes, princeps- chief, chieftain
alius- other, another
miser- miserable, wretched
commodus- convenient
etiam- even
lente- slowly
debeo, debēre, debui, debuts- to owe, ought
teneo, tenēre, tenui, tenuitus- to hold
claudo, claudere, clausi, clauditus- to shut, block
vincō, vincere, vicī, vinitus- to win
redeō, redire, reduii, redites- to return
impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus- to delay, hinder
longissimum- very long
in prima parte- in the forefront, in the first part
virgas, virga- rod, stick
praecursores, praecursor- forerunner
equitabant, equitare- ride
flores, flos- flower (M)
emovere- move, clear away
fossas, fossa- ditch
desiluerunt, desilire- jump down
impavidi, impavidus- fearless
plaustrum- wagon, cart
movere- move
rotam, rota- wheel
antes- before
deicitie- throw
resistant, resistere- resist
cachinnans- laughing, cackling
molestissimi, molestus- troublesome
caerimonia- ceremony
illi- they
sermones, sermo- conversation
inter se- among themselves, with each other
effigies cerata- wax image
bona- good
sacredotes, sacerdotal- priest
victimas, victima- victim
agnus- lamb
rogus- pyre
facem, fax- torch
liquabant, liquor- melt
aquila- eagle
evolavit, evolare- fly out
animus- soul, spirit
ludi funebres- funeral games
gentes, gens- tribe
certabant, certare- compete
longius- further
certamen navale- boat race
superbus- arrogant, proud
in mari- in the sea
saxum- rock
meta- turning point
dirigebat- steer
prior- in front of, first
navigare- sail
scopulus- reef
vitare- avoid
incurrit- run onto, collide
inter- meanwhile
ingens- huge
iam- already, now
periculosum- dangerous
dextrum- right
abbot- go away
hī- these
mox- soon
superaerunt- overcame, over powered
dei- god
cantabant- was singing
duxit- lead
superbus- survive

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Regards; Team

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