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Judd owns a struggling farm that is not making a lot of money. He wonders if he is doing something wrong and brings in an expert to teach him better methods for running his farm. Judd most likely hired someone who works in

Which job in the Finance career is ideal for a person just out of high school and seeking on-the-job training?
Bank Teller

April is studying finance in college. She wants to enter a career that is expected to experience much growth. Rank the jobs that April is considering, from the least to greatest expected growth.
Teller, Brokerage Clerk, Tax Preparer, Insurance Sales Agent

Which most likely explains the jobs of Lara and Jon?
Lara works as a Plant Scientist and Jon works as a Farmworker.

Which career pathways in the Architecture and Construction career cluster tend to require more physical strength?
Maintenance/Operations and Construction

Which tasks are commonly done by employees in the Energy cluster? Check all that apply.
installing equipment
performing inspections
interpreting technical plans
designing systems

Both Aaria and Justin work with businesses. Aaria tries to sell them packages that will cover their employees in case of injury or illness. Justin helps the businesses to grow their money and assets. Which statement describes their careers?
Aaria is in Insurance Services and Justin is in Business Financial Management.

Which describes which CTSO each student should join?
Eleanor should join FBLA-PBL, Russell should join DECA, Giada should join TSA, and Joe should join FCCLA.

Employees with Government and Public Administration jobs work
in different places based on the job being completed.

Keenan received a number of letters from his constituents complaining that traffic in their city is too congested. He discussed this with Esteban, who researched the traffic patterns the city. Esteban then talked to Guy about the budget for a new freeway through the city. What career pathways are each of these people involved in?
Keenan is in Governance, Esteban is in Planning, and Guy is in Revenue.

Scott really enjoys working with money, including making it grow. He is also a natural leader and would enjoy working with and leading others. Which two career clusters would best fit Scott?
the Finance Cluster and the Business, Management, and Administration Cluster

What to do most careers in Finance deal with?
assets and liabilities

Which career professional would most likely work for an online education company?
Instructional Coordinator

Which skills are most required for someone in Design?
drawing skills, creativity for new ideas, and ability to model large-scale building projects

The Professional Support Services pathway includes workers who
help students learn and succeed in school without providing direct instruction.

Which career path includes the work duties of hiring and managing farm laborers?
a career as a farm labor contractor

Which best describes who employs elected officials?
government and voters

Which best describes the pathways of these three individuals?
Alana works in Food Processing Systems, Louis works in Animal Systems, and Fred works in Environmental Services.

Which tasks are common to all Education and Training career pathways?
communicating with schools and families and enforcing rules that govern behavior

Alice wants to have a portrait painted of her family. What career pathway would be best for Alice to contact?
Visual Arts

The Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources career cluster is a group of careers focused on
plants, animals, natural resources, food production, and food processing.

Monique has held several different positions while attending high school. She has worked in retail sales, as a server at a restaurant, and also as a phone-in customer support representative for a technical company. Which career pathway in the Business, Management, and Administration career cluster would Monique’s experience be best suited for?

Which analogy best represents the relationship between jobs and careers?
A career is like “tools,” and a job is like “a hammer or a screwdriver.”

Jean-Ann works in the finance business. She analyzes insurance applications in order to determine the level of risk involved in insuring the applicant, then decides whether or not to insure them. Jean-Ann works as
an Insurance Underwriter.

Which best compares and contrasts the Printing Technology and Telecommunication careers pathways?
Both careers focus on technology; however, Telecommunications specialists often travel to customer sites.

Jaime works as a Power Plant Manager. What are some tasks that he may be involved in?
designing systems, scheduling projects, and supervising workers

Which job in the Finance career would be best for someone who had knowledge of banking and credit systems and the ability to repetitively process transactions?
Accounts Clerk

Which career professional would be considered part of the Human Resources pathway of the Business, Management, and Administration career cluster?
Labor Relations Specialist

Dean is taking a personal assessment and notices that many of his interests involve the reading and creation of language arts and poetry. What career cluster will the assessment most likely indicate to be fitting for Dean?
Art and Performance

Jacob wants to be a Steamfitter. He just finished his associate’s degree. Which best describes what he should do next?
Do a three- to five-year apprenticeship.

Grace is a very ethical person and is good at her job. She works hard and always stays long hours at her office in Washington DC. Grace has worked her job diligently for the last four years, but has now lost it and needs to look for something else to do. She is not worried, however, because this is typical for her career and has happened to her before. What most likely describes why Grace lost her job?
Grace was appointed to her job by a political party that was no longer in power.

Which describes the reasons each applicant is valued by the company?
They like Donna and Faith’s values, Emilio’s experience, and Abby’s abilities.

A qualification for someone working in Natural Resource Systems might be
coordination and dexterity, for lifting objects while logging or mining.

Which jobs do Steve and Devan perform?
Steve is an Agrigultural Equipment Operator and Devan is a Service Technician.

Lina wants to be a lawyer for her future career. Which extracurricular activity would be the most helpful?
speech and debate

Tony works as a Sorter in a processing factory. Which qualifications does he most likely have?
safety skills, for handling tools and food products, and honesty, for following rules and regulations

Based on the degrees usually required by Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, what are most likely the jobs held by these three employees?
Prisha is a Farm and Management Advisor, Amos is a Forester, and Deliah is an Equipment Operator.

Developing creative ideas to express in artwork and using art and design skills to create artwork are part of
a visual arts career.

Lenny loves physics and math. In which Energy career pathway would these interests be the most helpful?

Which career pathway should Hunter purse to find these tasks?
Energy Distribution

Juliet spends her day making copies for instructors, filing information for the dean, and recording minutes from meetings. Juliet most likely works in
Administrative Support.

Nami is very good at research, is skilled at developing instructional materials, and knows about libraries and information systems. Which career would be best for Nami?
Professional Support Services

Which best describes the relationship between the Governance pathway and the Regulation pathway?
The Governance pathway makes many of the laws that the Regulation pathway enforces.

Finance is best defined as
the management of money and things that are worth money.

The Architecture and Construction career cluster is a group of careers focused on
designing, constructing, and maintaining buildings and other structures.

Which best describes the pathway of each individual?
Alethea and Norma are in Maintenance/Operations, and Emmett is in Construction.

Kasen just completed his second year of college in education. He is not sure if this is the best career choice for him. He wants to get some work experience, and so he takes a leave of absence from school. Which job in education would he most likely be qualified for without a completed bachelor’s degree?
Preschool Teacher

Guilles is a school administrator. He is talking to board members about the need for five more teachers to be added to the faculty in the next two years. He showed the board a prospective budget and tried to convince them of the importance of his plan. Which best lists the skills and knowledge he used to run his meeting?
long-term planning skills, skills in math and finance, and a friendly attitude for giving presentations

Sydney worked as an Urban Planner before switching to City Court Clerk. What most likely remained the same despite the job change?
her employer

Zelda’s day consists of checking her e-mail, holding meetings, and organizing and reviewing text. Which Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication career pathway is Zelda working in?
Journalism: a career that reports information to the public

Which Finance career pathway includes helping people create and manage budgets and calculate taxes?
Financial and Investment Planning

A personal assessment can point a person in the direction of a particular career cluster. What best describes a career cluster?
a group of related careers

A student studying architecture must already have a bachelor’s degree in order to begin studying for
a master’s degree.

Which pathway includes the most self-employed workers?
Financial and Investment Planning

Damaris is a member of AASA. What did she most likely learn from a meeting she recently went to?
there is a conference for school principals coming to town

Which job in education typically requires the highest possible level of education?
School Psychologists

Which career professional sets up, runs, and maintains equipment such as lights?
Video Equipment Technician

Which employees work directly with customers, helping them make deposits and withdrawals?
Bank Teller

Hector spent the last three months on a winter fishing boat in Alaska. He was doing research on population levels of fish for conservation efforts. Hector most likely works in
Natural Resource Systems.

Which diagram(s) represent(s) how life roles can affect careers and lifestyles?
diagram I, II, and III

Ernesto excels at mathematics and has a keen eye for analyzing information. He is also a skilled communicator and does an excellent job explaining things to other people. Ernesto enjoys using the computer to generate reports to summarize his findings. Which is most likely Ernesto’s job title?
Business Analyst

Which of the following careers are most likely to involve regular travel? Check all that apply.
oil drilling
electrical power-line installation

Shirine has been debating between two career pathways in finance. She creates a Venn diagram to compare the two careers. In a Venn diagram, the separate circles contain characteristics unique to each item being compared and the intersection contains characteristics that are common to both items being compared. This is the Venn diagram that Shirine creates:
Title 1 should be Banking Career Pathway, and Title 2 should be Investment Career Pathway

Which career pathway does Fran most likely work in based on these tasks?
Energy Transmission

Bailey is an Investment Planner. Which skills does she most likely have?
skills in research and critical thinking

Betsy loves her job. On a daily basis she problem-solves and uses her creative side to fix situations centered around setting up and testing technical equipment on a TV set. Which kind of career professional is Betsy?
A/V Specialist

Hunter has always been great at math. He has an accounting degree and wants to work for the federal government in the Governance and Public Administration career cluster. Which government agency should Hunter apply to?
Internal Revenue Service

Manuel operates equipment that moves natural gas through pipelines. Manuel is a
Gas Compressor.

Which are possible employers in the Financial career cluster? Check ALL that apply.
private company
nonprofit organization
stock market

Reeve is a Landscape Architect. Which series of tasks would he be responsible for?
creating models and estimating materials needed

Which career is best suited for people who have a high school diploma?
administration and information support

In a college-level course, Mrs. Smith gives the lectures, sets the due dates, and is the expert on the material. Mr. Doe helps grade papers, offers tutoring sessions for the students, and attends the lectures. Which best describes the two instructors?
Mrs. Smith is a postsecondary teacher, and Mr. Doe is a teaching assistant.

Priya has held several different positions within the same company. She has been an Assistant to the Marketing Manager, a Sales Representative, and a Budget Analyst. Priya is being considered for a promotion at her place of employment. Based on her prior experience, which would be the most likely position for Priya to be promoted to?
Marketing Manager

Which career pathway is expected to have a growth rate that is average or below?
Visual Arts

Which career cluster is the job of Elementary School Principal most likely a part of?
the Education and Training cluster

Marta is interviewing candidates for a position in the Human Resources department at her company. She is deciding who to interview by going through resumés and looking at the subject areas in which each candidate studied. Which four candidates would be the best choice for Marta to interview?
Marisol, who studied communications and business

Which applicant would be best suited for an operation research analyst?
applicant 2

Which sentence best describes the entire Energy career cluster?
Energy careers involve the generation, transmission, and distribution of energy that can be used for power.

Which career pathway involves the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and National Guard?
National Security

Fiona teaches sophomore geometry and senior calculus. Fiona is a
High School Teacher.

In some arts, A/V technology, and communication careers, workers participate in apprenticeships. Why are apprenticeships useful?
They allow new workers to get job experience.

Which lists the amount of education required for the Government and Public Administration careers from least to greatest?
Meter Reader, Army Officer, Legislator, Urban Planning Specialist

Which analyst position analyzes information using mathematical models to help business managers make decisions?
Operations Research Analyst

Melissa is very good at her Revenue job. Which skills does Melissa most likely have?
performing specialized work to support an embassy

Which best describes the similarity and differences between the Construction pathway and the Maintenance/Operations pathway?
Both rely on physical strength and dexterity, but Maintenance/Operations focuses more on identifying problems and repairing them.

Which of the following is a general two-year college-level degree?
an associate's degree

Which scenario shows an employee working in the Business Financial Management and Accounting pathway?
Arturo creates a report showing the company’s expenditures for the quarter.

Driving skills are a basic qualification of
Mail Carriers.

A person who is skilled at performing calculations, has math skills for advanced analysis, and has organizational skills would be best suited to work as
a credit analyst.

Which job in the Finance career pathway typically has one of the lowest levels of schooling?
Credit Checker
Kiona is in fifth grade and goes to a private school. Liam is in his second year at college at a public university. Ava is a senior at a private university. Asher is in high school at a private school. Which best ranks the individuals based on cost from most to least?
Ava first kiona last
What would be a mistake for Levi after taking the personal assessment?
giving up on being a lawyer
Nellie has an idea for a new shopping plaza for the local community. Which two professionals would she most likely interact with if she needs to get approval for her business?
an Urban Planner and a Licensing Examiner

Which is most often a cause for a change in career or lifestyle?
adjustments in life roles

What career is Rodney training for?
Foreign Service Officer

Which workplace is run by a local government?
a public library
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