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When I see ur face u make me smile I just start daydreaming thinking about us and things but It might not do the same for u I love u Crystal Sofia Rios love is a strong word but I mean it with my heart and I love u I FUCKING LOVE U like I putting effort in saying I love u and u probably dont feel it but I really mean it and I have a lot of strong feelings for u I never had feeling for a girl like this and it's scary what life might take us It can take us in different directions but I wanna spend my time with u talking playing fortnite anything because anything can happen u can stop talking to me but Im just saying I wanna love u forever I dont wanna give up my chance to ever stop loving u I care for u a lot i know u dont like telling me things because u dont wanna see me sad but I wanna know I want u to open up part of being in a relationship is to open up I might get sad but at least i can try to make u happy and me telling u this saying i love u can give u an idea of i dont feel the same way or blah blah blah and that's when some girls move away but It matters to me if u dont feel the same way but if u read all of this then u know that i sincerely love u and I'm saying it a lot because I do and ur probably sleeping now but when u wake up and read this goodmorning or good afternoon but yeah I had to get this off my chest there is more to talk about like ur really beautiful and I mean it ur sexy in ur own way even tho u say ur not but u are and how I wanna see ur face every day because it make me smile and happy I dont mean to ever hurt u but part of being in relationships or being friends is ur gonna get hurt even if u dont mean it and I sincerely dont mean to but it's that part of life when both of us have to go through it I also wanna make u happy when ur in a bad mood and when ur happy I wanna see u smile but u dont have to reply with a whole paragraph back because at of nowhere I had to tell u how I feel so if u have readed all of this then u know that my favorite number is 21 that u love takis u hate bananas u love jolly rancher and more stuff that I know but that u are my bestfriends even tho I want to be more than friends with u I wanna get to know u more and I mean a lot more I love u Crystal Sofia Rios and yeah I had to get this off my chest goodnight but when u read this goodmorning I'm probably gonna be sleeping when u do read this
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