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* Created by
* ziskajClanky means get articles

//Kód, ktorý sa vykoná pri načítaní skriptu:
//Code executed after loading this script:

//Počet naraz zobrazených článkov
//Number of articles per one page
var articlesPerPage=2;

//Doménové meno servera s databázou článkov
//Domain name of the server with the article database
var server="";

//Výpis prvých článkov a vytvorenie navigačného panela
//Write first articlesPerPage articles to html and create a navigation part
writeArticles2Html(0, articlesPerPage, server, 'clanky', 'navigacia');


* Vráti HTML kód pre navigačnú časť stránky
* @param startIndex - index prvého zo zobrazených článkov
* @param articlesCount - počet vypísaných článkov
* @param articlesTotalCount - celkový počet článkov v databáze servra
* @returns {string} - HTML kód pre navigačnú časť stránky

* Creates and returns HTML code for the navigation part of the page
* @param startIndex - index of the first of the displayed articles
* @param articlesCount - number of displayed articles
* @param articlesTotalCount - total count of articles in the server database
* @returns {string} - HTML code for the navigation part of the page


function navHtml(startIndex, articlesCount, articlesTotalCount){
var htmlKod="";
htmlKod+="<hr> ";
htmlKod+="Vypisujem články "+(startIndex+1)+" až "+(startIndex+articlesCount)+" z "+ articlesTotalCount +" článkov. <br />";
htmlKod+="(Displaying articles "+(startIndex+1)+" to "+(startIndex+articlesCount)+" from "+ articlesTotalCount +" articles.) <br /> <br />";

htmlKod+=" <button onclick="writeArticles2Html("+startIndex+
", articlesPerPage, server, 'clanky', 'navigacia')">" +
"NaÄŤĂ­taj znova / Reload</button>";
return htmlKod;

* Vráti HTML kód so zoznamom článkov, získaného z objektu articles
* @param articles - JSON objekt s článkami
* @returns {string} - HTML kód pre časť stránky s článkami
* Creates and returns HTML code with the list of articles, obtained from the object articles
* @param articles - JSON object with articles
* @returns {string} - HTML code with the list of articles
function articlesHtml(articles){
var count;
var htmlKod="";
if(count=articles.articles.length){ //ak su nejake clanky (if there are some articles)
for(var i=0; i<count; i++)
htmlKod+="<p>"+articles.articles[i].author+": "+articles.articles[i].title+" </p>";
return htmlKod;

* Zapíše autorov a názvy článkov do daného html elementu
* @param articles - JSON objekt s článkami
* @param articlesElmId - Id elementu do ktorého sa články majú vypísať
* @param navElmId - Id elementu ktorý má obsahovať navigačné linky
* @param startIndex - index (poradové číslo čláanku od 0) od ktorého sa články vypisujú
* @param max - maximálny počet článkov.
* Writes authors and names of articles to a html element
* @param articles - JSON object with articles
* @param articlesElmId - id of the html element to which the authors and names are written
* @param navElmId - id of the html element with the navigation part
* @param startIndex - index of the first article that is displayed. Articles are indexed from 0.
* @param max - maximum number of the displayed articles.
function JSON2Html(articles, articlesElmId, navElmId, startIndex, max){
var articlesElm=document.getElementById(articlesElmId);
var navElm=document.getElementById(navElmId);
navElm.innerHTML=navHtml(startIndex, articles.articles.length,articles.meta.totalCount);

* otvori dialogove okno s chybovym hlasenim
* @param status - hodnota XMLHttpRequest.status
* Opens a dialog window with an error message
* @param status - value os XMLHttpRequest.status
function errorDialog(status){
window.alert("Chyba pri naÄŤĂ­tanĂ­ Ăşdajov zo servera/Error when reading server data.nStatus= "+status);

* Vykona XMLHttpRequest GET ziadost a spracuje odpoved v podobe objektu ziskaneho z odpovede v JSON formate.
* Tato verzia je funkcna aj pre starsie prehliadace (IE 5, 6)
* (povodny kod prevzaty z:
* @param url - URL ziadosti
* @param successHandler - funkcia, ktora spracuje objekt data, ziskany z odpovede v JSON formate.
* Tento objekt by mal byt parametrom funkcie
* @param errorHandler - funkcia, ktora sa vola, ked dojde k chybe.
* Jej parametrom by malo byt cislo so statusom odpovede
* Executes XMLHttpRequest GET request and processes the response in the form of an object in the JSON format.
* This version also works with old browsers (IE 5, 6)
* (based on the code from:
* @param url - URL of the request
* @param successHandler - function, which processes the data object, obtained from the response in the JSON format.
* This object is the parameter of that function
* @param errorHandler - function, which is called when error occurs.
* Its parameter is the error status number
function getJSONAllBr(url, successHandler, errorHandler){

var xhr = typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined'
? new XMLHttpRequest()
: new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { //alternativne mozem pouzit (alternatively we can use) xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",funkcia, false),
// ale tu je pouzita anonymna funkcia a bolo by to iba neprehladnejsie (but here we use an anonymous function)
var status;
var data;
if (xhr.readyState === 4) { // DONE, alternativne sa da pouzit (alternatively we can use) XMLHttpRequest.DONE
status = xhr.status;
if (status === 200) { //uspesne vybavena poziadavka (succesfully processed request)
data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
successHandler && successHandler(data);
} else {
errorHandler && errorHandler(status);

* Zapíše údaje o článkoch do elementu s id articlesElmId a HTML kód navigácie do elementu s id navElmId
* @param startIndex - index (poradové číslo čláanku od 0) od ktorého sa články vypisujú
* @param max - maximálny počet článkov.
* @param server - doménové meno servera odkiaľ sa majú údaje stiahnuť.
* @param articlesElmId - Id elementu do ktorého sa články majú vypísať
* @param navElmId - Id elementu ktorý má obsahovať navigačné linky
* Writes article data to the element with id=articlesElmId and HTML code for the navigation part to the element with id=navElmId
* @param startIndex - index of the first article that is displayed. Articles are indexed from 0
* @param max - maximum number of the displayed articles
* @param server - domain name of the server with the article database
* @param articlesElmId - id of the html element to which the authors and names of the articles are written
* @param navElmId - id of the html element with the navigation part
function writeArticles2Html(startIndex, max, server, articlesElmId, navElmId){
var restURL ="http://"+server+"/api/article/?max="+max+"&offset="+startIndex;
function(JSONObj){JSON2Html(JSONObj, articlesElmId, navElmId, startIndex, max)},
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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