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Няма значение че в началото не са into me

You seem like ... good girl,

You look x

I feel like you .., just get me,can talk to you for hours, i can make fun of you and you just love it

Ti si mnogo zabaven chovek, naistina interesen mnogo losho che si niska za men

Kogato otloji sreshtata za dr sedmica - Sorry that doesnt work for me

Kogato fleikva - i aint even mad

Kakto si govorq sreshtu neq i se edno govori neshto interesno i po sredata na razgovora se obrushtam na dr strana za 5-6sec i se obrushtam pak

Make fun of her,tease her,act desistrested, nikoga nqma da se poluchi mejdu nas, ignore her

Hey trouble, Hey cutie, ola chika - opener chat

Като каже че не може - ЛОЛ - чат

Im going here.. come with me

Get specific and take action and then keep going and trust the process.

Hey, do you know top traffic sources,places or geos they are targeting

Change your standards - internaly and fizicly - nai vajnoto promeni s koi se vijdash seki den - 10k mounth with fb groups

Ot kudeto i da e tq FK na tva mqsto - mrazq go tva mqsto

Tochno predi da q celunesh i q pitai - o dano da ne te pritiskam mnogo

Predi da pravim seks ako kaje che iska da e po bavno - o ne se pritesnqvai nqma da pravim nishto s koeto se chustvash nekomfortno
ili - ne se pritesnqvai shte go karame bavno i si prodaljavash

Ako e pozitivno zaduljitelno da sledva negativno ili obratnoto:

O az si misleh che te obicham dokato ti ne napravi tova...

O v nachaloto ne bqh siguren za teb ama sega mi izglejdash normalno.

Znaesh taq bluza e neveroqtna ama mnc ne na teb

Az sum zaintriguvan v tozi moment.. az misleh che shte si sladka no skuchna ama znaesh li ti si kato interesna, mlukni az ne se bqh prigotven za tova

Ti si dosta po gotina ot kolkoto ochakvah da si, seriozno az imam niski ochakvaniq ot teb

Znaesh li kvo v momenta obicham kvo nastroenie imash, kara me da se chudq shto ne si seki den taka. - CPA marketing course - PPC site - za reklami

да имате готовност да сте на Вашия път, дори когато другите не се присъединят
да бъде безразлични, независимо дали тя следва или не което е:

Искаш ли да дойдеш в бара sreshty нека да отидем до бара

ТИ си супер яка, обичам те, искам да говоря с теб.

Conversation Topics That Lead To Sex:

Do you enjey the taste of bear. Drinking partying

When was your beer drink

Do you have any Tattoos and pearsings, partying, staying up late

TRAVELING - big one - concidered andventirous .

Koi ti e nai loshiq spomen ot fb/ sait za zapoznantstva

Talking about kissing

What ever she says interpete it like she is doing it to fuck you - primer - govori za kushtata si znachi che iska da me vkara tam da me izchuka
Do you love me - yes, like a friend

Izglejdash mi kato takuv tip momiche koeto znae kvo iska ot jivota si,bori se za nego i da raboti zdravo za nego,motivirano vqrno li e - how to increase likebylity

If you could be anyone and do anything for a week and no one will found yout that you left or you did it who would you be and what would you do

Ако можеше да бъдеш всеки който си поискаш и да правиш всичко квото поискаш за една седмица и никой няма да разбере че си напуснала или си го направила кой ще бъдеш и какво ще направиш

Ела тука малко момиченце - прегъщаш я и я дърпаш - опенър

Момичетата обичат да ги докосвам и обичат да се държа физически с тях

Шит тест означава че иска да види дали съм готин - да може и да съм момиче може и да не съм но не искаш ли само да ме възбудиш малко момиченце не искаш ли гейския ми кур набутан в теб

I like what i am seeing so far,izglejdash dosta interesna do sega,kaji mi poveche za teb
You look like very pretty girl, but im wondering is there something underneet the pretty surfes
I know that you are bussy i am actually on my way to X but tell me one cool thing about you that makes me wanna connect with you via fb,telefon whatevthefk is it

Dont take this the wrong way but i love your style you look quite attractive
If it turn out you are cool we can get merried maybe
Can you cook

хей, не ме оставяй да те прекъсвам
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

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Regards; Team

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