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School. School's pretty boring, at least I'd say so. The work can be pretty easy for me, I don't know about you, though. Anyways, there's one thing that either keeps people up at school or makes people feel horrible at school. Reputation. We all know the three categories of reputation (CP) in a class, even if we never thought about it. Popular, unpopular, and neutral. Popularity is determined by what you do with your friends, how many people you hang out with, and your "role". Roles are not determined by personalities, because if that were the case, everything would be even more complicated! There are roles that can go with all three CPs and ones that can only be put into one or two of them. I'll list all of the ones that can traverse between CPs.
Liked, nerds, intimidating, background person, annoying, teacher's pet, and special.
Liked people can traverse through all CPs even though it is rare that they can be unpopular. That could happen through an event with a very popular person, or if they did something with a very unpopular person. Those events would have the unpopular/popular person to have specific roles though. The popular person would have to be one (or more) of these roles; liked, special, or lucky. The unpopular person would most likely be in the annoying role, but could just be in the unlucky role.
Nerds can also traverse through all CPs. They could be unpopular by how they use their role (annoying), they might also be in the unlucky role, or they could have the teacher's pet role and use that badly as well. They could blend in, having a few friends, thus turning neutral. They could get 'popular' by letting others cheat off of them, specifically popular people. They could also have the lucky role.
Intimidating people could scare people away, so that means they're unpopular. This could also lead to popularity since this does not connect to their personality fully. If a popular person that doesn't have the annoying role or the background role gets dared to talk to them or something, their personality could fix their low reputation. People could also just enjoy having someone intimidating as their friend, which would be connected to the lucky role. People enjoying having someone intimidating as their friend could also lead to the neutral CP if you don't have the lucky role since that brings your chances to popularity higher.
Background people can be either neutral or popular. Being a background person when you are unpopular means you have no friends whatsoever, which is the outcast role (and most likely the unlucky role). Being a background person in neutral means you're in a friend group, but no one really notices you or talks to you. Same thing for being a popular one, but with either more friend groups or a very popular friend group, which is less likely.
Annoying people can either be unpopular or popular. You can already tell how they can be unpopular, but how can they be popular? Bribing is how. Let's say there are some really popular girls who like slime. An annoying person has tons, and will let them play with the slime only if they can hang out together. You might be thinking "How does that make them popular? The popular people don't enjoy the annoying's person company!" That doesn't matter. Have you forgotten what I said in the introduction? Popularity is determined by what you do with your friends, how many people you hang out with, and your "role". The annoying person hangs out with a lot of people, and since they most likely don't have friends, they make it up by hanging out with popular people.
Teacher's pets will usually be either neutral or unpopular. There are rare instances where they are popular, though. They'll usually have the lucky role if they are. Now, they can be neutral by not using their role as a huge advantage. If they make it obvious they're using it as an advantage, teachers (and definitely students) will notice. If a teacher notices, their role is taken away, since it has to do with how the teacher thinks of them. When students notice, the teacher's pet will have a very high chance of unpopularity.
Special people can be any of the CPs. By special, I mean there's something different about them physically. That could also mean that have the intimidating role, which would lower their chances of popularity. This could get others to talk to them more because they're interested, but the chance of that happening goes down every grade. Being neutral gets more and more likely every grade, though.
Now that we're done with those simple roles, I have to say one more thing before I get onto the unpopular CP roles. How these roles affect you depends on your personality, likes, dislikes, and other's personality, likes, and dislikes. For the "certain-CP-only" roles, personalities just affect how severe the role affects you, negatively or positively. In the end, I will show you guys how these roles interact with each other.
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