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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Roleplay.

You: Hey

Stranger: Hey

You: Female here

Stranger: Male here

You: Roles?

Stranger: Down for whatever really

You: Want to do baby sitter and horny teen?

Stranger: Sure, that sounds like it could be fun

You: Okay, which role would you prefer to play

You: ?

Stranger: I mean, Baby sitter sounds a bit more appealing, but I'm willing to do either if you have a preference

You: I'm fine with doing the teen then. Though would you prefer to be dom?

Stranger: I'm sort of middle, but I have no issue being dom

You: I'm chill with whatever your down for man. Want me to start?

Stranger: If you would be willing

You: Sure!

You: I sigh as my mother finishes putting her make up on. "You know I can look after myself, right?" She roles her eyes as she closes her powder. "Now now dear, you know I'd rather have someone with you encase something happened. Anyway, this is a new baby sitter, I'm sure they'll just watch tv and leave you alone." The door bell suddenly rings and she walks over to the door. "That'll be them! Come on, I need to introduce you." Sighing again, I get up and follow her to the door.

Stranger: I wait outside the door, slightly anxious. I tap my foot on the step until I hear the sounds of footsteps approaching the door. I straighten my posture and put on a smile as your mother opens the door. "Hello!" I say, feigning excitement. I look beside her and see you standing there. I question to myself "Does she really need a babysitter?"

You: My mother smiles, "Ah, I'm so glad you could make it!" She shakes your hand before placing her hands on my shoulders, "Now, this is my daughter, Nova. She's a little shy, so if you don't hear much, don't worry, she'll probably be gaming or studying." "M-mom...." I mumble, embarrassed as she sighs and lets go of my shoulders. "Anyway, there's snacks in the fridge and you can use the tv if you like." She steps out before looking to me. "Please behave Nova! I'll be back around midnight!" With that she leaves.

Stranger: I wave and smile at her as she leaves the house. I shut the door behind me and remark, "Nova, that's a pretty neat name. I'm Will." I say, turning to face you. "You don't really look like the type of person who would need a baby sitter, but I guess that makes my life easier." I walk past you and head towards the fridge, pulling out a Diet Coke. "Try not to burn the house down, and leave me alone," I say, sitting down on the couch.

You: Rolling my eyes, I huff. "Yeah, as if any sane person would even want to spend time with a guy who babysits." I head up to my room, and close my door. Once inside, I mumble under my breath. "What was she thinking? Couldn't she have got an old, nice lady to watch me and the house? Or better yet, let me be alone?" A blush slowly fills my cheeks. "Though...He is a little cute..."

Stranger: I chuckle a little bit at your joke, unfazed by the pedophilia innuendo. I flick on the T.V and absentmindedly watch a boring show. I periodically check my phone, looking at the time. When it gets to around 5:40, I get up and walk upstairs. Unsure of which room is yours, I shout "Hey kid! What do you want for food?"

You: When I hear you shout, I sigh and get off of my bed, walking over to my door and open it, before sticking my head out. "I-I can make myself some food...But Pizza would be nice...There's one in the fridge that needs to be put in the oven."

Stranger: I let out a sigh, "Fine..." I say and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and rummage through the fridge until I find the boxed pizza. I take a short look at the instructions, take it out of the box, remove the plastic wrap, and slide it into the oven. "It'll be ready in 15 ish minutes!" I shout upstairs.

You: "Right!" I yell back, before going back into my room. Sitting back on my bed I try my best to study, but keep getting distracted. Soon 15 minutes had passed, so I get up and head downstairs into the kitchen. "Oh, you're still alive? I'm surprised you didn't catch fire. The oven can be a little difficult sometimes." I say it in a tone that you're unsure if I'm joking or not.

Stranger: I smirk, "I'm more than capable enough to work an oven, but I appreciate the concern." I walk over to it and open it slowly, your words actually having an affect on me. I grab an oven mitt and slide it out, setting it down on a large plate. "Give it a bit to cool down," I say and head back over to the couch.

You: "Are you having some?" I ask as I get myself a glass and pour some water into it, before walking into the living room and sitting down at the other side of the couch.

Stranger: I shrug, "Maybe, I don't know." I say and flip through a few channels. I glance over to you and ask "How old are you exactly?"

You: I try not to laugh, "Wait so you took a job without even knowing some basics?" Shaking my head, I turn to face you. My over sized sweater covering most of my body and leggings covering my legs. My hair is tied back into a lose ponytail. "If you have to know, I'm 17, thus why I'd rather not have a baby sitter...How old are you anyway?"

Stranger: I laugh for a bit, the idea of a 17 year old needing a babysitter being comical to me. "I'm 19 and I'm looking after a person who can almost vote!" I shout. I shake my head, wiping away a small tear, "Holy hell, that's comedy."

You: Pouting I glare at you a little. "Alright, haha, it's not that funny ya know!" I go to take a sip of my water, but between being irritated and not concentrating on how I was holding the glass, the water ends up over my sweater. "Ah! Damn it!" Groaning I quickly get up and pull it off. As I do, you realise I have a black tank top on, that is now also wet and is hugging a rather large chest, while my legging seem to cup my bubble butt.

Stranger: I look up as you spill the water and stand up, ready to get some paper towels. I head into the kitchen and when I look back, I can't help but marvel a bit in your beauty. I blush a bit and walk towards you, paper towels in hand. "Uhh, here, use these. Damp, don't rub."

You: Embarrassed, I sigh and take them, pressing carefully as I get most of the water off my skin. After a minute, I look up at you a little. "T....Thanks...But please don't tell my mother? She'll just use it as another reason why I can't be left home alone." I take the used paper towels into the kitchen and place them into the bin, before sitting my jumper in the laundry pile.

Stranger: "Y...Yeah don't worry about it. If she ask's I'll say I dropped some water or something..." I respond. I pull out my phone to check the time, "Umm, the pizza should be good now." I pseudo-shout.

You: I can't help but smile a little, seeming to brighten up a bit. "....Thanks Will, I appreciate the humor." I pick up a pizza cutter before starting to carefully cut it, and put it onto the plates.

Stranger: I walk up next to you and take a plate with two pieces on it. I walk back with it to my seat on the couch and start to eat it slowly, the pizza still warm. "Stuffed crust? Oh hell yeah." I say aloud, my mouth a bit full.

You: "I know right? Best type of pizza!" I say before picking up my plate. "Oh...I'm just gonna eat in my room by the way, enjoy whatever you're watching." With that I head upstairs.

Stranger: "Oh..." I say quietly to myself. I shrug it off and continue to eat while watching T.V. I pull out my phone and scroll a bit through Instagram, checking in on friends.

You: You notice a few are out clubbing or partying. I watch some videos on my laptop while I enjoy my pizza. Once I've eaten it, I decide I better change out of my damp tank top.

Stranger: I set my plate down and head into the downstairs bathroom. I bring my phone with me and the idea of doing "it" pops into my head. I shake that notion away, a little bit ashamed that I even thought about it. I walk back out and decide to look around the home, walking into the laundry room.

You: You notice a pile of laundry sitting, though in a pile you can see some pink,black and blue lacy thongs and a few bras to match. I go into my closet and soon find a comfy t-shirt.

Stranger: I crouch down and look over my shoulder, listening for footsteps. I don't hear any and instinctively reach my hand into the pile, pulling out the black pair. I look at it for a little bit and shove it into my back pocket.

You: Now changed, I feel comfier. I grab my now empty plate and head back downstairs. Pausing, I look around and can't see you. Grinning I quickly put my plate in the kitchen, before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my coat.

Stranger: I stand up and leave the room, only to see the front door being opened. "Where the hell are you going?" I ask, swiftly walking over to you. Before I can get to you, you bolt out of the door and I rush after you.

You: "None of your business!" I yell back, grinning as I run as quickly as I can, taking a sharp left to try and get away quicker. "Shit,you're quicker than I thought!"

You: (Hey any chance we could continue this is a little bit? I've got to run into work, somethings came up.)

Stranger: (Yeah for sure, do you want to do it on Kik?)

You: (Sure, just give me a sec to quickly make an account, I've been meaning to for forever haha)

Stranger: (Lol no worries. When you do, my account is: WillyChilly0 )

You: (Sure thing, honestly haven't had a fun rp in ages! Just hope you're enjoying it as well man.)

Stranger: (I'm having a blast!)

You: (Okay just sent a message! I'll continue as soon as I'm back!)
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