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April 14, 2014

They followed her everywhere,
Those eyes, they were always there.
Watching every single step she took,
They were behind her, always, never missed a look.

They never closed, they would always stare,
Those eyes they were always there.
Hidden in plain sight, with faces so innocent,
They never left her alone, not for a moment.
Her every movement they would trace,
And if she ran, they would give chase,
There was no freedom from them, no escape.
They feasted on her, till there was nothing left to take.

She tried to run away, but she could not dare,
Because those eyes, they were always there.
Those demonic eyes, they hissed at her,
They were hungry, starved, and full of anger.
They silently ate their way through her soul,
They chipped at her armor, left her battered, broken, unwhole.

They clawed at her body, they stripped her bare,
Those eyes, they were always there.
And even when she was alone, she could feel,
Those haunting eyes devouring her like a luscious meal.
They had stolen all her dignity, all her pride,
They left her to cower, cringe, and in the shadows, hide.

Through the darkness they shone, a blood red pair,
Those eyes, they were always there.
Like a wolf silently stalking its prey,
Waiting, calculating, relishing the delay.

Through the shadows the hands at her did tear,
Those eyes, they were always there.
And now the demon emerged, the demon behind those eyes,
It enveloped her, held her down, and smothered her cries.
No one came to help, to save her from the sorrow.
This was it, the end for her, there would be no tomorrow.
They had finally caught up with her,
Stopped staring and reached out their hands to tether.
Her soundless screams echoed in silence,
She was defiled, used, trampled over, erased out of existence.

And now they looked for another victim to ensnare,
Those eyes, they were always, always there.

-- Ramblings of an average mind.

Someone watched her, wake up, walk around, read, write..
Following each step she took, each decision..
Presumably questioning it..
Making her conscious,
Of the fact that she is being evaluated constantly,
She regrets this,
She wants freedom..

From those eyes,
Piercing through her thoughts,
Making her think of the words she said, the actions she took, the pains she faced!

This is all about them, the people, whom she's afraid of
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Regards; Team

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