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Five Neutral Game Tips:
#1: Undershooting/Overshooting Aerials
#2: Using Crouch Cancel
#3: "Fight fire with fire"
#4: Learn more than one solution to one problem
#5: Choose the proper opening hits based on percentage

Fox vs Pika
- Drill grab is strong.
- Pika FH aerials into falling uair is tricky. Careful when trying to punish the landing. Pika also lands into SH uair.
> in general, try catching pika overshooting nair with utilt. shield his ftilt pokes and upsmash OOS/grab.
- Pika's shield generally sucks but shield pressuring isn't useful and risky. Use dtilt to get shield pokes and find times to SH away laser/dash forward grab. When shield gets low and Pika is high %, upsmash/drill grab (jab) is okay.
- Pika's DD nair, if it's not advantageous for you to trade or you can't beat it out... reacting with shield and then rolling behind him is also good.
- tech/spotdodge into shine FH bair
- when u-throw > uair gets SDI'd, he'll land with an uair usually. you can shield > shine or outspace it (difficult) and dtilt)
- (Pika) back throw off ledge > run off fair ... to beat it, shine stall > upb ledge
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