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Halloween of the Demon and the Jinn's Gift

Stewart and Lenny were finishing Halloween decorations when Lenny accidentally dropped a bowl of candy and the candy arranged itself into the form of a pentagram and the bowl shattered into pieces. He accidentally summoned a demon of darkness that bonded with his body and hid itself in him. Lenny was a bit discombobulated but decided it was of little matter and went to get a new bowl. Stewart, hearing the bowl shatter, came in as Lenny left the room. Stewart saw the pentagram and began picking up the pieces. A being of fire came out of the pentagram as it was shifted and asked Stewart why he changed the energy of the universe by summoning him. Stewart told how he had no intention to do so and was simply picking up the candy. The being of fire was intrigued by Stewart's ability to change the energy of the universe so easily and accidentally and touched his hands, endowing him with the power to manipulate energy even further, but without explaining anything. The being of fire disappeared. In the other room, the demon began speaking to Lenny in his mind to get to know his host. They had a nice chat about Lenny's career as a librarian and about what Halloween is. Lenny got a new bowl and Stewart helped him put the candy in it and leave it at the front door. They then left for a party they were invited to. When they arrived they realized there was a lot more drinking than they expected. Stewart had chosen not to drink as a personal choice so he decided to saw hello to some friends. Lenny on the other hand, immediately got involved in a chugging contest with some other friends. The demon was mesmerized by all of the people at the party and all of the costumes. It was difficult to tell what was real. One guy was dressed as a Twix bar, and the demon recognized this to be candy. The demon manifested itself through Lenny by changing Lenny's body into a large tar like substance. Another person saw the change and thought it was an amazing costume that looked like Venom. The demon hosted Lenny picked up the person in a Twix costume and swallowed them whole, then grabbed a beer. No one seemed to notice the event. Lenny, who was experiencing what the demon did, tried to take back control of his body and turn back to his human form but the demon was too powerful to him. It also did not help that Both Lenny and the demon were drunk. Suddenly the lights went out due to an overload of power outlets being used to keep on all the lights. Stewart had been walking back from the bathroom alone and knew he had just walked by the fuse box. In the dark he thought about how he needed light to fix the fuse box and then the veins o his hands started glowing. It kind of freaked him out but he used the light to see to open the fuse box and hit the right levers to restore power. In the meantime, the demon had eaten a few more people in the darkness, and gaining size quickly. It decided to take a break from the meal and digest quickly to apply the energy to its muscles. Stewart had been kind of bored and went looking for Lenny. He yelled Lenny's name, which gave Lenny enough energy to overpower the demon and force back his human form. Only there was a change; he looked pregnant and his gut was very much apparent coming out from beneath his ripping shirt. He looked down at it confused. The demon told him in his mind that it had not finished digesting so he put the rest of the bodies in Lenny's gut. Stewart was quite astonished when he found Lenny. He touched Lenny's massive paunch and oddly was able to feel and analyze the energy flowing through Lenny. He also sensed the foreign energy of the demon. His arms began to glow again and he withdrew his hand. Stewart drove home as Lenny moaned in pain. They had a long night where Lenny was moaning in pain and Stewart could not fall asleep because his eyelids kept glowing. Finally he went into the bathroom and expiriemented. He realized he could change the energy of the temperature in the air, as well as direct the flow of electricity in the house and turn lights on and off. He then thought about wakefulness as energy and approached Lenny. He touched moaning Lenny and changed his energy that caused him to fall asleep immediately. He then felt the energy of his paunch and converted the remaining food into fat and muscle. He sensed the demon inside Lenny and separated their energies until the demon tried to bond with Stewart. Stewart would not have it and trapped the demon's energy into a ball of light. The demon freaked out, escaped the ball and disappeared. The next morning they found that the cat a distended gut and the dog was missing, and that their next door neighbor, Fred had a similar pregnant look, and his family was missing. Lenny could slightly remember a dream about swallowing some people whole and thought it was funny until he looked down and realized his giant paunch was still there. Fred also recalled a dream of pretending to be a werewolf to scare his kids and how the werewolf ate them. Stewart scanned the cat and Fred's energy for the demon but did not find it. They deliberated on whether to call the police to suggest a demon was causing people to eat each other involuntarily. Then they saw a policeman drive by to the next house. they went over to check out what was going on. They then witnessed the policeman begin to convulse on the ground. As a man with a giant gut stumbled out of the house, the policeman got up naturally and swallowed the big man whole. Fred, Lenny and Stewart grimaced. The policeman turned and saw the three standing there and began to run towards them. Stewart decided to run towards the policeman swell. The policeman grabbed Stewart and picked him up to lower him into his mouth. As the policeman's body was in contact with Stewart he sensed the demon's fleeting energy and disconnected it from the policeman. By the time the split was complete only Stewart's feet were visible outside the policeman's mouth. The policeman, coming back to his consciousness began to choke and Fred and Lenny pulled Stewart out. The demon had bonded with Stewart and tried to force Stewart to eat everyone but Stewart recognized the energy and again separated the demon and trapped it in a ball of light. Stewart trust both his hands onto Lenny and Fred's guts and extracted energy from their paunches to harness more energy to fight the demon with. Light and energy swirled all around Stewart and he caused the ball of light trapping the demon to grow so small infinitely crushing the demon and it's power. He thrust the ball into the sky a split the demon as small as an atom to completely destroy it. He accidentally set off an atomic explosion but immediately harnesses the entry from the blast and thrust as much as he could into the electric wires, causing all of the light bulbs in the neighborhood to blow up. Remaining energy he thrust back into Fred and Lenny's guts. Lenny and Fred both looked liked intense gluttons. Stewart was immensely tired after this and fainted. Fred and Lenny helped make the policeman vomit back the previous man it ate. Then they caused Fred to vomit up his family. Stewart woke up and healed the wounds and burns of the victims by arranging the energy of their pain into joy. Lenny walked the tired Stewart home and they snuggled on the couch. Lenny was a lot softer now with such a big belly that it was easy to get comfortable. Fred came over later and asked if Stewart could return his flabby gut back to normal. Stewart took the energy from Fred's gut and put it in his own so he had a store of energy to use if any more demons attacked. The policeman did not know whether to write an honest log or not.
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