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Trainer/ Helper Guide
This trainer/helper guide is designed to show trainers and helpers what to do. Bearing in mind MRs+ can only be a trainer and helper.

Host’s are in charge of the training. They control what is happening, who is training and basically everything. Hosts may supervise if they wish. They also must make sure everything is running smoothly. They are also incharge of music if they wish to put it in.

Co Host
The Co Host is incharge of shouting out trainings, ranking and shouting out when Training has ended. Co Hosts may supervise if they wish. When you are done with your trainee, you must teleport them to the co host to rank them to the correct rank. Co hosts can only be chosen by Hosts.

Trainers are incharge of the trainees and helpers. They lead the trainees while having the helpers by the trainer’s side. The trainer explains the training to the trainees using the help in this guide.

Helpers are the people that train groups but don’t lead them. The helpers help the trainer by listening to him and using this guide to train the trainers. They also take over the trainer if they go afk or leave the game. If the helper is an MR the MR can not train yet.

Spectators only spectate if there is no space for helpers. New MRs may spectate, if they wish, so they can get the jist of training. Anyone who can train- You must help out if there are hardly any helpers. Hotel guests and former staff that are not trainees+ MUST be kicked if they are there for longer than 10 minutes. This is because trainings are for Trainees+ only and they are not allowed to be there. Ensure they are aware of this before kicking them.

Now, Trainers need to copy and paste this for their trainings. When you become the trainer for the trainees you’ll need to use a greeting to greet the trainees. The greeting you will use is this:

Hello everyone! I’m (Insert Name) and I will be your trainer today.

I will have the assistance of my lovely trainers who are (Insert Names).

We all wish you the best of luck. Just remember to use grammar. You all have III Strikes for each piece of grammar you do not use.

Let’s now begin the training.

Theory Test
Hello everyone! I’m (Insert Name) and I will be your trainer today.

I will have the assistance of my lovely trainers who are (Insert Names).
I’d like to welcome you to the theory test.

In this part I will be asking a series of III questions, which I will expect a detail answer in response.
These questions shall be answered in full detail, with Grammar and Punctuation.

I will now begin.

PM This Please
QI: How many Strikes does a Troller get?
QII: If there was a person asking for advice, to what would be the best way to get to your rank, what would it be?
QIII: What would you do if an exploiter joined your game?

Receptionist Test
For this test I or one of my helpers will come up to you and you will share your greeting. Your greeting should be something along the lines of:
“Hey, welcome to Kila Resort! Do it the Kila way! I’m Rosey, how can I help?”
When you are ready simply jump or say “Ready!” once and I or my helpers will come to you.

Any Questions?
Reception Test - Check In
For this test I or one of my helpers will come up to you and ask for a room. You will need to state your greeting. Since we don’t have any tills or a gui to give rooms yet you will need to do *gives room*. When you are ready simply jump once or say “Ready!” and I or one of my helpers shall come to you.

Reception Test - Check out
This test is exactly the same as the one before but instead of checking you will check out. Once again since we don’t have tills please just say *checks out*. You will once again need your greeting. When you are ready please either jump once or say “Ready!”.

In this test, we will be asking you to make food, for us. So that you have a basic understanding.
You will prepare the food easily, it has a name tag above which tells which is which.

For example, the Ice-Cream, you have to go on the cone then go to ice cream and select the flavour.

The rest of the food is easier, just select the food then it will appear. :D

However, If you have a question do not, I repeat do not be afraid. Just ask us and we will point you in the correct direction.

Helpers may now begin!

Troller Test
In this part we will be Testing, how you react, punish and treat a Customer, breaking the Kila rules.

For example, you can give strikes for: Caps abuse, Rude and many more reasons.

After a Troller passes III warnings, either tell a MR+ to kick/ban them, or write on the group wall the situation.

Helpers may now begin!

Whoever has passed please say:
Congrats! You have passed! Do you have any questions?
(If not TP to co host)

Interview Script
Hello and welcome to Interviews!

I am your Host [Username] with my Co-Host [Username] and all of my Helpers!

I am now going to go through the many Rules of the Interview Centre.

I) You will be expected to use Grammar and Punctuation at all times, as we need to look Professional. If you will not use Grammar and Punctuation, it will result in you being Demoted.

II) You will be asked a series of questions, by one of the Interviewee. You will need to answer with full detail, Punctuation and Grammar.

III) You will be given a mark above your name if you pass the question, but you will miss a mark if not. You will need, 5/7 on the questions to pass.

Please stay seated whilst your Interviewer will lead you to your rooms.

Hello my name is [name] and I will be your Interviewer today!

I will ask a series of questions, which you shall answer with correct grammar and punctuation! Anyways lets begin! :D
[You will have to ask the following questions]
I) How did you find Kila Resort?
II) Why would you like a job here at Kila Resort?
III) How could you benefit Kila Resort?
VI) What are your strengths and weaknesses?
VII) Is there anything you would like to say about yourself?

Created by BasilCakie, Vice Chairwoman of Tiki Resort.

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Regards; Team

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