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Please let me tell you something now, i don't need friends because i learned a lesson, i know who friends are and i don't need them at all, i would rather be forever alone!!!
We can't be fake friends at all!
All i was looking for was a true friend, girl that i will date, that will be my true family, that i will talk to all day and all night, that i will be with forever but i give up i just can't anymore...
It is stupid to look for someone who have no life like me i mean there is no one and even if there is a girl like me she would hate me too...
I can't and i don't want to destroy anyone's life just because it will make me feel better and because i will be finally happy...
I am just not fake and selfish like other people...
It would be amazing to have someone like me by my side but yeah sadly that is not even in my dreams possible to happen...
Let me tell you few more things about me now...
First i don't believe in God or anything like that!
I am an Atheist because God is fake and all religions are made of lies!
Religions are stories for little bit bigger kids...
If you are smart you will know what i am talking about and you will agree with me!
I know the real truth about this world and people in it so don't pretend that you are smart you just believe in lies...
I am antisocial because all those fake people i had and i still do have in my life...
If you are smart you will also understand me about this and agree with me...
Yes i had some fake friends but right now i got rid of them all (finally) so yeah, YAY!
Also i don't smoke (i never did), i don't do drugs (i never did that too), i don't drink coffee (i tried but it is yuck!), i do drink and there days i love to get drunk to get away from this world and forget about the pain!
I am done and all i want is to end all of this pain...
I will end this pain because i am just tired of this sick world...
I don't really go out because i just hate it, it sucks and yes i am an introvert...
I hope that at least some know how do i feel because i never had anyone and i never will...
My life came to the end, people say that i am lazy and i won't lie i am but i would rather die then to live alone my whole life and work!
I can't even work because of my physical and mental health anyway...
I hate to work and i won't be anyone's slave!
Yes we are all some kind of slaves and we all work for capitalists so they could live, be rich, enjoy life and all that without any work at all!
We all have to stand up for ourselves and to fight for our freedom!
We can't let things to be like this, we have to change the system!
I am so hurt and i almost everyday cry, sometimes i hug a pillow and imagine that is my true friend and i just start crying...
You don't want to talk me so if you are going to email me think few times before you actually do it!
If someone want to talk to me my email address is [email protected] and i can't really delete skype or hangouts but i am never on there so if you want quick reply use only thing that i actually have...
I hate social media, being social and stuff like those that is just YUCK!
Email me ONLY if you are not fake because i can't help fake people they just can't be changed and they think i am wrong, they try to change me, destroy me and my life even more so no thanks!
Just go find someone fake and forget about me...
If you think that you are wrong and you are ready to change then you can come to me...
Let me just warn you that if there is no reply from me it means i am dead so i am so sorry...
I don't know what am i going to do yet but still i soon have to make a decision and do something and i will see what that will be but yeah if police and social workers don't take my dad out of the house i will have to kill myself before he kills meh...
Bye and thanks...
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