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Daredevil, Director, Heroine, Drag Queen, Psychiatrist, Unlucky Student, Astronomer, Game Designer, Model, Zookeeper, Dollmaker, Painter, Sukeban, DJ, Gardener, Debater

Erik Bjelland-Zookeeper

Ultimate Game Designer-American. Female. 17 Andrea Wilkens. A pretty cool seeming and relaxed person on the surface, who seems to not be really be affected by anything, like water on a duck. Isn't straight up empathetic or sociopathic- is pretty manipulative when it comes to making the odds in her own favor though, and doesn't mind playing dirty in the end. Total scene kid. Pretty smart despite her unassuming apprarance, and really wants to just get out of there in one piece, whether it's on her own or not. Lightly teases people a lot and is incredibly lazy when it comes to work. Would rather play video games then make them, but when she has her mind set on work she'll literally stay up for days at a time to finish it. Doesn't get along with the Ultimate daredevil, but best friends with the Ultimate Director.

Gets killed in the 4th trial, due to being told something that ultimately changed everything for her and managing to find a way to rile up the Ultimate daredevil to kill her, though it's hard to tell if she did this on purpose or not.

Ultimate Gardener. Swedish. 17. Oscar Dahl. A quiet, unassuming guy who's on the timid side. Usually prefers to keep to himself and his plants, and spends a lot of time alone in the greenhouse. Becomes more talkative when it's on the subject of plants. Pretty insecure because his family doesn't approve of what he chose as his job and people usually tease him due to his fragile and timid nature, and easily become affected by insults or gossip directed towards him. Hates seeing people hurt and slowly succumbs to his own depression due to the trauma of the killing games.

Gets pushed over the edge by the Ultimate Psychiatrist and finally kills himself due to something she said to him, not being able to stand the pressure anymore.

Ultimate Daredevil-Swiss. A dude. 18. Pretty much acts like a big tough guy and is pretty headstrong to the point of easily getting provoked into fights, even with Monokuma or his other classmates. Believes in the truth above all and is incredibly blunt and straightforward, and a bit of a dumbass to others feelings and emotions - though overall, a pretty friendly guy with a good heart. Usually hides his accent but reverts back to it when he gets pissed of or flustered. Does not know how to not swear. Talks a lot about his talent in freetime events and how he became a 0 to bigtime. Attention whore.

Gets blackened in the 4th trial due to the murder of the Ultimate Game Designer. He admitted to killing her due to her threatening to harm his friends in order to escape, and decided to act by killing her- which basically was him playing into her arms because of her own manipulation.

Ultimate Director -Japanese. Sen Suzuki. 18 A sweet, unassuming girl at first glance. She tends to come off as nice at first glance with no underlying motives, but is easily very very intelligent. She can edge information out of people without them even realizing it and use a her persona of a "nice girl" to get closer to people. Doesn't like getting touched by anyone and gets unexpectedly freaky if she is too crowded up or touched for too long, to the point of angrily lashing out at them. Pretty empathetic and doesn't seem to care much about the sight of her classmates dead bodies, though usually feigns surprise at least. Underneath her sweet and nice cover, she is a cruel and sadistic individual - she cares for none of her classmates but herself, and has a big self obsession complex, and seems to even laugh if someone is brutally hurt or covered in blood. She doesn't mind stepping on others to get to what she wants, as well as hurting them or their loved ones as well. Isn't afraid of even killing others in the end game.

The mastermind of the killing games. Basically started these killing games more or less as a cold form of amusement, and even lying to the audience that these were all actors instead of her classmates. Basically was planning to make the Ultimate heroine seem like the bad guy in the end and reveal the murders are her fault, and "save" her remaining classmates.

Ultimate Heroine. American. Daphne King. 18 A outgoing, cheerful girl who takes it upon herself to try and help everyone, no matter how little or trivial the problem is. Pretty stubborn and headstrong, and refuses to give up on fighting for her friends. Pretty smart and observanr, but this really doesn't shine through a lot since she literally won't take a moment to stand still even for a few moments. She always has to be kept busy or have some form of distraction, and will usually tap her foot or fidget if she isn't busy. Usually has a slinky or something in her pocket. Is always upholding her reputation of being super nice to people no matter what the circumstances.

One of the survivors.

Ultimate Drag Queen- Austin Walker(or Cherry.) American. 19. How's by female pronouns in drag and male pronouns when he isn't wearing any. Pretty much acts the same in and out of drag; nonchalant, rude, and blunt. Doesn't really care whatever he lives or dies, and isn't afraid of hiding his true feelings about anything or anyone- but usually holds back being blunt when he's in drag. Has genuine fun entertaining others when in drag and sometimes will do this to uplift spirits, though it takes a lot of convincing.

One of the survivors.

Ultimate Psychiatrist. Olivia Fortin. Canadian. 19. An extremely empathetic and nonchalant individual, who doesn't show any hint of showing any real emotions. Can easily pick out a person's weaknesses and strengths just from having a conversation with them, and usually tends to have conversations with her classmates in order to pick out said strengths and weaknesses. Is always very composed and carries herself with a more humble energy, as she usually brushed off her own achievements with ease. Despite her empathy with others, she has no real twists to her. She did become a psychiatrist to help people, and seems to genuinely want to help others, as she rarely ever tells others of the strengths of weaknesses unless needed to. Due to the trauma of the killing games and not being able to help people, as she always wanted to, she begins to gradually break down herself and gets torn between hatred for herself and others.

She has a breakdown and manages to find a way to manipulate someone gradually into killing themself, and she has yet another horrid public breakdown at her trial and confesses to what she did. She is torn between hatred and grief for herself due to what she helped do. Kills the person who was the most weak minded in the games; the Ultimate gardener.

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