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Leveling guide:
1. If you are up to 10 lvl on higher lvl character, you may join to refer-a-friend action where you obtain box with gear, purple mount, companion, inventory 24 slot bag, character slot and retraining token.
You may use my link: or ask another player for it.
2. Events: Remember to check current and incoming events as they can have nice rewards like additional purple mounts. L-> callendar to check, or noticer under minimap.
3. Currently there is active event with additional rewards for new characters.
4. Find a gulid, they have helping boons (Additional stats, or for example lvl) and some quests, on low level for exping probably best is to do daily dungeon quest from Cleric.
5. Do daily random leveling quest for Astral Diamonds (AD, main currency) and for rank 5 enchants to use them as temporary (Do not remove them using gold from items) buyable from Protector Enclave market trader.
5.1 You can refine 100k rAD to AD per account, easiest to obtain them is
6. As you obtain gear with utility slots put in them enchants with xp bonus, for example buyable ^^.
7. Quest chains worth to do (from mid-endgame view):
- Blacklake District up to bag.
- “Benign Order of the Third Eye” campaign next bag.
- Neverdeath area third bag.
- Aquisition Incorporated campaing - pernament Boons with stats, end game rank 14 enchant.
- 21 lvl quest gives some an artifact: Artifact_Recovery, best to take is latern (set bonus works with same artifacts equipped).
- From 26 lvl starts Tyranny_of_Dragons_Campaign, it has daily and weekly quests, for me: do weekly only, unless you have more time to do dailies. Purple mount helps a lot in this campaing, rewards: boons and dungeon keys.
8. Check internet for promo codes/givaways, sometimes there are some (as i write, there is nothing known to me).
9. Neverwinter Unblogged and Neverwinter wiki www pages are nice help.
10. During leveling buy weapons form AH every some lvls unless point 1. And gear with utility slots once to put enchants with xp in them.
11. For leveling by areas: do quests in starting map location, then jump to higher lvl area as you lvl-up enought.
12. Read about mount insygnia powers for your class. Try to obtain 5 mounts with three insygnia bonuses. Temporary you may but two slot mounts (from AH or trader in PE where some are free). Fill them with green and blue insygnias from AH to
13. Applly 70lvl: point 4 to your companion.
60 lvl:
1. Do The_Vault_of_the_Nine to unlock this character class artifact for ALL your characters. (Devoted Cleric artifact has nice active power for some class)
2. Elemental_Evil_Campaign rewards: Boons, questline campaing, start it, exp skipping areas after you lvl-up, then back after Barovia intro quest (lvl70) to finish it easier.
3. 64 lvl: Sharandar Campaign rewards: Boons, start it (even if you want skip it, unlock 1-2 boons then skip rest for some time).
70 lvl:1. Start from "Unwelcoming guests" quest from Neverember for end-game starting gear.
2. Check prices of Moderate Armor and Moderate Weapon Enchants in AH, buy cheapest that is ok for you.
3. Check rings and neck slot with 500 item lvl in ah. Buy some ~3k or their +1 versions for more. Same for items for your companions.
4. In most build cases buy rank 8/9 Bonding Runestones for your companion and same as point 3.
5. Refine Vistani weapon set to blue as tmp.
6. Farm Seals of The Brave & AD & Fazers & Demonic Ichors by daily Random Intermediate Dungeon and Normal Demogorgon multiruns (pm to "LFM n/10 ndemo" in PE).
7. Buy Primal Weapon set for Seals of the brave 1st and refine them to purple, then you may buy armor or rAD.
8. If you obtain new artifact that is ok for your build, refine it to purple or rare with maxed rp in it.
9. Campaing currency like Demonic Ichors can be changed to rAD or other items (usefull maybe only newst campaings) in ]->campaing name->campaing store
10. green, rare and purple enchament stones (for refining) may be farmed in Daily Lair in Dread Ring campaing (except monday & friday), Phantom Fortress is quickest, you may buy additional keys from campaing store, multiples with x2 rp stones event.
11. green and rare stones & marks usually are cheap enought to trying refine items without protection.
12. At 70lvl you gain access to lot amount of campaigns:
13. Skip Storm King's Thunder, The Cloaked Ascendancy and Maze Engine for now.
13.1 For Maze Engine you may obtain buyout from current event.
14. Underdark Campaing-> progress while farming AD at point 6, chances for books needed to progress are poor so it is beter to buy them from AH (~200+65k+5k AD).
15. Dread Ring Campaing -> At least once a week for weekly quest, skip it on monday and friday. With low amount of time to play, force starting boons 1st the jump to starting boons in different campaing. Gauntlet task at max may gives low chance at gmop and smop 1/day.
16. Icewind Dale -> Unlock and do at least 1-2 boons, then continue as you have time. Plan farming correct currency for Boon progress.
17. Chult -> unlock after ~10k ilvl (i started on alt at 9k), for low time do weekly mostly, start from mid tasks (up to Shrines of Ubato, if it unlock Omu) then Boons or Hunts (hunts only on 1 character).
18. Omu -> needs to be unlocked from Chult, start from all mid tasks then boons after chult boons are done.
19. Ravenloft -> do starting quest line after gear quest, if you are weak until unlocking weekly with fireplaces and hunts. Unlock weeklies then boons. Do weeklies then other campaings if you are weak. You may obtain better gear from hunts or campaing store in ] (random gear in packs).
Additional info:
1. Three stat enchants give more summarized stats than 1 and 2 stat enchants. (Some classes like OP and DC may want one stat enchant to max targeted stat).
2. Check what companionts you may want somewhere else.
3. You may check builds from ppl by clicking inspect in rmb menu on their names and inspect companion for your party alies.
4. You may buy ZEN currency for AD, thus it needs to wait around 1,5 month for exhange.
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