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Classical Civ Test TMRW

English Test Notes
Machiavellianism: The prospect of achieving one's goals through the deception and manipulation of others. Macbeth exhibits such traits in his conquest for kingship. He is not afraid of killing others to rise up the ranks. An example of his trait machiavellianism is the killing of king duncan himself. Macbeth knew that his political position allowed for him to cease the title of king if the king died in any circumstance. With this knowledge, and the machiavellian attitudes of his wife, lead to the regicide.

Supernatural occurences within Macbeth:
Three supernatural aspects within macbeth include the dagger, the witches, as well as the ghost of banquo. Two of these three supernatural occurrences are possibly the cause of macbeth's psychosis, but the witches is seen by both macbeth and banquo. The weird sisters seem to be able to control the winds and apparate. These supernatural roles play a big part of the play as the prophecy of the uprising of macbeth, giving him a sense of power that his ego so eagerly needs. It is important to keep into consideration the possibility that these supernatural occurrences are from evil, or satan himself. This would fit into the play since all of the supernatural occurrences have a negative aura. For example, the dagger is a symbol of the death of king duncan, who was a non tyrannical and blissful leader.

Themes within macbeth:

Relationship between cruelty and masculinity
Ambition and how it affects macbeth

Possible questions:
Characterize the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. If the main theme of Macbeth is ambition, whose ambition is the driving force of the play—Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or both?
ANSWER: Ambition is a dangerous characteristic in Macbeth, it results in violence and immoral action. Ambition is seen within both macbeth as well as Lady Macbeth. An example of the ambitiousness of Macbeth is the want and need to kill King Duncan since he was given the prophecy that he would become king by the three witches. A non ambitious, or a non over-ambitious person would not go the extent of regicide and therefore would not reap the consequences that macbeth does. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth shows signs of over ambition when she fuels macbeth into killing several men inlcuded the king and is two gaurds. She states that she is willing to killl king duncan so long as if he didnt look like her father. Whether or not this is true, the ambition of Lady Macbeth is arguably the reason for all of the murders. In the first act, Macbeth shows signs of second guessing himself for whether or not he should kill the king.

Quotes within Macbeth:
"Have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums and dashd the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this."

"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be/ What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; / It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness / To catch the nearest way. / Thou wouldst be great, / Art not without ambition, but without / The illness should attend it."

Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine
This quote, which is spoken by macbeth is a great example of how he regrets the murder of king duncan. He states that his hands will never be cleaned of the blood that resulted from the murder. This is a metaphorical statement about how he has lost his innocence and he will never be able to repent away his sins. The remorse found within Macbeth is a sign that he would not have followed through with the murder of King Duncan if it was not for the forceful manipulation that his wife put unto him.

Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold
Thou hast no speculation in those eyes (3.4)
Macbeth is speaking of the ghost of banquo that he sees. This is not the first time that the reader is presented with one of the hallucinations macbeth has. The psychotic reaction could have possibly be set upon by the great remorse that macbeth has for killing his old friend. Even though he, himself, did not kill banquo, he is the soul cause of the death. Macbeth has a a lot of stress and he is being chased by the demons inside of him. This scene foreshadows the following events of macbeth's future demise, where his demons (macduff) will kill him.

I have given suck, and know
How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me
I would, while it was smiling in my face
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
And dashed the brains out (1.7)
ANSWER: This quote is spoken by Lady Macbeth to her husband, where she explains the importance of truthfulness. She exclaims that she would smash the brains of her baby if she said she would. Spoken word should not be flourished without meaning, and the fact that macbeth was so willingly (in speech) to kill king duncan and then later second guess himself shows a weakness of character. This quote also shows how ruthless Lady Macbeth actually is. She is arguably more dangerous and over ambitious compared to macbeth.

Classical Civilization Test:
Alpha Beta,Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Omicron, Phi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Omega, Chi, Zeta
Package Answers:
1. What was a King?
Throughout most of ancient greek history, monarchies were put in place instead of democratic governments
2. What was the Areopagus?
The Areopagus was a select few rich men that held the upmost power within the government
3. What was an archon?
An archon was a selected member (9) of the Areopagus, they ruled the country but had less power than the areopagus
4. What problems nearly precipitated an economic collapse in Athens preceding
Solon’s reforms?
Due to the government being ruled by the rich, the farmers suffered and they owed tons of debt to their rich counterparts
5. Why was stabilization of the economic condition of the lower classes a necessity
for the future prosperity of Athens?
The stabilization was needed within athens because the poor were getting ready for a possible revolution (a lot more poor people than rich)
6. Why would the Areopagus grant Solon nearly unlimited power to reform the
Solon was given such power even though the rich did not like his ideas because the poor were getting ready to revolt.
7. What economic reforms did Solon implement?
The economic reforms that solon implemented are: only sell olives to other countries, dissolution of all debt and slavery
8. Why did Solon choose olives as the only export?
olives where a very lucrative and easy crop to produce.
9. What political reforms did Solon institute?
Solon split the government up into 4 sections based on welath.
10. What political reforms did Peisistratus implement?
Peisistratus implemented strength within the lower class, to overule the areopgaus
11. What social contributions did Peisistratus effect?
12. What series of major reforms did Cleisthenes employ that would produce
Athenian democracy?
enfranchised all men, established another council with the government and a assembly which could declare war, allowed all people over 30 to sit in council


Questions that are for sure on the test:
How Does the Supernatural effect Macbeth?
Macbeth is effected by the supernatural because he
How does manhood affect the actions macbeth takes
Macbeth affects the actions thta macbeth takes as it makes him the prey of manipulation of Lady Macbeth. She often uses masculinity as a way to put dwon macbeth. Secindly, manhood is synonymous with the cruelty that comes along with violence towards other. it is the norm for men, especially military and nobles to act in a way that is very agressive and violent.

What is Machiavellianism and what are some examples of it in the play?
Machiavellianism is an ideology that can be described by the nned for power and attainment of power as such, by all means necessary.
Macbeth has several st==traits that are in allignemnt with that of the philospher machiavellie. They both believe in violence if it will benfeit the personal cause and aim they want to reach. An example of Macbetb showing such tarits are when

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